Blogs from Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 285


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar January 31st 2007

On the trip back from the holy lake we stop in at a silk shop and are introduced to an eldery Indian man who we think goes by the name of Guru Nadar! Anyway he sits us down and gets his entire stock of silk scarves out for us to peruse and somehow he gets into the story of Brahma and the Brahma temple!! The story goes on for a good 30 minutes - only trouble is the Guru doesn't speak the best English, so me and Michelle sit there dumbly, smiling and nodding in all the right places!!! After the lenghtly story - which we eventually understand the guru asks us our names! I go first and the guru chants some religious song and counts on his fingers - never knew my name had such ... read more
The Guru predicts

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar January 31st 2007

After our meeting with the Guru we decidd to carry on the religious theme and visited our first Sikh Temple in India - this is a place where we had to cover our heads - luckily i'd done a lot of scarf buying today so had an array of scarves to choose from - the hippy in me coming to light!! Anyway you're probably wondering why the John Wayne reference - well we had to make a mad dash after the temple, to prepare ourselves for a sunset camel trek!! Thats right we went a camel riding!! We meet our guides outside the hostel and come face to face with our camels - what a handsome duo they were - the camel that is!! Although my camel didn't particularly look like he was up for a ... read more
Passed out
The 5th foot

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur January 30th 2007

January 27, 2007 - Part 4 I took a few random “snaps” as we were leaving Jaipur to head back to Delhi. (That’s what the Indians call photographs, “snaps.”) We decided to stop at a roadside vendor just on the way out of town to grab something to eat. We hadn’t had any food since breakfast and we were very hungry. They love potato chips over here. Every single roadside vendor sells them. It goes without saying that they have their own flavors, but Michele was able to get us some plain Lays potato chips. She bought our driver a bag of Masala (Indian spice) flavored one. Two bottles of water and we were good to go. While Michele was buying the potato chips, our driver used this public telephone to make a call. I have ... read more
Elephant on the Interstate
Bamboo Scaffolding
Truck Rickshaw with Staring Men

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 30th 2007

Today we bought tickets for a deluxe class bus to take us to Pushkar. On the way to the bus station we were nearly gonna's with the resident rabied dogs nearly taking a bite out of me and then chasing Michelle down the street - not nice!! To top things off i woke up with a cold - i thought you could only get colds in cold countries!! So had to make a dash to the chemist and stock up on vitamin c tablets!! Anyway, the bus to Pushkar - don't let the deluxe part fool you, by no means was it a national express or indeed a west midlands travel double decker - but it was actually ok - bet you never expected me to say that!! However it was a very hairy drive - ... read more
Back row riders
on board

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur January 29th 2007

So we arrive in Jaipur and finally - our prayers had been answered - thankyou everyone for keeping your fingers crossed - we have a DECENT hotel - thats right you read right, we're actually living it up in a hotel!!! Its clean and everything, even has hot water and toiler paper is provided!!! O the joys!! And with this new found hot water, i finally wash the linen trousers i have been wearing every day since i got here - yes i do ming, but the state of these Indian streets, i didn't want to infect all my other clothes!! And yes Sarah, i used the pegless washing line - and this wasn't the first time either - yes thats right readers i have done more than one load of washing and yes the parents ... read more
View from a rickshaw
The art of road crossing, Indian style!
The Rickshaw

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur January 29th 2007

January 27, 2007 - Part 3 After leaving the Amber Palace, our original “student” guide rejoined us. We reminded him we wanted to ride an elephant on the way down. Per standard operating procedure, he started the shell games, trying to take us someplace special that we just had to see. What he was trying to do was us get into shops where he would get a commission if we purchased anything. Michele was forceful with him and insisted that we only had time to ride the elephant - nothing more. (This in fact was true because we needed to get to Delhi in time for Michele to join the driver to go to the airport to pick up two of our colleagues, Jeff and Carol.) I snapped this first photo as we started down the ... read more
Elephant Stables
My Elephant Ride
Elephant Driver

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 29th 2007

Well unfortunatly it was our time to leave Jaislamer. I will definatly miss it. We bought a bus ticket from our hotel and im pretty sure they ripped us off. We paid $5 to be on a local bus that everyone else paid about 50 cents for. We were told it was a deluxe bus and it was far from it! It was so disgustingly dirty and it was packed to the roof with people. Usually the bus stops every couple hours for a washroom break but not this one. We asked how long it was stopped for and the driver said 15 minutes so i decided to go to the washroom. As i come out the bus is slowly pulling away after maybe 2 minutes. Everyone is pushing to get on and off the bus ... read more
Overlooking the Blue City
Musicians in the fort
Indian Fire control

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur January 28th 2007

January 27, 2007 - Part 2 We headed back to the car after Hawa Mahal to begin our drive out of town to the Amber Palace. It was here I planned to ride the elephant to the top of the hill where the palace was located. On the approach to the palace, in the thick of traffic, a young man approaches the car and offers his services as a guide for 20 Rupees. He produces this laminated document he claims is his guide license. We decided what the heck… it’s only 20 rupees, which is less than 50 cents. So he jumps in the car, and we tell him we want to ride an elephant to the top. He insists it’s much better to ride the elephant “on the down side.” So he directed our driver ... read more
On Approach 2
Palace and Fort Wall
Kings Gardens 1

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaisalmer January 28th 2007

If you can afford a good seat and avoid the crush that you can expect in the cheaper classes, trains are a great way to travel in India. The distances are pretty large and generally the roads leave a lot to be desired. In addition, if you are over 5’8’’, you probably already know that you simply don’t fit in buses… The first hour of bus travel for me consists of trying to find a vaguely comfortable position, this always fails miserably and after another hour of intense pain all feeling leaves my lower body. The problems really start when it’s time to get off the bus, this requires at least half an hour of massage and light exercise to ensure you don’t fall flat on your face when you try to stand up as ... read more
Whadawe want 'A room!' Whendawewannit 'Now!
Billygoat on the city ramparts
City by night

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur January 28th 2007

Yes we had a mighty decision to make today - what time to get to the train station for!! Why i hear you cry!! Well....... You may remember i wrote about the lenghtly train journey from Varanasi to Agra, that wound up getting into the station 4 hours late!! Well this was the same train we had to get to go to Jaipur! When we left Agra train station when we arrived they had said that this particular train qwas always 3/4 hours late. However when we asked at our hostel they said the sometimes, just sometimes it was on time!!! The train was due to depart at 6:10am - so there came our difficult dilemmna, did we get up at the crack of dawn and get to the station and risk having to sit there ... read more
On board

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