Blogs from Kochi, Kerala, India, Asia - page 17


Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi February 17th 2010

We flew into Kochi after a nice flight from New Delhi -- impressed with the domestic airport and the efficiency. Really it has been quite easy to get from point A to point B on this trip -- everything on time, all in reasonable condition, staff efficient and pleasant -- but still, in India, it is never really easy -- it is, after all, India. So after getting to Kochi we have slowed the pace. Also because we are in the tropics now and it is really hot. Kochi was a nice little town but just too hot for us to do much during the day. Like most Indian towns, it is dead at night. Anyway, one day we did have a bit of a walk around and came back exhausted and didn't leave the room ... read more
fish we didn't eat
more Chinese fishing nets

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi February 14th 2010

Hi everyone, hope all is well! Sorry for the lack of contact recently but where I am there has been very limited internet. Just to fill you in on what has happened since I left Varkala. I took a train to Kochi quite early in the morning, which was cool, as I met some nice people. It was pretty packed, so we were sat up above the crowds with all the luggage! When we got to Kochi, I decided I wouldn't spend a night there, as with the exception of Mumbai, it seems to be one of the most expensive places to stay in India, and also you can see most of the city in an afternoon. I left my bags at a hotel of some friends that I made on the train, and went to ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi February 13th 2010

Kochi was our first stop in Kerala. We spent the morning there before heading north to Varkala Beach. While visiting the Palace of Kerala, we learned that woman play a central position in Kerala society. “Matrifocality refers to societies in which women, especially mothers, occupy a central position, and the term does necessarily imply domination by women or mothers. Anthropologist R. L. Smith (2002) refers to 'matrifocality' as the kinship structure of a social system where the mothers assume structural prominence. The Nair community in Kerala in South India is a prime example of matrifocality.” “Kochi was the centre of Indian spice trade for many centuries, and was known to the Yavanas (Greeks) as well as Romans, Jews, Arabs, and Chinese since ancient times. Kochi rose to significance as a trad... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi February 9th 2010

Left hotel room latest we could, 12, then traipsed to internet cafe where we spent the next 4hrs. Managed to catch the 6.15 ferry from the jetty, got rickshaw to bus station and were pleasantly surprised at how much calmer and more organised Kochi's station was. Found bus with ease and it didn't even look that bad! :) Seats reclined and we were near a window that opened so can't complain and we weren't treated to any banging Indian tunes :) Sleep was impossible like, as Rob aptly described it 'it's like trying to sleep on a bucking bronco'. I was slightly terrified at times when the driver took corners without braking and as we made our way up windy mountain roads in mist in the pitch black. I also had the unpleasant experience offeeling what ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi February 8th 2010

Started today with porridge and banana at our hotel mm mmm. We decided to walk to the Dutch Cemetery (which you can only view through locked gates) and then down Bazaar Rd (a street filled with shops - lots and lots selling spices) to Mattancherry area. We spied an old abandoned mansion on our way and decided to have a quick neb round the outside of it. Once in Mattanchetty we saw the Dutch Palace (from the outside) which didn't look too impressive and the Jewish Cemetery through yet more locked gates! It is very, very hot and we were quite knackered after our 2hr saunter. I quite like it here, it's relaxing and much less manic than some of the places we've been...if only the rickshaw drivers would stop hassling us! Had veg noodles for ... read more
Dutch Cemetary
Abandoned Building 1
Abandoned Building 2

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi February 7th 2010

Got a rickshaw to the train station and managed to buy tickets to Kochi with relative ease. We even managed to find the right platform, get on the right carriage and find a seat :) It was really warm in the train, the situation not helped by 9 of us being in a seated area meant for 6 with only a couple of flimsy fans preventing us from turning into pools of liquid! The train ride was just under 3hrs. Next we had to get yet another rickshaw to the jetty where the queue for ferry tickets seemed huuuge. Luckily in this situation being a woman pays off as they have a separate queue for women and it was about a tenth of the size of the men's :) so we got our tickets virtually straight ... read more
Fort Cochin

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi January 30th 2010

My short stay in Kumily was really nice. The things to see around the Wildlife Sanctuary are quite limited though, unless one is willing to spend more money to do organized tours. Of course I am too cheap to do that so I only did the little boat trip on the lake, which was quite boring and not so comfortable with the huge life vest we all had to wear. Still, I am happy I went to that village, really enjoyed the hotel where I was and also the drive to get there and then to Cochi was very beautiful. Spice plantations, tea plantations, rubber tree plantations... And many bus stands! It was a 6 or 7 hour bus trip from there to Cochi. The trick when you travel alone by bus is not to drink ... read more
In case you need to know...
In Kanyakumari
View from the boat

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi January 29th 2010

After an epic bus journey from Kumily to Kochi, around the hills, past tea plantations, canals, coconut palms and forests we finally arrived at Kochi but then had to catch a rickshaw, ferry and another rickshaw to our accommodation in Fort Cochin (Kochi is made up of a series of islands). It was worth all the travel, Fort Cochin is a laid back backwaters town with plenty of funky cafes, top class hotels (which we did not stay in!) and cantilevered Chinese fishing nets. These nets line the island and are huge. It takes at least four men to operate the counterweights. Unfortunately they are not used often because modern fishing techniques have become more profitable. We headed out to watch traditional Kathakali which is the dramatised version of a play stemmed from 2nd century. Traditionally ... read more
Applying makeup for Kathakali
Demon - Kathakali Performance
Warrior - Kathakali Performance

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi January 13th 2010

I find it completely odd to be sweating in a hot and humid room at 9.30 on a January morning while trying to ignore the itch of mosquito bites :) It's been a bit of a whirlwind few days since leaving the congestion, chaos and edible delights of Kolkata and am now situated in the serene and tropical province of Kerala in southwest India. Though I loved the vibrancy and energy of Kolkata, I'm glad to be out of the major city centres for a while and into the lush and green jungles of the tropical south. Kolkata is often discussed in terms of its notorious poverty and sadly, it is a blight on the city that is impossible to ignore. However, to reduce Kolkata to a city of poverty (which is often the case) ignores ... read more
Sunset over the Indian Ocean
Kochi, India
Coconut Hooch.  Yum!

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi January 6th 2010

Evening All, Well after my blessay (clever Stephen Fry term for a blog essay) last time which must have been a tiresome effort for you all I will try and keep this entry a bit on the shorter side. When I last left you then I was staying with the family with my old man still in tow; I will therefore continue from when he left. His flight was in the evening time last saturday from Cochin airport which is around an hour away from where we were staying. After the goodbye's we left for the airport in Deebu's (Raj's son) big SUV truck thingy on a balmy saturday evening. What followed can only be described as the most manic car journey of my relatively short lifetime. As you know most airlines open their checkin three ... read more
Traveling with the locals

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