Blogs from Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 336


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 9th 2006

The worst hotel of our trip was in Amritsar. They wanted 1100 Rs (33$C), we ended up paying 450 Rs, still way to much. Nothing worked, it was noisy and not particularly clean but otherwise ok. We found another hotel the next day, more expensive but much cleaner. Later, Jamie and I took a bicycle rickshaw into the city centre anxious to see the famous Golden Temple, holiest shrine for the Sikhs. We had to check our bags, shoes, wear a cloth over our head and wash our shoes before entering. It was indeed beautiful, even after having seen so many Maharajah palaces and the Taj Mahal. There were many pilgrims, obviously taking the scene very seriously and religiously so we comported ourselves accordingly, with respect. We were virtually the only westerners - I should say ... read more
Street scene in Amritsar
Daily Marching Ceremony at Pakistan Border
Punjab: breadbasket of India

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 8th 2006

Well at least I now know where those baggy pants got there name - welcome to Jodhpur, not only home to baggy pants but of course more temples and forts… First of all we toured around Jodphur fort which overlooks the old town, the fort itself was very impressive and has apparently never been breached although there are several cannon ball marks so at least someone tried. From the top of the fort the views were fantastic, especially of the old town which is painted blue to try and keep the occupants cool - and they need all the help they can get a it's pretty darn hot and it's not even summer. While we were touring the fort we noticed that they did evening meals so we made reservations for that night and toured around ... read more
Steve and Suzanne at Fort
Inside the Fort
Shaving Steve

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 7th 2006

In Jodhpur I stayed at the Heaven guesthouse run by a lovely Jain lady, Nisha, and her family. She welcomes visitors with a smile and makes sure their travels run smoothly. She is enterprising and has built up her guesthouse over the last few years and now is planning to convert the ground floor into a German coffee shop. I was invited to go with the family to meet Nisha's inpiration, a lady Jain monk who lives in Beawar and has developed a charitable hospital for people in the area. The Jains respect the life of all living things and their monks wear masks so that they do not even breathe in small insect life. I found the lady monk to radiate a peace and kindness. She is 85 and has been living in austerity for ... read more
red fort

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaisalmer February 7th 2006

So rats to Bikaner and we head off once again on to the unknown, or to be more precise, what’s unknown could be just around the corner... One thing you do see traveling this way is the absolute poverty of the smaller villages and I just can’t understand how they survive. One thing that amazes myself and Suzanne is that you'll see someone in the absolute middle of no where quite content either working away or walking somewhere - and there's nothing (and I mean nothing) for miles, so where are these people going or where have they been - mind blowing... A few villages later and quite a few hours later we arrive just outside Jaislemer for a camel safari which includes a ride into the desert as well as spending a night below the ... read more
Steve and Suzanne riding camels
Suzanne riding
Steve and Suzanne on a camel

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 7th 2006

Summary: After spending too much time on the beach and running out of time in India I hurtled through india sightseeing as I went and ended up landing in Hampi where I am now and have also spent too much time. So much has happened in the last few days so i'm going to have to be brief as I don't have much time but I'll do the best I can. After coming back from Chandrabaga I had a quick night in Puri where I met an English guy (tommy) who had his 50th birthday the day before so we celebrated with a few beers and got reasonably drunk (or at least I was - I don't know about him). He was another amazing character and although he works from the UK he always manages to ... read more
Dinner on the train

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur February 7th 2006

A restfull night we had on the train to Jaipur from Jaisalmer. Jaipur is also a very crowded city. We were expecting the Pink City area calm but it wasn't. We took a fuul day tour from the tourist office at the railway station. Although the price of the tour was very cheap, many extras made the bill high. 180 inR for the museum, 10 inR for observatory area, few other entrances and the lunch we paid 255inR for two. Nice places we have visited but we were expecting to see them more clean and painted clean. The history of Jaipur is not older than 500 years. Unfortunately we didn't find what we dreamed for this city. In the afternoon we left for Agra by train. Agra is also a very rush city with its crowds. ... read more
a beauty from Jaisalmer
A temple
Pink City

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 5th 2006

Spending a few days on the beach prior to part two of our adventure in Kerala Some thoughts Rubbish- Much of the Indian nation has little notion of the concept of rubbish removal. All types of litter from the ubiquitous plastic water bottle to chicken carcasses litter the sides of the road and cattle graze on this waste, pigs forage amongst it and large black crows and kites scavenge-it eventually dissipates when little fires are lit, but the smell lingers on. Driving- The Indians, although skilful are the worst drivers I have ever come across anywhere in the world. I have tried to work out what rules they follow but there are none-its every man for himelf, horns blaring, swerving all over, passing anywhere and generally causing mayhem-there are lots of accidents Fenni- an old gentleman ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Bikaner February 5th 2006

Yeehaaa - The adventure begins as we set off at out of Delhi at the speed of a relaxed snail and into the rush hour traffic... How busy and how loud - wow, through the noise we learn our drivers name is Harish and he likes Indian Music - I felt like I was in UK curry house and asked for 2 lamb Buna’s, anyway Harish seems like a nice enough fellow and just as was as we will be spending lots and lots of time with him over the next 3 weeks... Instead of driving straight to Bikaner we decided to break up the trip and stop off in Mandawa at a little resort - I know, it's a hard life we lead... Quite a few hours later we arrive at a very relaxing place ... read more
enjoying the hotel resort
Inside the Red Fort
Locals on tour

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaisalmer February 5th 2006

Arriving at the Jaisalmer railway station on 3rd Feb.,we booked our further reservations on trains. In five minutes we reached to the center of the town. We walked up the fort and found a suitable hotel with town view for 700 inR per night. Hotel and restaurants are serving beer in Jaisalmer. Hotel keeper arranged a camel tour for the next day, continuing to the sand dunes by jeep. We enjoyed the camel ride of four hrs. At lunch under a tree on the desert we gave a stop. Our camel man cooked for us a delicious meal. By the way we both of us learned to cook in small pots and the simplicity of life. I think we make the life hard. Gunay offered a piece of soap to the guide to make his hands ... read more
Jaisalmer Fort
our hotel
Indian Woman

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 3rd 2006

We left Jaisalmer, five of us (including the driver Vicky) crammed into our small indian-made car. Here's one of the advantages of having a car/driver with flexible travel-mates: we can stop for various things of interest. I had neard about the small village of Khidgen (between Jaisalmer and Bikaner) in which there is a spot where the Demoiselle Cranes winter, thanks to food provided by villagers. We (I mean Vicky) had to ask about about 12 people before finally finding a dirt road leading to a large excavated depression, containing something like 300 to 400 cranes, not to mention some little eyed (?) plovers, redshank, shovelers and others. Strange site, in the middle of nowhere. Bikaner, our next stop, is a dusty desert town, with chaotic traffic as bad as anywhere else. At one point an ... read more
Scene from hotel balcony
Rats drinking milk in karna mati temple
At the camel farm

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