Blogs from Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia - page 21


Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Jhocchen Street May 21st 2013

Yesterday I took a decidedly harrowing taxi ride from Bouddha to Jocchne Tole (or Freak Street, as it was called in the 60's and 70's). Taxis here are barely distinguishable from regular beat-up hunks of junk, except that they may say "Taxi" somewhere on them. They're tiny, seat-belt-free (like Thailand!) Noddy cars from the 80's that seem like they're going to fall apart if your luggage is over a certain weight. Anyway, the way it works is, you negotiate the price, throw your stuff in the car, and hope to god(s) the driver actually understood your directions. Mine didn't, he mistook "Jhocchen Street" for "airport" - easy enough mistake, I suppose, so we pulled over to negotiate. I eventually found and pointed it out to him on the map, so we were off. At this point ... read more
View from my window at Century Lodge
Temples in KTM Durbar Square
View over Bhakatpur Square

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Boudhanath May 18th 2013

This morning I woke up to the sound of gongs and chants from the nearby monasteries. It's a peaceful, hypnotic sound, and I fell back asleep feeling strangely comfortable in this new, completely foreign place. I'm in Bhouda, or Boudhanath, a holy site in Kathmandu. At the center of the area is a stupa, a kind of circular religious shrine where pilgrims come to pray and meditate. It's customary to only walk in a clockwise direction around the stupa, so as not to disturb the positive flow of energy - even if the place you want to get to is only a few meters in the other direction, you should go with the flow all the way around. There are prayer wheels all the way around that you spin as you walk past. Coming from the ... read more
Veggie Momo and Coffee

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu May 13th 2013

Bonjour, je me suis rendu compte que je n'avais pas mis de photos de mon voyage au Népal en octobre 2009.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 12th 2013

I eventually arrived at the bus stop in Kalanki, and set off in search of a taxi, Thamel-bound. Rather than check out the guest houses I'd noted down, I opted for Khangsar, where I'd previously stayed. It wasn't the most modern or cleanest of places, but the staff were lovely and it was ideally located. I was pleasantly greeted by one of the guys there, who told me it was good to have me back, then a younger lad (that I'd never seen before) lugged my backpack up the stairs and showed me to my room. Luckily, it was only one floor up and had a double bed. After a quick bite to eat in the restaurant and a stint of magician entertainment from the fourteen year old lad that had carried my bag, I threw ... read more
Hat shopping

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 11th 2013

I woke up around 4:20am on Saturday and got ready for my bus rude to Kathmandu. As I was preparing to leave my room, I heard a low-pitched grunting sound from outside the back window. I froze, casting my mind back to the tiger attack story, although, from my expert experience of watching the Discovery Channel, the sound didn't strike me as tiger-like. As time was ticking by, I decided to make a run for it. It was no longer pitch-black outside, so I knew I'd at least see my attacker as it mauled me to death. I ran out with my backpack on, stopping off on Cindy's porch to leave some travel wash (since she actually has the motivation to do these things, rather than lazily paying for laundry services, as I do), before heading ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 8th 2013

Mon sejour au Nepal s'est termine le 4 mai, je suis maintenant en Inde. Voici un resume de ce que j'ai fait depuis le restant du temps au Nepal. Il a finalement fini par faire beau a Pokhara et je voulais aller faire un tour a Sarangkot pour voir le lever du soleil sur l'Himalaya. Le matin de mon balcon a l'hotel je pouvais voir le mont fishtail, une premiere depuis que j'etais a Pokhara, c'etait bien parti!! J'ai pris un taxi jusqu'a Sarangkot et wow!!! Tout au long du chemin on pouvait voir les sommets enneiges; je capotais. Je pense que le chauffeur de taxi m'a trouve un peu intense tellement je m'extasiais... Arrivee a destination il reste a gravir une petite montagne et on a devant une vue magnifique!!! Ce sont les memes monts ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 8th 2013

So there it was… It was time to say goodbye to Nepal… Not that I wanted to as I really got to love this country and its people. But then new countries waited to be explored and I was actually ready for new adventures as well! Especially the last week was a little bit emotional as I was on my own once again – all my buddies from Annapurna eventually had to go back to their lives, their Nepali adventure finished earlier than mine… The only thing that was keeping me in Kathmandu this last week was my Chinese visa really (it takes 4 days to issue it there usually but due to bank holidays it took a bit longer than expected)... Actually thinking about going on my own to China was a bit of a ... read more
the streets of Kathmandu
relaxing around Durbar Square...
sunset at Swayambhunath

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu May 5th 2013

Perhaps the romance with Kathmandu began in the seventies, as the words from the Cat Steven's hit song of the same name created visions of a mystical, enticing city in a far away exotic land. I believe I have yearned to visit this city, and this land, ever since. And here we are, finally. It only seemed right to perform this song for a small audience at our guest house the night before we set off to Kathmandu, and the next day Cat Stevens set the tone perfectly as we approached the city listening to his "Kathmandu" repeatedly. In spite of a few tourists we met in Pokhara suggesting that Kathmandu was a busy, noisy, dirty, polluted city that they could not wait to leave, we agreed, once we got here, that those people could not ... read more
Everest from a Distance
Getting Closer to Everest
The Highest Mountain Range on the Planet

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 4th 2013

Namaste Hello to everyone from Kathmandu. We've had a great first couple of days out here. Slightly rude awakening this morning as the boss had me up doing 100 press ups and about a million crunchies!! ( gotta keep the beach body in shape don)Journey was relatively uneventful, traffic in the city is interesting, I'll upload a photo of the main road into the city from the airport if I can. Potholes, Cows, dogs, etc. took us until half way through today to work out which side of the road they Drove on. Did you know that some time zones are done in quarter hours? We're currently 4 & 3/4 hrs ahead of uk, weird! Only other point of note on the trip was the goldfish on the baggage carousel at the airport here....... Today's been ... read more
Boudha temple
Rooftops of kathmandu
Sunset from our hotel's rooftop garden

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 3rd 2013

Returning to Kathmandu, I checked into the Khangsar Guest House in Thamel. I got my own room with en suite bathroom, because, well, a shared bathroom in the state I was in just wouldn't have done. I stayed in the room all afternoon, feeling sorry for myself, and then decided to venture out and find an ATM. I was also in need of food, and craving Korean food from the restaurant opposite my guest house. So, I set out. The nearest ATM refused to give me money (blaming my bank, no less!) so I walked on to find another, winding up lost. I eventually found an ATM, but was still lost. I walked on. I bought some phone credit, but was still lost. "Hey, why not top up your phone and ring Ram for directions?" I ... read more
Crazy busy market

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