Blogs from Himalayas, Nepal, Asia - page 16


Asia » Nepal » Himalayas December 5th 2008

Wow!! How cool was that!! The trekking was hard work walking up and down all those hills but the views were amazing, we were so lucky with the weather, we hardly had any cloud apart from one afternoon on the way down!! Things didn't start to well as we were held up in a road block for 7 hours on the first day as some locals blocked the road. A driver had killed a motorcyclist and the locals accused the police of steeling 15,000usd from his body and they were shutiing the road till they got it back, all very dodgy but eventually we got through!! I think its probably still ongoing though! The first week or so was treking at a reasonable height so we had no worries about altitude and it was warm enough ... read more
First summit!
Lovely view
Heavy load!

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas December 3rd 2008

we set off for the village of Yak Kharka situated an hour or so past the village that people used to stop in, but that had suffered servere landslides and according to kapil was still not safe. we stopped in upper Manang and i bought a very ornate Gourkha knife with a hand made sheaf that was apparently from Tibet. it seemed everything was from Tibet according to the stool owners, they were obviously aware that this was somewhat of a novelty for the average tourist, as was yak bone jewelery, that was infact a cheap synthetic resin mix made in moulds that were being passed of as hand carved. some pieces were still very nice tho and a lot cheaper than the same thing in kathmandu. the closer we got to Yak Kharka the more ... read more
Possibly the most beautiful place in the world
me with glacier behind
me with glacier lake

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas November 30th 2008

after arriving in Kathmandu from the herendous 24+ hour journey over the worst roads ive ever endured i soon met up with a guy from my hotel (Kapil), that i thought worked there, who showed me where a couple of shops i needed to find were. we got to talking and i was telling him that i was thinking about doing some trekking and it turned out that he was a trekking guide. so after a few beers that night we spoke about the many different trekking options there are in Nepal and decided that the Annapurna Circuit was the way to go. it was a 18 day trek that i knew would be pretty challenging considering that the highest point has an altitude of 5416m but i had heard from other travellers along the way ... read more
one of many streams
one of many waterfals
water spraying off the rock face onto our path

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas November 12th 2008

Well we have made it out of the heat and humidity of Indo China, via Singapore, to find that Kathmandu was just as hot but nowhere near as humid. After the initial shock of arriving at the aiport with no sign of our anticipated hotel shuttle. It was just grin and bear it time with a local taxi. We were taken to our car / shed on wheels, which had recently passed its road worthiness test (the horn must work), and we were off dicing with death to our hotel just outside Kathmandu. Our hotel had been chosen from the "Tinternet" and we thought it would nice and relaxing. It was that, but it was miles from anywhere and less than ideal. That aside we were only going to be here for two nights before we ... read more
Annapurna range
Relaxing at the campsite

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas November 8th 2008

" En mi estado de abstracción espiritual, ya no pertenezco a mi mismo o a mi vista. No soy nada más que un estrecho y ahogado pulmón, flotando sobre la bruma y las cumbres" Reinhold Messner, Primer ascenso al Everest sin oxígeno suplementario, 1978 Los Gigantes Las montañas han sido la fascinación de muchas culturas por miles de años. Para algunas son lugares sagrados en donde residen los dioses. Para otras, son una disculpa más para conquistar territorios en donde nadie más ha osado llegar. El mundo occidental, en su anhelo de estar un paso más adelante, ha estado interesado en explorar y respirar por pocas horas en las cumbres más altas del planeta, sin realmente conquistarlas, simplemente sobreviviendolas. En 1953 una expedición británica logró llegar a la cumbre del anhelado Everest. Casualmente las dos personas ... read more
De compras...
Este avion tenia piloto y tres copilotos

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 5th 2008

The first part of time in Nepal mostly involved visiting Katmandu’s Thamel (the touristic 'shopping district' of the city). But we also booked a sight seeing flight (through GVI) along the Himalayas to Mount Everest and a few sister mountains. We got up before 06:00 as our taxi would be waiting for us. GVI had told us that the taxi would pick us up, bring us to the airport, wait for us there and bring us back after the flight. And all that for just 700 Nepaless Rupees (that’s EUR 7,-) unbelievable! We went there and the flight was delayed (not really unexpected). But the scenic flight was worth doing! It’s beautiful to see the mountain range up there in an airplane and boy is that mountain high! We saw it at a bit of a ... read more
Himalayas from the cockpit
Mount Everest

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas October 1st 2008

Sept. 9 2008 DAY 1 Our guide picked us up at our hotel at the crack of dawn to head to airport in Kathmandu. It was chaos, organized in it's own Nepali fashion. There were bags of trekking gear everywhere and people with their own packs. They threw our bags onto a massive retro scale and onto a tiny little cart that went out to our plane. The planes have an estimated time of departure, we went between 6:30 and 7:00. Once standing next to the plane for a few minutes and watched our bags get shoved into tiny compartments in the front and the back of the plane we hopped on and tried to sit on the left with hopes of seeing Everest as we flew in. It was a bit too overcast to see, ... read more
mountain women
amazing views
yaks bringing supplies to EBC

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas August 21st 2008

Kazde z miejsc urzeklo mnie w jakis sposob. Indie, Tajlandia,Kambodza, Chiny, Tybet, Peru, Brazylia, Amazonia, Tybet. Lecz Nepal wywarl najwiekszy wplyw na moja osobe. Rozpoczynajac swoja podroz Dookola Swiata w 2007 roku najbardziej oczekiwalem spotkania z tymze krajem, jak i Tybetem. Jeszcze przed wyjazdem z US dlugo sie nie moglem zdecydowac co wybrac. Rafting - Nepal jedno z najlepszych miejsc na swiecie do uprawiania tego extremalnego sportu. W sezonie wiele rzek przekracza poziom 5(w 6 stopniowej skali kwalifikacji rzek - 6 sa to rzeki nie operowalne, zbyt niebezpieczne dla komercyjnych wypraw - czasem okreslane "Ratuj sie kto moze!!"). Ale EBC (Everest Base Camp) jest tylko jeden na swiecie. Mozliwosc zobaczenia Himalajow, tych najwyzszych szczytow, prawie "na wyciagniecie reki", byla nie do odparcia. Pewnie niewiele z was slyszalo/czytalo o stronce (dzi... read more
Moje gangsta z Sams Bar
Na drodze do Namche Baazar

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas August 19th 2008

Nepal... Marzenie tysiecy jak nie setek tysiecy ludzi. Taki maly kraj porownujac do otaczajacych go olbrzymow Chin, Indii, a tak niesamowicie urokliwy. Zwykli mowic o Indiach "Hate it or Love it", Nepalu nie da sie nienawidziec. Jak kazde miejsce na Ziemi ma swoje lepsze i gorsze strony, lecz bilans przewagi tych pierwszych jest dosc znaczny. Co tak urzeka przyciaga te masy turystow ( ok 300tys rocznie do tego 26 milionowego kraju)? Przyroda, bogactwo naturalne gor, rzek, dzungli. Na malym "skrawku globu" kazdy znajdzie cos dla siebie. Oaza spokoju, ktora mozna tam zastac uciekajac od jakze glosnych, przeludnionych, pelnych scamow Indii. Juz przekraczajac granice, te kilkaset metrow, da sie zauwazyc namacalna roznice. Czy to uciekajac z jakze przepelnionego restrykcjami Tybetu, gdzie swoboda przemieszczania sie czy inne formy szeroko rozumianej wolnosci zanikaja. Wszystko to znajd... read more
Chokhung Ri 5545mnpm
EBC - 5345mnpm
Everest Base Camp

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas August 18th 2008

„Becouse it is there” - te slowa na zawsze utkna mi w pamieci wypowiedziane przez Georga Mallorego w 1924r. , zapytany dlaczego tak uproczliwie dazy do zdobycia Mt Everest. Zdobywanie szczytow?! Ludzie placa fortuny tysiace dolarow, dziesiatki tys. Dolarow za co?? Za caly trud, narazanie swojego zdrowia/zycia na niebezpieczenstwo ktore niesie za soba wspinaczka. Za te 10-15 min na szczycie poprzedzone dniami/tygodniami ciezkiej pracy. Tysiace dolarow zainwestowane w „kota w worku”. Bo nikt nigdy nie da Ci pewnosci ze osiagniesz wyznaczony cel. Ktos by pomyslal to jak granie w rosyjska ruletke. Takze szczescie odgrywa ogromna role w tej „grze”. Lecz rowniez kolosalne znaczenie ma cale logistyczne rozplanowanie wyprawy, przygotowania z nia zwiazane, wlasne umiejetnosci techniczne zwiazane ze wspinaczka , jak i odpowiednio dobrana druzyna i sprzet. Bo to na nich bedziemy glownie polegali, ... read more
Gokyo Ri
Gokyo Ri
Cho Yuo BC

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