Blogs from Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 333


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 25th 2006

Coming back to the UK on monday and have been enjoying a few restful days on the beach-that is until it was invaded by about 20 yobs from London who spent their time swearing, getting drunk and generally making a real nuisance of themselves./I was very critical until some Northerners did the same. What is it about a few young Brits that makes them behave so badly-or perhaps I am just a grumpy old man. The beach has been excellent, beautiful sand, warm sea, excellent food and drink. Most people very friendly and helpful. Thats all folks!... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Ranthambhore National Park February 24th 2006

The second day of our tour we took a train to Ranthambore National Park. The park covers 1334 square kilometers and has about 35-40 tigers. Until 1970 when it became protected, the park was the hunting grounds for the maharajas (high kings). The ride from Delhi was 5 hours in an air-conditioned 2-tier (AC2) class train car. It was very comfortable with curtains and bedding for overnight trips. There were vendors selling Chai tea, water, pop, or snacks walking up and down the aisles. Each car had a couple toilets with one being ‘western style’ where you can sit down and the others being ‘Indian style’ squat toilets. The toilets all emptied into a pipe that curved a bit and put the waste directly on the train tracks! The toilets all had a large cup and ... read more
AC2 sleeper train car
Squat toilet on a train
Water Buffalo parade

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 23rd 2006

GANESH & THE ANAL RAT The most popular god (as far as statues and art-work is concerned) in the Hindu religion is Ganesh. Ganesh has a human body (similar to Buddha) and an elephant head. He rides around town on a mouse (which is ironic when you think about how elephants are supposed to be afraid of mice). He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He is also worshipped as the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth. He is the destroyer of vanity, selfishness and pride. All Hindus worship Ganesh regardless of their sectarian belief. He is the meeting ground for all Hindus which is why people like him so much. I can see why, becuause it’s hard to relate to a woman with 9 hands carrying swords who destroys ... read more
fountain 2
Girl cleaning the fountain
Lena from afar

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur February 23rd 2006

Hey all, as you can obviously see I'm still alive. Sorry it took so long for me to update this, and unfortunately this isn't really even going to be a real update. It's been tough for me to get to a computer with the internet and all, so that's why it's taken so long for me to update. Well, I do have a couple minutes, so I'll say a couple words. Well, how do I start this... Holy crap! This is a crazy place. Sandi and I (even though it's only been about a week now) have already had so many crazy adventures. We had a very sketchy first night in New Delhi. There are soooo many scam artists here. Of course we've been nailed a couple of times. But we're starting to know the ropes. ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 22nd 2006

Un petit message a mes fideles lecteurs de l annee derniere. Voyage tres different. Je ne suis pas seule, je reste au meme endroit et je n ai pas envie de prendre de photo. Peut etre justement pour ne pas avoir l impressiom d etre une touriste et me faire croire que je fais partie un peu dici parce que j y reste quelques temps et que j y ai des amis... et pour profiter a fond du moment present au lieu de recolter des imagesd pourl avenir. Mais je m enrichi de pleins d images colorees... les marches, les sarees, les enfants, les cureurs doreille (oui j en ai vu!), les petits metiers vendeurs de tout et n importe quoi, les familles entieres sur un velo ou une mobilette, les femmes assises par terre en ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 22nd 2006

Despite only having about a week left in India I ended up spending 3 days here before I caught a train out of the place. I'd like to say that this was because I did something crazy and exciting that will enthrall others but I didn't really. Apart from another day exploring on a scooter and a couple of interesting walks around the place I did very little really. Just to set the scene, Udaipur is a picturesque place with an old palace (now a hotel) on a lake but apart from that there isn't much to it. Why then did I spend 3 days there? Alcohol, good company and bad reports about the places I was planning to go to. The first day I met a crazy mix of people from around the world of ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 22nd 2006

YOU DIAPER I love Udaipur. Very clean city (comparatively) and our last stop on our whirlwind vacation. Udaipur is supposedly the most romantic city in all of India. And luckily, (or unluckily for the Indians who had to deal with it) it was the rainiest season in ten years and the lake is at a nice and high level. Jaipur was known for it’s rugs and Udaipur is known for it’s miniature paintings. Danielle and I bought a rug in Jaipur and unfortunately, we spent more and bought it at one of the tourist trap places because you want to be safe with something like a rug. I would hate to come back home, place the rug down, and then see it evaporate into nothingness. For the miniature, we decided to risk it and buy from ... read more
View from the hotel
View from the hotel 2
Pool area

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 22nd 2006

Despite only having about a week left in India I ended up spending 3 days here before I caught a train out of the place. Just to set the scene, Udaipur is a picturesque city surrounded by lakes, one of which has an old palace (now a hotel) in the middle but apart from that there isn't much to it. Why then did I spend 3 days there? Alcohol, good company and bad reports about the places I was planning to go to. The highlight here for me was a day spent on scooters again. There were four of us that went on two bikes - Me and Becky (English), Michael (Austrian) and Kevin (Dutch). Michael and Kevin were both completely insane! They generally rode infront of us and we spent most of our time laughing ... read more
Evening leisure
Tiger Lake
Stand to attention!

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur February 21st 2006

ACCESS INDIA In Asia, they followed American celebrities. Here there are Indian celebrities that they follow. Hollywood is Hollywood. Bollywood is king here. CHILD SERVANTS I was walking in Udaipur and this kid, Gingaran was sitting outside one of the local shops. I gave him a whistle and he was so grateful, he would blow it every time I came by. He didn’t speak much English, but with an 11 year old, you wouldn’t have much of a conversation anyway. On the third day, some women were outside with the kid. They were the shop owners and I asked them who’s child he was. They told me that he wasn’t their child and that he was their servant. Picture having an 11 year old servant. Made me feel sorry for Ging, but then I thought about ... read more
more rooftops
some other kids we gave toys to

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur February 20th 2006

Off we set on our final adventure. A visit to a wildlife sanctuary and a famous waterfall. We drove for about 2 hours through the dustiest conditions we have come across. The dust is due to the fact that thousands of lorries (yes thousands) were carting Iron and Manganese ores from the open cast mines to the ports for export to China. We arrived very dirty and gasping for fresh air. We transferred to a landrover and entered the sanctuary and travelled about 12km over the bumpiest tracks I have ever seen and by the time we arrived at the waterfall we were shaken to pieces. Then followed a trek through the jungle, across dry river beds and streams . We passed a colony of monkeys which looked very fat and heathy and soon arrived at ... read more

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