Blogs from Yangon Region, Burma, Asia - page 28


Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon March 18th 2007

Servus die 2.! Heute hatten wir den ganzen Tag in Yangon zu unserer Verfuegung. Wir machten uns auf zur wohl bekanntesten Sehenswuerdigkeit, der Shwedagon Pagode (paar Zahlen: 60.000 qm reiner Pagodenplatz, ebenfalls eine Glocke wie die Pumerin mit ca. 23 t Gewicht, ca. 60.000 t verarbeitetes Gold, als sozusagen Christbaumspitze auf der Pagode nen kleiner 76 karaetiger Diamant, usw... Daten und Bilder folgen zu Hause, denn im Internet ist das hier nicht ganz so einfach realisierbar). Ein wirklich beeindruckendes Bauwerk mit fantastischen Gaerten und Kloestern ... !!! Nach der erfolgreichen Besichtigung hatten wir das Vergnuegen an einem Stand, frische Kokosmilch direkt aus der gruenen Nuss zu kosten. Anschliessend besuchten wir den groessten Markt Yangons mit allem was das Herz begehrt, wie frisches, leckeres Futter, schoenste Stoffe, usw. ... Auch konnten wir bei Nacht- un... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon March 16th 2007

Burma still wears its traditional longyi - a sheet of cloth sewn into a cylindrical shape and worn around the waist running to the feet - even as its neighbours abandon their sari and sarong for diesel jeans and miniskirts. Refreshingly, its holy men are revered more than Becks or Bono and you can't buy a McDs, use a moby or check your email without growing a beard.....but where else can you get to see cats being cajoled to jump through hoops by buddhist monks?? Superb! Supposedly, they had too much free time on their hands.... I suppose we should deal with the ethical dilemma of visiting Burma before we go any further: there are lots of reasons not to visit a place controlled by a military dictatorship, primarily its shocking history of human-rights abuses - ... read more
"Who you calling an old dragon?"
U Bein Bridge, Amarapura
I thought you weren't meant to wash your dirty laundry in public?? Must be a British thing....

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon March 11th 2007

Myanmar, or Burma as the United States refers to it, is a very interesting country. For those who do not know, the country is a military dictatorship. The elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been under house arrest for the majority of the years since her election in 1990. The United States and the EU (I believe) have implemented full economic sanctions against Myanmar pending the release of the elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The current government is known for forced labor of its citizens, imprisonment and execution of political dissidents, and rampant corruption. However, they encourage tourists and it is a rather safe country for tourists. Using my guidebook I traveled as much as possible with non-government owned means. All trains and boats are government owned and some guest houses. The bus system ... read more
Surroundings of Shwedegon Pagoda
Making Gold Leaf
Making  Gold Leaf 2

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Bago March 11th 2007

Taungoo - Bago - Kinpun (Kyaiktiyo) - Yangon It's not every day that a government announces it has moved to the middle of the jungle, that no one is allowed to visit & than if you need to communicate with them, send a fax & they'll have a look when they get a chance. Of course, in a country like Burma nothing is shocking. We did make vague attempts to visit the new capital city, Pyinmana - we are allowed although most locals aren't. However accommodation prices are just a little on the steep side. The government says it has moved there so they can be in a more centrally located position - however most people think they moved to the hills so they could be safely hidden away from enemies. Although we didn't get to ... read more
Anyone for Fish?
Golden Rock
Buddha Fingers

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon March 2nd 2007

Lang ists her. Meldung an alle: uns gehts weiterhin sehr gut. ... Ratet mal wo wir jetzt sind??? Genau ! Shanghai, China ! und wer meint, "moment ... China?? ... Wieso das und hmmm... da fehlt doch ein Land..." Genau ! und zwar Myanmar ! Das letzte Mal sassen wir in Hanoi Vietnam, sind dann fleissig via Bangkok nach Yangoon geflogen und hatten abenteuerliche 28 Tage im goldenen Land. Der erste Moment war bereits beeindruckend anders: am Flughafen angekommen, fiel sofort auf: 1. die Maenner tragen hier Roecke ?! und 2. die Frauen und Kinder sind merkwuerdig "geschminkt"... Jetzt wissen wir, der Rock ist der s.g. Longyi, das traegt der Burmese von heute und das Make-Up ist eine Art Holzpaste, die sowohl kuehlt als auch pflegt und schoen macht. Kuehle ist bereits das 2te Stichwort, denn ... read more
zu Buddhas Fuessen
Shewagon Pagoda
Shewagon Pagoda 2

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon March 1st 2007

The following are a series of extracts from our journals, verbal sketches if you like, that attempt to capture our first impressions of Myanmar. To those unfamiliar with this little known country, I should perhaps try and draw a brief introductory picture. Formerly known as Burma, Myanmar is an inward looking country ruled by a military Government that has a well earned reputation for human rights abuses. For years it has cut itself off from the outside world and its people know very little of what is happening beyond the restrictive confines of their own country. Much is changing but the Government still maintains its iron-fisted rule, with Government ministers seemingly more concerned about amassing personal wealth and power rather than improving conditions for ordinary people or the country as a whole. Myanmar was once part ... read more
The Shattered Streets of Yangon
Blue Room
Echoes of Empire

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon February 14th 2007

Burma is a small nation bordered by 3 giants: China, India, Thailand. It appears to be in many ways stuck in time. At times I felt like I was back in the Beijing of 12 years ago: what is possible, what is not, what people will and won’t say, what is allowed and what is not. I felt like I was in a house of mirrors, where nothing is what it first appears to be, and every thing I see has something else behind it. It's been awhile. Here's why. To travelblog requires 3 things difficult to come by in Burma: electricity, technology, and access. Government supplied electricity, even in the cities, is spotty. Most guesthouses have their own generators for backup supply. During our visit to the Yangon central market, candle lit stalls stood right ... read more
·Burmese Buddhist temple mirrors
corner fruit stand
 Yangon temple stupas

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon February 14th 2007

The many temples of bagan were mystifying. not as well preserved or restored as those at Ankgor, their sheer number overwhelms. As we biked along, everywhere we looked we saw a seemingly endless skyline of stupas, faded by the thick orange dust in the air. rarely if ever have i been so dusty. ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon February 3rd 2007

Rangoon/Yangon It's not quite what you expect in a country where the people's kindness & generosity is second to none, but Burma is a land full of contradictions. A few days before leaving this stunning country, one of our student friends remarked that despised leader of the military government, Than Shwe, had recently been in Singapore undergoing treatment for what is believed to be cancer. Although misinformation is normal in Burma, it's widely hoped that this was true, & you can bet that just about every member of the population, no matter how kind & how dedicated to Buddhism they may be, will be praying for the death of a man who has helped cause pain & misery for years. Welcome to Burma, home to one of the most brutal military dictatorships on the planet. A ... read more
Shwedagon Pagoda

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 25th 2007

It took me much too long to finally set my feet on Burmese soil. Myanmar has been on top of my travel list for many many years, but for some reason, I always ended up skipping Myanmar while travelling in Southeast Asia. So this time I had to visit this country at all costs. In the past travellers could enter Myanmar by land from Thailand, but due to some tensions between the Thai and the Burmese government, all landborders are currently closed and the only way to get into „The Golden Land“ is by taking a plane to the capital Yangon. For the past 10 years Burma is called Myanmar. Travellers who step down at Yangon Airport for exploring this country will find golden stupas, picturesque lakes and unspoiled mountain scenery along their way. Myanmar’s arid ... read more
Bored Monk
Lost in the city
Streets of Yangon

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