Blogs from Nepal, Asia - page 421


Asia » Nepal December 17th 2005

Seasons greetings everyone. Once again it's Gareth here, filling in for Clare's spot. (we're taking it in turns ya see) Clare is in bed with a dose. We've been trying to conclude what it was exactly that has given her this bug, as we both ate pretty much the same the day before. I think we have to put it down to the McDowell's whiskey that Big lad recommended. Clare, in her attempt to get over the cold ( which we both have) used the whiskey to make some hot toddies ( about 12, but you didn't hear that from me...) She has been up most of the night being sick etc but is now quite okay and just sleeping it off. We have moved into our new hotel. We booked and paid for 30 ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamal December 13th 2005

Well hello there everone ! It's Gareth here giving you the latest on our travels. First of all I'll brief you on the drama that unfolded yesterday on our way to Nepal. After another very long journey on trains and buses from Varanasi to Gorakhpur, we could almost see our destination in our sights. Our main aim was to reach the Nepali boarder in the morning sometime so that we would be able to catch the 'day' bus to Kathmandu. At Gorakhpur, all we had to do was get the local bus to Sonauli, the boarder town. We managed to squeeze on, bags intact to the bus that was supposed to last about two hours. This would have left us approximately one hour to get our Nepali visas and then catch our last bus to ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara December 12th 2005

I had my fill of adventure with that bike trip so for the remaining time in Kathmandu we took it easy. The day after was spent on the rooftop of Helena's cafe-- we stayed there basking in the 70 degree sun, listening to the energy of the city below, imbibing San Miguel beer, and nibbling on tuna sandwiches, chips and salsa, chocolate cake and coffee (all for less than $10 US) while leisurely taking in a good book (yes I read-- well ok, it was Time magazine-- alright, People magazine-- it was a pamphlet handed out by one of the tour agents on the street). So though we weren't willing to brave the outer parts of Kathmandu, we still wanted to experience a little more of Nepal before heading to India. Our original plan was to ... read more
Lake View
Phewa Tal
Not such great photos from Pokhara for some reason

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 10th 2005

After that first day of minimal activity-- laundry and a shower (neither of which had been accomplished during the week's ride through Tibet), we decided to buy the guidebook to tell us what we should see. Durbar Square in Kathmandu was the first stop which houses several temples and museums of Old Nepali architecture (the 3 largest towns in the valley- Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktipur all have their own Durbar Squares). We biked the second day to the one in Patan. Biking here is even worse than in China-- it's just as disorderly, but here they don't slow down. Then we made it to Swayambunath, ("Monkey Temple" so called for the populace of wild monkeys guarding the area), before the pedal on my bike broke off and Carolee's derailleur fell limp. The next day we went ... read more
Durbar Square in Patan
Sacred Cow

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 9th 2005

Photo's coming when i get back from Everest... Summary - since I've been here I've visited various religious places and really got under the skin of the place by spending some time just relaxing at some of the most holy religious sites in the world. I've seen snake charmers and had people asking for photographs of me amongst a whole bunch of other things. I've also done a bit of shopping stocking up on v.v.vcheap outdoor equipment for my trek coming up - don't worry I've invested in a high quality daun jacket and not one made out of chicken feathers! The old part of Kathmandu is an architectural wonder - it's like stepping back in time a few hundred years. All of the buildings are leaning to one side or another and there is not ... read more
Snake Charmers

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna December 8th 2005

Day 4 on our trek there were not as many caravans because we're off the main supply route. The ecosystem transforms into a surreal forest of huge twisted moss covered rhododendrons (unfortunately not in bloom--but equally beautiful) Tibetan prayer flags--some bright and some tattered and faded, flapping in the breeze everywhere! Glimpses of the giant grand white Annapurnas (most of them over 22,000 ft) peek at us through the trees. We are highly satisfied on our choice of trekking trails to sample not only the Himalayas but the culture as well. Another great lunch on the trail----Rebecca is amazing in her endurance for Dal Bhaat (the national, traditional dish of rice and lentils) The rest of us opt out for noodles, soups and pizzas. Forty five minues before our slog up the steeps to Tadapani--our porter ... read more
Teahouse Kid Trio
Tadapani Teahouse

Asia » Nepal » Bhaktapur December 7th 2005

After a so so nights sleep on the hardest mattresses yet but with incredible views over the lake in Pokhara, we took a mini van 6 hours, all the way through a 45 minute traffic jam in Kathmandu to the ancient medieval city of Bhaktapur. A 900 year old city on the UN's World Heritage Site list----and well worth it----this is a must see. Checked into a quaint guesthouse, unbeknowst to us, which is next to a temple where the bell ringing ritual of puja (loud) starts around 4am. Nonetheless, we all were charmed with the intricate wood carvings, cobblestone streets, artists galore and narrow ally ways with little or no cars (but watch out for the motorcycles)---truly a step back in time. We regretfully leave this afternoon to return to Kathmandu to finally begin ... read more
Namaste Cyber Cafe
Bhaktapur Rooftop
Bhaktapur Temple

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamal December 7th 2005

Hi Everyone, thanks for all you emails.......keep them coming! Just come back from a 20 day trek in Everest, superb but bloody cold! Decided to follow in Edmond Hillary’s footsteps (just missed the small matter of the summit). After 8 days of walking through villages and not seeing any mountains we started to think we’d made a wrong turn somewhere. We popped into a school for directions and then thought we should make a huge donation. Unfortunately owing to the stock at the local random hut we only managed to summon together 20 pens for the 150 children (still they were very high quality pens). The trail to Everest was pretty amazing, but rather too much up and down - we worked out that we were climbing the equivalent of Ben Nevis every day. Amazing what ... read more
Wow!! At Goyko
Who's bigger LJ or Everest?
Who yaks more?

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 6th 2005

This 20 hr bus journey (10hrs by jeep, overnight in a hostel and then 10hrs by bus) was my first real long distance bus ride. The military prescence is strong in Nepal even though there is a cease fire at the moment with check points everywhere - I even noticed 3 snipers hiding out in an abandoned concrete building at one point! ... read more
Changing scenery

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara December 6th 2005

We're back into civilization after six days of walking. Our days were packed with green terraces, herds of sheep, and Dhal Bhat. The whole time the majestic white capped peaks of the Himalayas hovered over. We're all safe and well but very tired. We will update more of our last six days of adventure tomorrow. Miss you all.... read more

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