Blogs from Bohol, Philippines, Asia - page 9


Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao May 14th 2009

Meine Lieben! Die Philippinen und Vietnam liefern sich auf meiner Lieblingsländerliste im Moment ein Kopf an Kopf Rennen! Bis jetzt habe ich nur positives erlebt und ich hoffe fest, dass es so bleibt! Nachdem Sam und ich drei Wochen auf der Insel Siargao verbracht haben, bin ich jetzt wieder alleine unterwegs. Siargao war super. Wir haben uns ein mega cooles Bungalow im Kalinaw-Resort geleistet. Eigentlich nicht in meinem Backpacker-Budget, aber man leistet sich ja sonst nichts. Es war wie Urlaub vom Reiseurlaub. Falls ihr jemals nach Siargao geht und ebenfalls ein bisschen Luxus möchtet, kann ich euch das Kalinaw Resort wärmstens empfehlen:! Die beiden Besitzer Fred und Pierre haben die 4 Bungalows und die Family Villa selber designt und abgesehen von diesen super schönen und stylischen Bungalows, haben sie auch noch einen richtigen Steinofen und ... read more
Kalinaw Resort, Siargao
Kalinaw Resort, Siargao
Electricity in the jungle

Asia » Philippines » Bohol March 28th 2009

Cramming! That’s what we’re good at. We didn’t start booking for our accommodation and Ferry tickets until the day before our flight. The Ferries to our main Bohol destination, Tagbilaran City were all fully booked and the hotels were giving us a hard time too. We were able to sort everything out by paying more than what we budgeted and taking an alternative route to Tubigon, Bohol. Straight from work, we headed to NAIA Airport to catch our 08:00 o’clock flight which took off 20 minutes behind schedule with (the) Capt. Cuneta explaining, "Hello, this is your Captain. Sorry for the delay, it’s because of some incompetent fools in @&$*#^@%@* ". Some individuals surely pissed him off. We had a bumpy take off … bumpy ride! I wanted to tell our dear captain ... easy :) ... read more
This is where we had our breakfast
He says "Welcome to Sagbayan Peak"

Asia » Philippines » Bohol February 7th 2009

8. Sightsee the Chocolat Hills to tick the box. The hills do look like tits alright. Then practice French again. It's getting pretty good! 9. Have a big headed, bulky eyed monster of a green gekko land from the roof to the table just half a meter a part from you. Bless it for not hitting your head. Or your beer. Then watch a hermit crab finally come out of its shell and wiggle on the table. To top your evening at this zoo of a guesthouse stare the fireflies hover in trees like it was Christmass again. 10. Wait! You've got Ginebra (gin for change), Sprite and calamansi. Whisk it down with chicarons, deep fried slabs of pork skin, which beat the crap put out potato chips (probably also in terms of their fat content). ... read more
Smoking till you drop
The view from Nuts Huts
Alona Beach, Panglao

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Tagbilaran February 3rd 2009

1. After a taxi, bus, ferry, Scorpions soundtracked jeepney and a motorbike ride catch a glimpse of a cow in the dark on a dirt track that leads to the 500 steps which, hopefully in the end, will take you to the hippy jungle retreat Nuts Huts. Check into their "Honeymoon in Vegas" room. 2. The next day, trek back to Loboc to catch a jeepney to see the world's cutest or, more officially put the world's smallest, primate,the endangered tarsier. Refuse every argument that says that the tarsiers have bull sized eyes in order to catch insects when its dark. Instead decide that the tarsiers need night vision so that they can see the straw of their Pina Colada drink while they hang out by the pool in the night and feast on mangoes and ... read more
Walking to Loboc from Nuts Huts
Loboc church
Cock fight, Tagbiliran

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao January 7th 2009

Nå er det siste dagen her på Filipinene før vi drar til Thailand i morgen tidlig. Fillipinene kan oppsumeres på følgende måte: Veldig vennlige mennesker og alle prater bra engelsk. Holder mann seg utenfor den værste slummen i byene er mann rimelig trygg her. Klimaet på denne tiden av året er veldig varierende fra sted til sted, men varmen er i alle fall til stede mellom 26 og 30 grader. Overaskende lite turister og ingen normenn har vi truffet. Prisnivået er omrent samme som i Thailand, BILLIG. Maten er veldig varierende, men stort sett bra. (ikke noe matforgifting ennå i alle fall) Grunnen til at vi reiser til Thailand i morgen er rett og slett været, da det er mye mer stabilt og sol der. Det var faktaopplysninger, nå til det alvorlige: Marit sitter i skyggen ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao January 7th 2009

Vi er fortsatt på Bohol og her skjer det ikke mye. Det er spising, strandliv og soving... Det er faktisk ingen mulighet for shopping her vi er nå!! Vi har det bra og har fortsatt igjen penger så det er ikke nødvendig for noen av dere å foreta noen store pengetransaksjoner ennå... Kommer tilbake til dette når behovet melder seg! Hotellet vi bor på nå koster hele kr. 300,- pr. natt.. I morgen natt skal vi på et hotell som ligger rett ved flyplassen i Bangkok, det koster 4 ganger så mye. Da forventer jeg at dassen virker hver gang og at det kommer mere enn 5 dråper ut av dusjen. Ikke lett å vaske håret med så lite trykk i dusjen men det går!! Etter at vi skjønte at dassen her bare virket annenhver gang ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao December 16th 2008

We arrived in Alona Beach on Panglao Island after a really comfortable 2 hour Supercat Ferry from Cebu. Alona Beach is really nice with white sand, not nquite as developed as Boracay but with plenty of restaurants and small hotels. The atmosphere here is more relaxed then on Boracay, dinner is a BBQ on the beach where you first select what you want from a huge table with everything from crabs, lobsters, all kinds of fish and different meat kebabs and then the cook it on the barbi (we've just finished dinner now, around 6 pounds including beers for the best food ever!). So, accomodation wise we first stayed at Alona Tropics (a nice resort) as arrived one day early. Then onto Hayahay, a small beach front hotel which is tied to Genesis Divers. These were ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao December 9th 2008

A little sad to leave this beautiful island behind, we climbed aboard the banca that would take us back to Cebu island at around 9-ish. On the other side tha bus that would take us back to Cebu city in four hours was already waiting. The trip didn't feel that long luckily, and a quick taxi ride to the port told us the fast ferry to Taglibaran was leaving at 5 o'clock. That gave us enough time to find an airline ticket office nearby to buy a ticket back to Manila. Again it was a bargain to fly, for the two of us we paid just 3850 Pesos to fly from Taglibaran Bohol airport to Manila! The ferry ride was very comfortable, although slightly cold due to an airconditioning gone wild. For anyone doing this trip, ... read more
A great afternoon on Alona beach
Alona beach sunset
On the way from Cebu to Bohol

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao November 26th 2008

My niece Suzette teased me about my blogging only about my foreign travels, never on my local trips. Gave that a thought, and decided I should have really done some. Not so much for myself, but more for those who may wish to check out some of our local sites. Frankly, I enjoyed these trips around our islands just as much as I enjoyed my foreign travels. Perhaps I only felt compelled to write about my travel adventures when they last longer than 4 nights, never for shorter adventures. But I am changing all that now. So here goes........... From Manila to Tagbilaran, Bohol I actually meant to bring my other niece Mayette for this trip, but she's busy. So, Suzette got lucky. Started our adventure with a mid-morning flight via Philippine Air Lines from Manila ... read more
Panglao Vista
Our Forest Cottage
Breakfast at Bohol Bee Farm

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao October 22nd 2008

Den gestrigen Tag verbrachten wir mit einer Motorraderkundung von Bohol, besser gesagt, einem Teil dieser doch ziemlich großen Insel. Glücklicherweise liegen die Touristenattraktionen im Südwesten, nicht allzu weit von Panglao entfernt. Da das Essen in unserem Resort nicht sonderlich gut ist, frühstückten wir in Alona, wo ein wahres Juwel erst kürzlich eröffnet hatte. Das Charts Art Café in einem stilvollen, maurischen Komplex mit kleiner Veranda, Cushions und Hängematte macht seinem Namen Kunstcafé alle Ehre. Es gehört von der geschmackvollen Einrichtung her definitiv zu den schönsten Cafés in Südostasien, selbst die Speisekarte ist Gemälde inspiriert. Der Kaffee ist ebenfalls hervorragend, während das Essen eher durchschnittlich und teuer ist. Auf Vorbestellung gibt es jedoch günstige, frische Laugenbrötchen (20 P), und diese mit Eiern und Cappuccino machen ein wunderbares Frühstück. ... read more

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