Blogs from Kochi, Kerala, India, Asia - page 16


Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 16th 2010

Nous voilà maintenant rendu à Fort Cochin qui est un quartier de la ville de Kochi… Cette endroit est très populaire auprès des touristes blancs. Dès notre arrivée, nous avons compris pourquoi… Contrairement à d’autre endroit en Inde, tous est facile… l’Internet est disponible partout, le trafic n’est pas dangereux, on a même eu la chance de louer des vélos pour s’y promener. Nous avions trouvé un auberge très paisible avec un gérant très amical qui nous a beaucoup aidé. Durant notre séjour, nous avons visité un peu mais je dois avouer que lorsque l’on trouve ce genre de confort en Inde, on en profite pour relaxer et manger de la nourriture différente… PIZZA HUT !!! Et oui, finalement du Fastfood… Nous avons visité un site superbe que je dois mentionner puisque c’était vraiment beau. Sur ... read more
Dans les rues de Fort Cochin
Port de mer...
Pizza Hot !!!

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 14th 2010

Our day to day is pretty rigid an uneventful here in Nettoor. There is the intensive training but most days are rather dull. This is a sleepy village and the only cool place is this internet cafe which daily and nightly attracts throngs of bored locals teens, desparate for something stimulating tp happen. This time is giving us a chance to reflect on much; our trip thus far, loved ones back home, what we want for our direct and distant futures, and different ways we could possibly avoid the oppressive heat. One aspect of our experience that doesn't get conveyed back home is the cast of funny characters we meet in passing for short to medium periods of time and colour the backdrop of our days. I decided to write about a few of them for ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 8th 2010

One of the main things Jenna and i planned for our trip was to spend one month at a school in Kerala training in Kalarippayat. We didn't know much about the art or the people who teach it just what we saw on a television show and read on the internet. We heard positive feedback from many sources on ENS Kalari in Kochi so now we are here. Kalari is believed the predecessor to all eastern martial arts and was spread by buddhist monks from southern india to all areas of asia. After 1000 years of it being in different regions the art evolved with its new home; i.e. kung fu in china, silat in malaysia, etc. We are training under the watchful of a Kalari guru who has accepted us (and our course fees) as ... read more
front view of the kalari
Photo 4
Photo 5

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 3rd 2010

After the heat in Karnataka and still having some extra time we decided to head to the Nilgiri Mountains range in Tamil Nadu to soak up some chilly nights. Unfortuneatly, I started getting sick in Mysore and promptly became very sick in Ooty, having eaten all the same things as Brian and him being fine. I was on pretty strong antibiotics shortyly before we came here and my symptoms seemed to mirror intestinal infections that follow a little while after those antibiotics. Food poisoning generally doesn't start with two days of fevers and achiness. We visited a doctor who prescribed me more antibiotics, probiotics, some weird digestive pills called 'Happi - D' and was generally very friendly. It was very professional and unprofessional all at the same time. I got better in a few days and ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi April 14th 2010

After having completed the first stage of my trip in Africa, I left the wonderful City of Capetown on the Thursday night, knowing I wouldn't arrive in Kochi until Saturday morning. In truth it was a crappy journey with a 12 hour stop over in Qatar which I would not care to repeat. Upon arrival in Kochi it was very hot and humid but the airport transfer had arrived as instructed (unlike in Nairobi). However, he didn't have a clue where the place I was staying was so we spent an hour driving to Fort Kochi, and an hour and a half driving round Fort Kochi asking every man and his dog for directions. I arrived at destination very tired about 6:15 in the morning and went straight to sleep. I spent the next few days ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi March 21st 2010

Incredible India- That is what the advert on TV proclaims which seemed to be on TV every time we switched it on when planning our trip...... After previous experiences of flying into Delhi and Mumbai in the middle of the night and being hit with serious culture shock, it was good to fly into tiny Trichy airport in Tamil Nadu on the only international flight of the day landing there. The day before we had sat in Margaret and Swithin's house with the LP phoning the hotels in Trichy trying to book a room. Everywhere seemed to be 'no room at the inn' so i asked the last one on the list why they were full and the bloke said there was an election on in Trichy and all hotel rooms were booked out by party ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi March 17th 2010

WE arrived at Kerala on Friday morning. We were in North Kerala, Kannur. The hotel we stayed at had magnificent ocean views, and an amazing beach. There are not many tourisrts there, but in a few years there will be a lot because a lot of the beaches there are unspoilt. As there was not much to do there, we took a non ac train during the middle of the day to Cochin! All the AC had sold out. WE Stayed in the Ernakulam region of Cochin. This was very busy and western, like Mangalore was. The first night here we found a bar to go to, and we watched the IPL. Second day was very good as we venured across the boat jetty to Fort Cochin. But we first go off on the wrong Island! ... read more
Unspoilt beach
Fort Cochin
Retired Tuk tuks

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi March 11th 2010

We got off the bus in Ernakulam, and found we would need to change twice to get a bus to Fort Kochi. So off to the rickshaw stand, and negotiated 150 Rp for a ride to Red's Residence, our next place to stay. It was about half an hour, so good value. Red's is outside the main town, and a very good place - certainly the cleanest we have found in India. Soap! Towels! Loo paper! Unashamed luxury. And cable TV with HBO for those long hot nights. We settled in, and trekked into town. Quite glad we were outside the centre, as the main town is just full of Westerners, and touts trying to entice them. We had a cold drink, then wandered around, admiring the Chinese fishing nets, and the fish stalls all along ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi February 25th 2010

Kochi was to be our last city tour and after spending a couple of days here we retreated to a beach resort which is one and a half hours south of the city. The city is situated on the west coast of Kerala and is full of history. The Portugese arrived here in the 16th century and built a palace for the local royal family in exchange for trading rights. We visited the palace known as Mattancherry Palace and at the time it seemed to be the venue for the visit by hordes of schoolchildren as well as a scene of renovation works. The Portugese during their time here built a couple of churches which have since undergone quite a few modifications. The most interesting was St Francis Church which had the honour of being the ... read more
St Francis Church
Laundry 1
Laundry 2

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi February 19th 2010

Colonial Mix Back on shore, and we decide to head for a very old European trading port, once home to Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese and English, each country leaving its mark on the architecture, food and language. The first thing to mention about Fort Kochin is the unbelievable heat.. simply just sitting seemed to leave us exhausted. People had a slow waddle like the walking dead. We developed the dawn and dusk technique ( only exploring in the twilight hours and hiding in the cool when the midday sauna struck) The entrance to the harbor at Fort Kochin is protected by the Chinese fishing nets, now reducing in numbers due to commercial fishing methods. A walk to Jew town revealed the spice markets (Mainly ginger and pepper) along with the synagogue and ancient paved narrow streets. We ... read more
Popodom Production
Ginger Markets (wholesale)
Night fishing 1

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