Blogs from Tokyo, Japan, Asia - page 258


Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 7th 2005

I woke to rain and cold as I prepared for my morning stretching (a must for my bad back). After my "western" breakfast which consisted of a hard boiled egg, some toast and tea, I adjourned to my room to prepare for my visits to the various temples and shrines that Nikko is most famous for. To my luck, the rain had subsided so I could enjoy a leisurely stroll through amazing gardens, shrines and temples. The cloudy skies coupled with the glistening created by the earlier rain made the gardens come alive with sweet smells. Being the ever wise businessman, I purchased a "combination ticket" to the many attractions. From the Rinnoji Garden and Temple which featured three large gold buddah-type statues, to the Tosyogu Shrine (whose entrance features a huge stone torri and finally ... read more
Rinnoji Temple
Tosyogu Shrine
Stone Torii of Tosho-gu

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 6th 2005

I arrived in Japan on Tuesday and so far everything has gone extremely well. I'm glad I trained a bit back home cause I have been walking alot of miles (or kilometers) since I got here. The weather has been magnificent...sunny and warm during the day with a bit cooler evenings. Spent the first few days in Tokyo seeing the main sites. Visited the imperial palace, the fish market, and a few of the more popular areas of the city (shinjuku, harajuku, shibuya, ginza, akahabra). even got to experience late night Kareoke with some friends I made here (gal from NZ and one from Japan). We sang all night until 5am and when we exited, the Shibuya area (known for being swarmed with youngsters) was still packed with thousands of kids running about. On friday, I ... read more
Fish Market
Golden Week Parade
Temple Dragon

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 22nd 2005

Cherry blossom season is Japan is truly beautiful. It lasts a short time and the locals certainly make the most of it. The term Haname has basically come to mean drink all you can under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. So, when in Rome… The Kiwi contingent celebrated Hanami at Yoyogi Park in central Tokyo. We had a great afternoon with a big group of people from all over the world, talking, laughing and of course drinking. We were even entertained by a roving group of Japanese belly dancers. A great afternoon was had by all, especially Storm who has now sworn off sake. Shortly after Hanami season Sarah returned to New Zealand to pursue her own adventure. So now it’s just me! ... read more
White blossoms
Pink blossoms
SNick, Storm & Daizo under the blossoms in Aoyama Cemetary

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 11th 2005

Even with the warnings of Japan's outrageous prices, I was not prepared for what we have encountered here. A large pizza, delivered to your door, costs $35. Jeremy and I can live without pizza. Grocery shopping is a major task for us. Not only do we have to walk 10 blocks each way, everything is unfamiliar. There is no English writing on the packages and the selection of foods are, well, lacking. The foods we do recognize are generally the fruits and vegetables. I thought it was because of the winter season everything was so expensive. We are now mid-April and prices have not budged. One apple costs $2.50. A watermelon that is the size of a large grapefruit is $27 and a grapefruit is $7. One tiny cantaloupe costs $16.80. It amazes me that people ... read more
Plum Blossoms

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 8th 2005

Voila, elles sont arrivees, les fleurs de cerisiers Les Japonais sont tous dans l'espace. Sous le moindre cerisier en fleurs se pressent des passants avec leur telephones portables pour prendre des photos et les envoyer directement par mail. Dans les allees des temples, ils s'installent sur des baches, des nattes, des sacs plastiques, et regardent les fleurs. Les hommes d'affaires en costards, les "Office ladies" en tailleurs, les ecoliers , les mamies en kimono... tout le monde s'y met. Pour le plus grand bonheur des marchands de fritures, brochettes, sucreries en tous genres qui se sont installes devant chaque parc depuis quelques jours, en attendant que les fleurs apparaissent. C'est assez particulier, mais ca donne une ambiance tres conviviale. A bientot depuis Kyoto ! Dine et Seb... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 7th 2005

Ce jeudi, nous avons pris le shinkansen pour aller au nord de Tokyo, dans les montagnes encore enneigees, a Nikko. Apres deux heures de train, et une bonne demi-heure de marche, le complexe de sanctuaires et de temples boudhiques etait magnifique. D'autant que nous avons beneficie d'un temps superbe ! La journee fut donc marquee par une longue marche a travers la foret de Nikko, avec ses cascades et ses sanctuaires perdus. Au retour, creves, nous avons eu droit aux moqueries de nos hotes, car nous etions tous rouges. les ecrevisses vous saluent bien Dine et Seb... read more
Sanctuaire perdu tout en haut de la montagne

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 6th 2005

Ami foule-o-phobe passe ton chemin. Aujourd'hui, on a decide de se faire un bain de foule, mais rien ne nous a prepare a ca ... Les gens se massent au quatre coins du feu tricolore pendant 5 min, on attend le signal du depart, chacun se regarde l'oeil en coin, la tension monte, les concurrents sont pret au depart, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... partez !!! Et la, c la folie, tout le monde s'eparpille dans tous les sens, on sait plus ou donner de la tete pour eviter les collisions et miraculeusement on se retrouve de l'autre cote sans comprendre comment ... :-) A part ca, les japonais ont le sourire, ils marchent la tete en l'air : les cerisiers sont en fleur. Et c'est magnifique. Seb et Dine (aujourd'hui il fait 25 degre ...) ... read more
Les cerisiers

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 5th 2005

Et voila, le trip etait prevu pour jeudi, mais mes amis qui nous recoivent nous ont propose de nous y emmene mardi, car le beau temps etait assure. Et rien que la vue du Mont Fuji degage, enneige, coiffe d'un leger nuage... je ne peux pas vous en dire plus, la photo ci joint parle d'elle-meme ! C'etait super, le beau temps et la douce chaleur du printemps sont enfin la, nous sommes super contents. on pense a vous ! Dine et Seb... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 4th 2005

So I'm writing this entry several years after the trip itself, but i just wanted to log it with the rest of my travels and shit. cool? This was the first real trip to another country for me, other than to Canada, so it was a pretty amazing feeling being on the other end of the globe. The moment I could see land from the airplane window, I was stoked! ...and looking for Godzira! My friend Adam, whom was living in Japan and teaching English there, met me at the airport and we began our homo erotic journey throughout Japan. Just kidding, I think he already had a boyfriend. But we did bathe naked together in a hot spring and saw each others ding dongs! I can't recall the city that he lived in, but I ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 4th 2005

Au menu d'aujourd'hui, "petite" balade du quartier typique d'Asakusa au parc populaire d'Ueno Asakusa abrite un des plus grands temples de la region de Tokyo. Il apparait au bout d'une longue avenue-galerie, bordee de marchands de "Omiage" (cadeaux souvenirs) et de bonbons, gateaux, et plats populaires japonais avales en dix minutes top chrono (Yaki soba et Yakitori). Tout le quartier est fait de galeries marchandes, c'est assez sympa. Nous avons continue a pied jusqu'au parc d'Ueno. C'etait un peu particulier, car les avenues du parc etait bordees de personnes semblant faire un sitting quotidien sur des baches... on s'est demande s'ils n'attendaient pas la floraison des cerisiers... ou la fin des grandes vacances scolaires (la rentree etant la semaine prochaine) Le soir, nous avons rejoins un ami de seb, qui nous a emmene dans un Sushi ... read more

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