Blogs from Yangon Region, Burma, Asia - page 27


Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon August 19th 2007

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Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon August 19th 2007

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Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon August 15th 2007

I'm in Myanmar it's former name was Burma. The country is run by a military regime who have oppressed the people. There are many reasons not to visit the country 1. the tourist dollars help fuel government repression directly. 2. forced labour to develop tourist related sights. 3. Impossible to visit without some money going to the government. ... On the other side. The people have no contact with the outside world except through tourist. Even though some money ends up in the governments hands if you stay and eat in family run establishments you can keep most of the money in the hands that really need it. When I arrived here I figured out I could get away with only spending half of what I was planned. But I made it a point to spend ... read more
This Isn't Even Full Yet!!!
Shwedagon Paya 3
It's so easy to be rich here.

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon July 4th 2007

Back in the land of internet freedom and well displaced from Bangkok for good, I write from a chinese internet connection- Dali, Yunnan province to be sure. I had a bit of a scare the last few days, a friend that accompanied my Burmese travels wrote to say she's tested positive for malaria and sweating away psychedelic dreams, though well taken care of, in a northern Thailand guesthouse... this news arrived w/ particular urgency as I myself had seen her every day for the last month and had been miserably ill for a few days when her news arrived- able to track down a hospital in Dali, but not able to find any english speaking staff, I sat discouraged and ill UNTIL a smiling american who worked at the AIDS clinic around the corner popped his ... read more
Shwe Dagon monks

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon July 1st 2007

Rudyard Kipling described Myanmar as "Quite unlike any land you know about," and I'd say that definition withstands any I could come up with. Geographically, Myanmar mostly neighbors India to it's west, and Thailand to the east. Laos, China and Bangladesh also share Mynmar's border. Myanmar was known as Burma when it was a British colony, and reclaimed the name Myanmar in 1991. It is a very poor land with a totalitarian government and a strong Buddhist presence. Due to extreme government oppression, many countries, including the United States, endorse a travel boycott against Myanmar. I tend to believe this traps the people in their situation, whereas tourism can reveal truth and reality to both natives and tourists. It can generate change and out powers any governments ability to create tolerance, understanding and democracy. Nonetheless, I ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon July 1st 2007

The first two days in a new country are always the “breaking in” period. It's where you get acclimated and familiar with the people, the pace and the general way of life. Chris and I like to do this through walks of the city with frequent stops for food and drinks. This is how we spent our first two days in Burma. Along our walks, we carried our Lonely Planet's Guide to Myanmar (Burma), also known as the Burmese bible. We stumbled upon payas (a.k.a. Pagodas), which are temple structures, sometimes as large as a city block—er—Walmart back home. My favorites were ones that housed very important relics, such as a hair of the Buddha or a few Buddha bones. As far as I could tell, Buddha either started balding in Yangon or had quite a ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon May 12th 2007

desole d'avance pour nos fideles lecteurs mais ici internet est une denree rare est surtout chere ! (8 dollars de l'heure, a Bagan). c'est donc un peu en decale qu'on va vous raconter notre voyage en Birmanie, qui etait genial , etonnant, sublime, interessant, depaysant .... C un pays totalement differen t ou des la sortie de l'aeroport on se retrouve projete 50 ans en arriere. Premiere surprise : il y a tres peu de touristes et surtout tout le monde porte le vetement traditionnel : le Longji, qui est un espece de pareo porte par les hommes et les femmes. les voitures sont tresrudimentaires (les routes aussi) et les pubs co;pletement decales de nos standards (par exemple la pub pour a lessive ou l'on voit une femme faire sa lessive dans une bassine en ... read more
vue de Yangoon ...
Shwedagon Pagoda

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon May 5th 2007

Hi Everyone! Unfortunately this update is without photos as we are in transit at the Bangkok airport and we can't download our photos!!! Hopefully we will be able to in Laos where we will arrive tonight. It's been two weeks and we have traveled all over Myanmar. What a fascinating trip we had! Myanmar is geographically very interesting as it shares borders with India, Bangladesh, Laos, China and Thailand. To the south is the Andamar Sea and the Bay of Bengal is to the West. The country is influenced by all of these surrounding countries by it's dress, food and customs. Myanmar is one of the most Buddhist countries in SouthEast Asia with over 90 percent practising Boudhism. We decided to hire a guide for our two weeks. Htun was the 5th member of our family ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon April 6th 2007

servus zusammen! hoffe, euch allen geht es gut und ihr seid net allzu gestresst von der arbeit. hier ist alles soweit i.o.. birgit ist ein wenig lediert und marcus hat sich kuriert. ein wenig husten, aber ihm schmecken die zigaretten, also doch net mehr so schlimm. heute anreise in yangon. wie solls sein, ein wenig verspaetung. ABER, es nimmt hier keiner so ernst, wie auch wir, und somit alles im gruenen bereich. heute abend gehts auf ein leckeres abschlussessen und leckeres bier und leckere desserts :-)))) der urlaub war wunderschoen, die bilder (fuer den, dens interessiert) sind sicher super und wir freuen uns, auf ein paar schoene abende mit euch. geniesst das lange wochenende und marcus wurde sagen: schoene digge eier ... in diesem sinne, passt auf euch auf und LG aus yangon. birgit und marcus ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon March 18th 2007

Servus aus Burma/Yangon: Kaum zu glauben, Marcus und Birgit sind in Burma!!! Anreise: Am Freitag den 16. Maerz 2007 sind wir von Muenchen ueber Doha nach Yangon geflogen. Alles perfekt gelaufen, ausser dass wir in Muenchen fast nicht unser Terminal gefunden haetten. Aber nach ca. 30 Minuten - nachdem sich Robert dann schliesslich eingeschaltet hat - haben auch wir den Zentralbereich am Flughafen entdeckt. Nach ca. 5 1/2 Stunden Flug mit Qatar Airways (sehr zu empfehlen) machten wir einen Zwischenstopp in Doha. Weltklasse Angebote im Duty Free - meint Marcus und will das tolle Angebot beim Rueckflug fuer diverse Suchtartikel nutzen (Schokolade usw. :-))). Weiter gings dann wieder ca. 5 1/2 Stunden direkt nach Yangon. Aufgrund der Zeitverschiebung (fuer Robert E. genau 5,5 Stunden) war es hier bereits 18:00 Uhr und die beste Zeit noch schnell ... read more

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