Blogs from Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia - page 19


Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Swayambhunath July 1st 2013

Happy Canada Day! Unfortunately, we're not in Canada to celebrate our nation's birthday. This morning Elysia spent the morning at the hospital and came back to spend the afternoon with Mike. Today our friend Katie was leaving to continue on her travels, so we said goodbye to her at breakfast. Then Elysia spent the rest of the morning at the hospital learning more about medicine in Nepal. There wasn't anything too exciting today. She just stuck around the outpatient clinic and made funny faces to make the children laugh when they cried. The one interesting patient was a little baby in the ICU. This is a sad story though, because the baby a few days earlier had been on a ventilator, which is very bad news in Nepal. Being on a ventilator is expensive for the ... read more
Just another day in monkey heaven
With the Monkeys
Just checking things out.

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Durbar Square June 30th 2013

Today, Elysia was back volunteering at the hospital, and Mike spent the morning wandering a bit through Thamel and worked on the blog at a cool little coffee shop called Pumpernickel. It's a place full of ex-pats, so it is neat to hear a bunch of different accents.Elysia wasn't at the hospital in the afternoon so together we walked down to the Durbar Square in Kathmandu. We explored the various temples without a guide and paid a visit to the Palace Museum. It's kind of a neat museum, but seems to be heavily slanted in a pro monarchy fashion; much of the commentary felt like reading propaganda.After the museum, we paid a visit to the Kumari (or Living Goddess). This is a girl who is selected from the Shakya ethnic group to become the Living Goddess. ... read more
Mural Painted by the Volunteers
Mural Painted by the Volunteers
Mike in front of a small temple in Kathmandu as the rain starts to fall

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Durbar Square June 28th 2013

Our first impression of Kathmandu, not nearly as brown or hot as India. At an altitude of 4500 ft, the air is noticeably cooler, thinner and less hazy than Delhi. Trash still litters the roads, but not nearly to the same extent as in India. Clothing styles are decidedly more western than in India as well, although there are still a considerable amount of women in the local garb. Kathmandu is a city of 4 million people, relatively small by India standards, with the vast majority recently settling here. Our guide in Kathmandu, Kasey(sp), was another master’s degree educated, anthropology trained local. He shared a wealth of knowledge about the culture, the politics and the history of Nepal. I wish I could remember more. Leo and I came here with just a bit more than a ... read more
Kathmandu Durbar Square
Palace of the Living Godess
Alter in Durbar Square

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu June 27th 2013

Our first impression of Kathmandu, not nearly as brown or hot as India. At an altitude of 4500 ft, the air is noticeably cooler, thinner and less hazy than Delhi. Trash still litters the roads, but not nearly to the same extent as in India. Clothing styles are decidedly more western than in India as well, although there are still a considerable amount of women in the local garb. Kathmandu is a city of 4 million people, relatively small by India standards, with the vast majority recently settling here. Our guide in Kathmandu, Kasey(sp), was another master’s degree educated, anthropology trained local. He shared a wealth of knowledge about the culture, the politics and the history of Nepal. I wish I could remember more. Leo and I came here with just a bit more than a ... read more
Yeti Airlines
Durbar Square
Kumari Ghar

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel June 22nd 2013

Today Mike got to Kathmandu hooray! I spent the morning at the hospital doing some more shadowing and working on our project that we now realize is not very feasible (very hard to measure the effect of hand washing on hospital infections when the hand washing program has already been started and there are few patients). Anyways, after some time at the hospital I went back to Thamel to prepare for Mike's arrival. I got him a SIM card (it's a big deal to get-- you have to give them a copy of your passport, a passport photo and your thumb prints! It seems like overkill!) and cleaned up the room a bit. I had to take a fan from one of my classmates who's here, Graham's, room because it's really hot here for Mike. It ... read more
Kathmandu from the Roof
The Sunset in Kathmandu, Shot from the Rooftop at the Hotel

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel June 22nd 2013

Today I made the trip to Nepal. Actually, I started the trip yesterday and finally made it to Nepal today. Overall it was a rather uneventful trip, which is a good thing. But it sure was long. It was about 30 hours of travel time overall, with two stops: Vancouver and Guangzhou, China. Each stop was only a couple hours though, so the connections were pretty efficient. The airline that I flew was China Southern Airlines, and I was worried that the airline would be super sketch, but it really wasn... read more
Plane pictures are boring
A380 in Guangzhou

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Durbar Square June 21st 2013

Elysia: My body couldn't stand to lie in bed a moment longer, and I was feeling a bit better (not perfect though), but I decided to get out and went shopping in Thamel with Katie. I didn't want to take my chances going to the hospital in case I felt sick and had to make my long, hot and bumpy way back by taxi again. So off we went shopping. Katie was looking for some souvenirs and we were also searching for some nice jewellery. It's hard to know what kind of quality you're buying. Because its off season here, the stores are not getting as many customers, so it's easy to get a good bargain out of them. We looked for necklaces in a few stores but finally found a store that looked like it ... read more
That's a Lot of Arms
Durbar Square
Pigeons!  And a Cow!

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel June 20th 2013

Not the best of days that's for sure. It started off fine, I met up with the other volunteers for breakfast and then we went to the hospital as usual. Unfortunately, my stomach was on the rocks and I didn't realize just how much until just before lunch. We were going to get started on the murals in the deluxe cabin. I started to not feel too well, so I went with Erik to the cabin where he started to do the rough sketches of the murals on the wall. I just laid down on the bench and watched his artistic genius. I kept feeling more and more sick unfortunately and got sick in the washroom. It took me awhile before I had the courage to take the bumpy/crazy cab ride back to Thamel. It was ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel June 19th 2013

Today I spent most of the day around the hospital. In the afternoon we went across the street to a paint store to buy paints for the mural we're going to paint at IFCH. We will be painting Deluxe Cabin 1 (the one I stayed in the first night), and we decided on a Disney theme since Erik is a good artist and can draw. We settled on Beauty and the Beast, the Lion King and Aladdin themes. We're going to attempt to paint tomorrow. Just like everything in nepal, it took a long time to get the paint. It was funny because as we were waiting for paint, someone from the apartments above decided to dump a bucket of something that was like cement out of the window. Erik was very fortunate to be holding ... read more
Breakfast at the Hotel

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel June 18th 2013

Today I spent another day at the hospital. In the morning we saw a hydropressure reduction procedure for intussusception in a young child (basically they use water pressure to pop out the telescoping intestine and monitor via ultrasound). Dr X was working on this for his PhD thesis and is a novel way of treating intussusception. Yesterday, I was talking to the head doctor and asked whether he had some walls to be decorated in the hospital, so we came up with the idea to paint the walls of one of the private rooms (cabins) to something more cheerful for sick children. I'm not much of an artist but fortunately one of the Ottawa group, Erik, is. Today we picked out the pictures we'll paint on the wall; Disney themed — Aladdin (Genie and The Carpet), ... read more
Panoramic View from the Hotel Roof

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