Blogs from Forbidden City, Beijing, China, Asia - page 17


Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City February 24th 2009

Dejamos atrás el año de la rata y empezamos el año del buey: Creo que es la única época del año en la que el chino deja en la casa su estereotipo de frio, indiferente y amargado para salir de fiesta y emborracharse en la calle. Uno va pasando y todos gritan en la calle feliz año! "xin nian kuai le!!" y tiran pólvora como locos desesperados. Empezamos la celebración como lo dicta la tradición nos quedamos en la casa tranquilos con la familia y amigos (los alemanes, Gabriel, Kai y Dani) ahí nos tomamos todo el vino que nos quedaba en la casa y cuando nos pareció buena idea tirar nuestro arbol de navidad por la ventana por que ya estabamos a mediados de febrero nos dimos cuenta que era hora de irnos. Salimos al ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City February 13th 2009

Hello world! We are IN BEIJING!!!! :O but first let us update you on what we got up to in the days before we left. I do believe that Alice left you after the beach BBQ that took place last thursday night. Friday we went to an island off Hong Kong called Lantau - it's where the airport is and is also famous for having the world's biggest buddha or the buddha with the world's biggest head made of one piece of bronze or the world's biggest something anyway we can't quite remember. It's very big. we went to Tung Chung which is as far as you can drive on Lantau without having a special driver's license because the entire island is a conservation area, then we got a very long cable car all the way ... read more
Alice Helen Sam
Sam James and Helen
Alice and Lilly

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City February 5th 2009

"Fasionable people doing questionable things" were the lyrics blasting in our iPods as we sat in an empty gate staring with wide eyes at our 777 plane docked and getting loaded with luggage. We were at the airport 3 hours early and our plane was delayed by about a half hour, yet (and without reason) we were minutes from missing our flight. As I passed my headphones to Alex to listen to the song, and only then heard "Bojanowski, last call" on the PA. We grabbed our stuff and got on an almost departed plane and vowed to move forward as smarter, and more aware travellers!! We had a rather long direct flight (expected) from Toronto to Beijing and arrived around 6PM China time. I had the aisle seat, and the lady beside Alex barfed and ... read more
Temple of Heaven
Temple of Heaven2
1 Hai Inn

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City January 22nd 2009

well day 6 or something and we have had to do 2 days in the forbidden city coz it is soooooo big; due to it being low season as well its only open to 3.30; WOW!!!! is pretty much all i can say; you see it in the pics and it looks amazing but when you see if for real your taken away by its being; its so big, detailed, pretty, grand and symetrical (dad you'd love it) its really good coz its not that busy either; its mainly local people who are on their holidays for the new year on the 26th; got some amazing pics but im having probs uploading them so il try my best for you all; yesterday wasnt too bad coz the waether was normal; sitting at 0 but today the ... read more
forbidden city2
forbidden city3
forbidden city4

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City January 14th 2009

Well right now im sat in a five star hotel overlooking the beach waiting for my breakfast /lunch to arrive. But it was not even a week since I was in Beijing and I thought I better start talking about my 10 days there or I would probably forget some of the detail, you know what I mean. So we got the bullet train and arrived in Beijing and it was a very busy place compared to all the other towns we had been to. The people didn’t even stare at us any more as they are that used to seeing foreigners. Our first task was to get from the train station to the hotel my mother had kindly paid for a hotel for a few nights over Christmas. However we didn’t know where it was ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City December 31st 2008

ZACK So far in China I have not seen much more than the inside of my hotel room at the Courtyard Marriot Forbidden City. Christmas in England was fun, except for the “Kill Santa” campaign. To my horror my aunt and uncles neighborhood was filled with people hanging model Santas by nooses out of their windows to protest the commercialization of Christmas. Christmas day was quite interesting. It started off by me being woken up on the couch by my two cousins (obviously) freaking out because it was Christmas. I was pretty impressed with some of the stuff they got. They got a Wii, a trampoline, a steam engine, and a bunch of other stuff. I mainly got a bunch of candy from my aunt because anything I got I would have to carry around the ... read more
Christmas Morning
Dad's Bald Blonde Christmas
Courtyard Marriot Forbidden City

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City December 8th 2008

Unfortunately I had to take a work trip to Beijing for 2.5 weeks in December. Sometimes life is just plain hard! So I am sitting in Beijing now trying to take in as much as I can when I am not at work. I only have 4 spare days in Beijing but then will be taking 5 days off at the end and will go to Shanghai for a look around. Anna couldn't get time off work to come which is a pity but a free trip to China for me is still a free trip to China so I wasn't turning it down! I have been here a week now, mostly working but did manage to have a look around the old part of the city. I am in a hotel near Ritan park which ... read more
Second Ring Road and the smog
Gate of Heavenly Peace

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City December 4th 2008

So we returned back to London for a day, braving the cold we went to British Musuem to have a look at what the British have stolen in the past such as part of the Syphnxes nose, and the sculptures from the Pathanon. . . . after a lovely early christmas dinner with Steve we were off to Beijing, a place I was a little nervous about . . . . .I have heard so much about China but I just didn't know what to expect. I thought it would be dirty, loud, busy and no english . . . . . We flew with British Airways for 9 hours, it was so nice to fly with a non budget company for a change, we had lovely food, wonderful flight attendants and 250 films and ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City November 23rd 2008

Arrived at Beijing airport this morning and visite The Forbidden City and Tianenmen Square this afternoon.... read more
Forbidden City 2
Forbidden City 3
Forbidden City 4

Asia » China » Beijing » Forbidden City November 18th 2008

Today was the first full day in Beijing, it is a really great city defiantly near the top of the list although I’ve still not seen enough to say which cities it is better than. First off I had agreed to meet someone from the train and we would look around the Forbidden City together. I first went to Tiananmen Square, it is very large and is flanked on each side by 2 impressive buildings ‘The Great Hall of the People’ and ‘the National Museum’ in the north is the Forbidden City and in the south is Mao Mausoleum. While waiting for my friend outside the Forbidden City, I was approached by 2 groups of Chinese who wanted to take their picture with me. Which was kind of strange but I guess it’s a Novelty to ... read more
Forbidden City
Forbidden City

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