Blogs from Nepal, Asia - page 422


Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 5th 2005

that means I can keep quiet. A few shots from the time we spend in the Nepalese capital. ... read more
Transporter, Durbar Square Kathmandu
Browsing, Freak Street Market Kathmandu
Steve, Monkey temple Kathmandu

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 5th 2005

DÍA 210. 22 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2005. POKHARA, NEPAL: UNA SITUACIÓN DELICADA Para ningún país es sencillo tener un vecino excesivamente grande. México, que no es ninguna miniatura, lo sabe muy bien por compartir más de tres mil kilómetros de frontera con la mayor potencia de la historia. Pero Nepal lo tiene mucho más difícil: no sólo es una adelgazada salchichita de Viena frente un gordo enorme, sino que son dos mastodontes gigantescos y voraces que la tienen aplastada entre sus panzas hacen lo posible para alcanzarla y engullirla. Comparada con Nepal, India es mucho mayor: 30 veces en superficie y 50 en población. Y China lo es más aún. El paisito de la cordillera de los Himalaya está atrapado entre ambas. Su diplomacia es de contención y trata de poner a una potencia contra otra ... read more
La chispa del templo
Chicas de Katmandú
Mami de Katmandú

Asia » Nepal December 5th 2005

The only thing I knew about Nepal before coming here is that they invented that less-than-clever combination of vanilla/chocolate/strawberry ice cream. Or is that NEA-politan? Well now I know one thing for certain about Nepal-- it has the most gorgeous scenic drives I've ever been on. I'm not saying it has the best scenery (though it could easily contend) but it simply has the best scenery from just the highways-- passing along hillsides overlooking steep, lush valleys, with fantastic shades of green and yellow foliage and white sandy beaches and emerald streams Our Tibetan driver left us at the Chinese border town, Zhangmu, and we were then on to Nepal. The border crossing was surprisingly quick and easy-- in Kodari, on the Nepal side, 10 mins and $30 US for a 60-day visa and we were ... read more
Entering the Valley
We may not be the Partridge Family
Himalayas from the Nepali side

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamal December 5th 2005

Ok.. Il semble que mes dernieres aventures "mystico-spirituelles" a Goa vous aient laisse plutot... perplexe... alors me voici de retour avec des aventures + "materielles" !!! Petits soucis de sante, donc, mais ne vous inquietez pas : 3 fois rien... 2 trucs pas "si" graves... +++ Le premier, c'est que j'ai chope une angine et un GROS rhume. J'ai soigne l'angine avec du the au gingembre, mais le gros rhume me suit depuis, avec 3 paquets de mouchoirs par jour, et de gros mollards de la taille d'un jaune d'oeuf que j'expulse sporadiquement tous les 1/4 d'heure sur la chaussee, au a defaut dans un autre mouchoir. Mais ici, au Nepal, je semble loin d'etre le seul a etre frappe par la malediction "venue du froid"... +++ Le deuxieme, plus "heavy", c'est une diarrhee aux airs ... read more
KTM : facade de maison
KTM : 1 rue dans Thamel
KTM : vue de Durbar Square

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna December 3rd 2005

Early summer and early Autumn in the Himalaya of Nepal is an equisite experience and the remote picturesque village of Manag and Mustang districts of Nepal is an idle walking venue .The superb mountains scenery and intoxicating quality of air gives this holidays a special atmosphere . It is the real way to experience Nepal and different cultures and ways of living of mountain people .... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna December 2nd 2005

The annapurna base camp (ABC) situated at an altitude of 4130m surrounded by famous and beautiful mountains and has consistently been much cherished dream for many adventurers and exotic lands to spend their vaccation ,that will renew their soul and invigorate their lives . This is indeed Shangrila ,God's own paradise. Through tiny villages ,deep dark forests and waterfalls, trekking in the Annapurna region is a wonderful adventure and enriching experience. One can observe social customs,local rules,habits and ways of living of Gurung people inhabited in this region .Stone houses with blue tin roofs and kind hearted Gurung people of tiny villages are profound lovers of nature and are warm inviting. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan November 30th 2005

I hate the phrase 'killing time', it seems such an affront to life, but we had 4 days left in Kathmandu before our flight to Bangkok and we needed a suitable contrast to our Everest trek. Since our return we had eaten enough steak to offend a great many Hindus, and we had realised that there are only so many times a street vendor can approach you and offer to sell you a huge wooden flute before you really start to wonder if perhaps you do need one. It was definitely time for a change of scene. Royal Chitwan National Park was established in 1973 - before that time it was the royal hunting grounds for kings and dignitaries, and the visiting British from India enjoyed big game safari in its grounds. Many wild tigers, bears, ... read more
Blackpenny and friends, Chitwan
Mounting block, Chitwan
Elephant safari, Chitwan

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara November 30th 2005

Hello everyone! This is Tim and Leslie blog time! (the other entries were from the girls--great job, eh?) Since our first glimpse of Mt Everest out the airplane window we've been enchanted. We're in Pokhara on slower computers so unfortunately photos will have to wait. First of all it's been really great to have our adopted daughter, Rebecca, along---she's easy going with a great sense of humor (and not afraid to "try" new foods--you'd be proud Gary and Elaine!) --which every traveller needs in a 3rd world. We can't brag enough about her photographic skills--watch for more (a future journalist for sure) After negotiating, haggling and promising our next born, we secured a guide and 2 porters at a reasonable rate ---we're all healthy (knock on wood and stay away from the fish balls--another story for ... read more
The Himalayas
Lake Fewa
Peace Pagoda

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu November 28th 2005

After writing our blog last night, we went to dinner with Dibya, his wife Mira, and his daughter Pratista. The resturant (only a couple blocks from our guesthouse), Nepal Chulo specialized in traditional Nepali foods. Upon arriving, we removed our shoes (a very common practice here) and recieved a tikka, the red dot on our foreheads which means we have been blessed. We sat down on the floor at the small table and were immediatly served with rice alcohol, ginger-spiced peanuts, and and momo, which is a delicious kind of dumpling. These, along with other great foods were only the appitizers. The meal itself came soon, along with a live performance of traditional Nepali dances. We ate the traditional Dahl Baht, which is rice and lentils and other dishes. Everything was very very good and ... read more
Lalitpur Presentation
Traditional dancing
Lalitpur Dances

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu November 27th 2005

Our second day in Kathmandu was action packed and exciting. We woke up this early this morning, not a hard thing because we are still slightly used to our time zone, and hired a taxi to take us to the Lalitpur Boarding School. The ride was its typical chaotic craziness that always leaves you exhausted. We would post some pictures of the streets, but there is no way we could ever capture the action. Once at the school, we got a tour then began our session with the students aged 12-13. They were so ready and excited to learn, it was very refreshing. We taught them songs and in return we got a very intesting dance class. The traditional Nepalese music blared from an ancient cassette player while we struggled with the foriegn steps. But ... read more
Lalitpur Boarding School
Lalitpur Boarding School
Swayanbunath Temple

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