Blogs from Southern Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 16


Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand May 8th 2012

Hello all After leaving Kho Phangan we had to do a visa run to Malaysia which gave us another 15 days in Thailand. On returning from Kun Don (border of Thailand and Malaysia) we caught a bus to Krabi where we stayed for the night, a perfect stop over as it had a food market and lots of cheap hostels. The following morning we took a 45 minute long tail boat to Railey beach, although it's mainland Thailand there are no roads to get there which meant no motorbikes or cars when we arrived. Bonus!! Off the boat, we found a cheap place to stay as everywhere had reduced it's prices as it was low season!! Woo hoo!! There were troops of monkeys everywhere in Railey and I made the mistake of feeding one outside of ... read more
Railey South
Beach time at Kata- Rawai
Railey South

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand April 26th 2012

So, it’s been a while since we’ve blogged last, we’ve just been so busy travelling! A lot is new, so I’ll try to make it brief (starting from after the trek): Not much happened for the next two weeks after the trek, due to a terrible stomach bug that hit us both at the same time. Ashley had it worse, though, resulting in a visit to the travel clinic and 4 liters of IV fluids. Being stuck inside the hotel for about a week, we had no choice but to improve our resumes and sit on the rooftop garden of our guesthouse. Ash could only leave for a few hours until she felt dizzy and sick again. By Monday, when we were at the verge of reaching full health, it was too late to explore other ... read more
Our Scuba classroom
Ashley and Koh Tao
Scuba Steve

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand April 26th 2012

Hello all, We left our hotel in Laos at 6am and travelled to the border and crossed at Surat Thani, headed for the airport and caught a flight to Bangkok. When we arrived we thought we could extend our visa for the rest of the time we would be spending in Thailand. We were gutted to find out that you were only granted fifteen days when crosssing by land and therefore, we would have to make two visas runs to stay in Thailand for 5 weeks. After the hiccup we jumped on a tube to Bangkok train station hoping to catch a night train to Chumphon to then catch a ferry. We were told that the train was full so another night bus it was!! We arrived at the ferry port at 4am, the bus driver ... read more
Koh Tao
Kho Phangan
Kho Phangan by night

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand April 25th 2012

Bangkok 25.4.2012 Another early morning wakeup call at 5am to get the bus to Bangkok. We were crammed into a mini-bus to the border, not the VIP coache we were expecting. After about an hour of queuing we were back in Thailand with another mini bus waiting to take us to Bangkok, this time just 4 hours, still crammed in like sardines though. Back to the chaos of Koh San Road! We met up with Gennigan (Finnigan and Genna) and had a catch up over a few beers. Nice to have our own friends. We then went up to the roof top pool for a dip and a few drinks, where we met up with one of Genna’s friends who was also travelling. After a shower we went to a few bars and got on the ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Hat Yai March 28th 2012

Hat Yai was amazing and It was my first oversea trip thru Air Asia, i am a kinda of enjoying every moment over there, the heart of the city is really lively on night time with full of entertainment from Thai girls and as well the boys. We were stay that New Season Hotel (very near place to 7eleven) the room was really awesome but i hate the veiw its over looking the shops.... read more
Bedroom View
In-front of Shopping Complex

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Hat Yai March 12th 2012

It's been already almost two weeks since the wedding ... time flies when ur having fun ... however as you probably already know the journey i decided to take wasn't about the wedding, however to find and conquer back some inner peace and quiet ... however this was a little hard with the bride and groom and their 17 friends / family and the two boys ... when i arrived i think we were 10or 11 people and every day new people arrived up till the day before the wedding when 2 of Daniel's oldest friends Martin and David arrived as a surprise (they had told him they had no money, no time, that they couldn't come (i was even bitching and moaning about them, that i couldn't believe they weren't present...), so this was a ... read more
in school uniform cooling off
ya pay for photo
amazing the mosquito can swim...

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand March 11th 2012

Fysjom!! Lenge siden det er blitt skrevet noe her. En skulle tro vi hadde så mye å gjøre at tiden ikke strakk til. Well, siden sist har det vært jul og nyttår. Det har vært et par bursdager og noe besøk. Skal prøve etter beste evne og hukommelse å beskrive litt. Da vi kom hjem fra India måtte vi jo bytte hus. Vi fikk beskjed om at vi kunne flytte tilbake til huset som vi hadde leid lenge, i slutten av januar. Lettere misfornøyd flyttet vi inn i et annet hus på samme område. Dette huset er tydeligvis eid av noen som ikke bryr seg så veldig om design, komfort eller estetikk. Men vi trengte hus, vi skulle jo holde jul med bror Tonny og niese/kusine Jaqueline. De ankom d 22 des og dro igjen d ... read more
hello Brisbane

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand February 28th 2012

We have now survived for 3 days in Thailand and it has been nothing but travelling and waiting so far. The plane journey was as standard as they get, horrid plane food, sweaty elderly men and random guys thinking its ok to hack up large amounts of phelgm behind me! Luckily Jimbo was there as I would still be waiting for my baggage in India - who knew that when you are ona transfer flight they move your bags for you?!! After checking into a rather suspect hotel we spent a rather comfortable night only to continue on our travels down south. This included a taxi, mini bus, another bus, another bus and another taxi to be able to reach the southern islands. Now just waiting on a yet another bus and then a ferry to ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand December 27th 2011

Bonjour, Pour les photos qui ne vont pas avec les textes je ne suis pas coupable c'est le blog. Je venais juste de terminer mon blog après 1hr;30 et une mise à jour s'est faite.Alors j'ai tout perdu, on recommence allons-y. 26 decembre Vélo pour le parc de sculpture de Salakeawkoo. On se perd alors une femme et son tuk tuk , nous dit suivez-moi, on avaient d'affaire à suivre. (photos des sculptures). C'était très beau. souper avec un Australien sa mère et sa blonde Tahilandaise lui il est consultantt pour un college en Australie, ils enseignent à des chinois et Indous qui viennent en pension en Àustralie. Après le souper qq games de billard, domino, etc ,et qui rencontrons-nous François Benjamin, qui a été guide pour les Francs-Tireurs dans les catacombes de Paris. (on avaient ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 7

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Hat Yai November 5th 2011

I've been long want to do a trip anywhere around Malaysia during my semester break but after planning a date and location, there will be something or someone that will be having a problem and we need to cancel our trip. Well, despite all of that I still eager to go on with my own plan and finally instead of road trip across Malaysian state, I would go to Hatyai in Thailand by train from KL Sentral across few East Coast Malaysia pass the border and reach Thailand. Since this is my first solo trip(and my first time to Thailand). I really don't have any idea what should I do or where should I go. This is where online forum and travel blog come in handy. TripAdvisor Lowyat Forum Seat61 Preparation : ... read more

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