Blogs from Penang, Malaysia, Asia - page 71


Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town February 2nd 2007

So after a final farewell(for now) to Thailand i head into Malaysia. Again my idea of malaysia was way off the mark and this country (from what i saw anyway) has better infrastrucutre than back home and is a prospering country. I only had 10 days to see this country so i would only see a fraction of it. I decided to vist Penang island and Kuala Lumpar. Malaysia is a great place with 3 races living and working happily together. The Malay, the chinese and the Indans. I did not get the impression there was any tension between any of them and they were all proud to be known as malaysian. There are alot of countries i can think of that could learn from how they live together. Anyway so i headed from the border ... read more
Huge moth
Butterfly Farm

Asia » Malaysia » Penang February 2nd 2007

On the Friday afternoon my Mum and Dad took us to the pier and we said our goodbyes, just a we had done in England a couple of months before. It was due to be a long journey. The boat left at 4pm, arriving on the main land an hour or so later. From there we got a bus to Surat Thani, then another bus to Surat Thani train station. We arrived at the train station at about 730pm, where we had to then wait for the train which wasn't passing through until 130am, onward to Butterworth in Malaysia. We actually managed to kill time pretty well. Although there was hardly anything there, we did find one little place with Internet access. That lasted till 9pm when they closed and we had to leave, so then ... read more
Rob inspects the ramdon dog aboard our boat back to the main land!
A common mode of transport in Georgetown.
Morning All!

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town February 2nd 2007

This page is not for the squeamish...if easily offended by body piercings, please turn away now! Thaipusam is one of the biggest Hindu religious celebrations. As far as we can understand (and apologies if we have got any of the details wrong), the Goddess Parvathi gave her son, Murugan, a vel (lance) with which he went out and slayed all the demons. The lance is transported to the temple. There are chariots depicting the image of Lord Subramanian, which are pulled through the streets and coconuts are smashed on the streets. That is how the event was described to us by the ever helpful locals on hand to explain the event. The devotees of Thaipusam which seemed to be all men (although woman can participate, if they choose) go to the temple after a month of ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 31st 2007

The road to Penang turned out to be very comfortable indeed, courtesy of the Super VIP Konsortium Bas Ekspres. We decided that the extra one pound 50 pence would be wisely invested in the aforementioned service, that came complete with airline super snoozer seats and individual entertainment console......and before we knew it, we were at the bus station on Penang Island. The scenery en route was more of the previous in peninsula Malaysia, although generally it was a lot drier than anticipated. The express bus station on Penang is about 12 kms outside of Georgetown, which leaves you with limited choice but to get a taxi (at least, if you are carrying your backpacks and it's 90 degrees). The taxi ride therefore costs about 2/3 of the price of the bus ticket from KL and there ... read more
Market Stall, Georgetown
Kek Lok Si Temple

Asia » Malaysia » Penang January 31st 2007

We arrived in Panang on a night bus... wow what a journey.. now let me tell you what a journey this was... the bus was a 16 seater, standard A/C but here is the real good part, it had 35 degree reclining seats, a LCD TV for every chair and every chair had massage programes on it! Therefore you can watch a movie in english!!! the speakers were built into the seat, recline and have a massage all at the same time.. WOW the best bus journey i have ever had!! It puts the english and even the european bus companies to shame!!! The ride up to Panang was 9 hours, everyone told us it will be 12hrs but it was 9. We had to get off and on a few times, 1st going thru singapore ... read more
Cintra Street
Ali the Pascha
Scary Animals

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 31st 2007

So, endlich sind wir draussen - war ja nicht zum Aushalten dort ;-) Ich bin schon gestern (30.01) mit Minibus, Faehre, Minibus, Faehre, Minibus, usw. nach Penang gefahren und der Andy kommt heute Abend (sofern er ausreisen darf) auch hier an. Mehr Zeilen und Fotos zu Malaysia und natuerlich Andy's Eindruecke von den Similans gibt's bald hier - stay tuned!... read more
Fauler Trishaw-Fahrer
Grosses Feier

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 28th 2007

Yet again an early start - this time to go and see a temple! We got taxi's which took us to the temple, waited an hour while we looked around and then dropped us at the blue mansion (a house built by someone famous who had several wives and has something to do with Feng Shui!) The temple was very impressive and there was a massive bronze statue. The housing around the statue was still under construction and you were able to buy tiles to eventually go on the roof and help them fund the project. Mel, Chris (one of the London Lads) and I decided to buy a tile and had our names and the date written on it! The blue mansion wasn't quite as impressive! You had to get a guided tour around the ... read more
Our Tile
The Blue Mansion
Me and Jen

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 27th 2007

We got up nice and early at 6:30 to jump on our air conditioned mini bus along with our snacks, prepared for a long days travel. George was instructed by Sharn to sit in the front to keep an eye on the speed the driver was going to tell him to slow down if necessary, which filled us all with confidence! After a change of drivers, 2 passport controls and a long strip of 'no-mans land we arrived in Malaysia. Although it does not yet have the status of 'developed' country you could definately see the difference from Thailand. It was a lot more built up with sky scrapers defining the sky line. In order to enter Penang island we crossed over the 2nd longest bridge in the world, spanning an impressive 13.2km. We arrived at ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 27th 2007

Ok so we set of on the minibus to the Maly border, at which point i noticed that the driver of the bus had grown his little finger nail to about an inch in length whilst having trimmed the rest of them, and i remembered something Sharn had said about the travel company never doing journeys at night because of the drivers doing speed to keep awake. So i whispered quite worriedly to Charlie that this guy had grown a coke spoon! It wasn't until about a week later that i would find out from Sharn that this was for two completely different reasons; the first being that in chinese-malay culture it's considered unlucky to have your little finger smaller in length than your ring finger so people grow their nails, the second being that it's ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 25th 2007

The minibus service to Penang was uneventful, with the possible exception of the driver who was smuggling something across the border. Nothing like being used as part of the drug trade, or whatever it actually was. It went something like this. Right before the border crossing, liaison with women in car. Right after the border crossing, liaison with women in car, load a few crates of dogs into minibus, arrange something under the floor of the crates. Drive past checkpoints (being waived through because we were 'tourists', pull into a rest stop about halfway between the border and Penang, and the dogs and whatever was under the towels they had in the crates get picked up by guy in black Toyota pickup. An Irish guy in the back seat kept a careful eye on the bags, ... read more
Georgetown Fort
My seat on the bus

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