Blogs from Ngorongoro Conservation Area, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 9


It took a couple of days from Dar Es Salaam to get to Arusha which is pretty much the gateway to the Serengeti and Ngorongoro. Fortunately we changed trucks before entering the Serengeti. Unfortunately the one we moved into was only slightly smaller, completely open, dusty and noisy!! We were easily the biggest (and noisiest) in the Serengeti and scared more than a few animals. On the way we stopped in at Oldupai gorge the "cradle of humankind". We were both looking forward to this but were more than a little disappointed both with teh display and talk. From here it was a short trip to the gate into the Serengeti. We saw lots of Thomsons and Grants gazelles on the way as well as a few lazy lions Geoff thought were "log"abeests. Unfortunately it was ... read more
Tawny eagle
Soda lake in Ngorongoro
Spotted Hyaena

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area April 23rd 2009

Wednesday, March 25/Thursday, March 26: Safari!!! Debra, Pam, Brad, Lauren, Mom and I went on a 2 day Safari. First we went to Manyara on Wednesday and then to Ngorongoro Crater on Thursday. Rod stayed and studied with more people at Maji Ya Chai (35 on Wednesday!). The safari (it means 'journey' in Swahili) was incredible! We saw such a different variety of animals. It's a lot different than seeing them in a zoo, too! Thursday we went to a Masai village. It was a little freaky...but very interesting! I have to steal Lauren's sentence when she told me, " I think God spent more time on Africa." When you see all the animals....the giraffe (my favorite), wildebeest, rhinoceros, and all the others, you can't help but think that God must have had a sense of ... read more
In the jeep!
Lauren and Hallie in front of the hippo pond.

Safari After 4 weeks of studying we finished on friday and went for a safari for three days. We were 10 students in total and two jeeps. We visited 3 different parks which all gave us different experiences. I might write a bit more later, but I think the pictures will tell the most of the story from this trip. Enjoy... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area January 7th 2009

I made a blurry eyed early morning decision to join some of my new friends for a classic safari in the Ngorongoro Crater. I initially told myself that I wasn't going to do a safari and I would just see the animals on my own, like a true traveler of the 'roads less traveled'- But sometimes you just have to buckle and go for the 'touristy' route. There is a rhyme and reason why people flock to certain areas of this world, and the beautiful blue-green vistas of the crater along with the amazing wildlife is one of those places. If you can learn how to take everything with a grain of salt, you can handle a few extra zinc nosed, safari shirt tourists every once in awhile. The crater itself is about 20km wide ... read more
Elephant in the Oasis
The King

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area December 10th 2008

The day was just dawning over the crater rim as I emerged crysalis-like from my tent. As I had now not showered in 2 days, I was not, however, a beautiful butterfly, more like a dirty brown moth! We left at 7am for our morning's game drive in the crater. But first we had to get into it on a long narrow and very twisty road, well track. The view was spectacular with the crater lit by the early morning rays and the mist from the forests rising up the sides. It was hard to beleive that the volcano was not erupting again!Suddenly we were at the bottom and it was flat but over on the other side of the crater were some lush green hills. One of the first animals we glimsped was a cheetah, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area November 12th 2008

After breakfast we went for another game drive in the Serengeti. We saw more Leopards, Cheetahs, Vervet Monkees, Topees, kori Bustards, Guinea Fowl, Giraffes, Elephants & Cape Buffalo. We returned to Seronera Camp for a dinner of chicken & salad,it was a lot better than the previous night's dinner. Then we decamped & drove to Longooku Maasai boma (homestead) on the outer rim of the Crater. This was touristy but great. The Massai performed traditional dances & invited us into their bomas. These are surprisingly large inside but quite dark & modest. Then they sold us some tourist tat, which involved being brought into the centre ring of the village where deals are concluded. The Massai are fascinating, they are a warrior race who live communally. Everything is owned collectively, they even share their wives between ... read more
Simba Camp
Fixing a flat tyre in the crater

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area November 1st 2008

Tag #20 Von der Lodge ist es ein 2-stuendiger Weg zum Ngorongoro Krater. Auf dem Weg kommen wir an einem Aussichtspunkt vorbei, welches uns eine schoene Sicht auf den Lake Manyara erlaubt. Wir kommen auch an der Abbruchkante des Rift Valleys vorbei. Die Umgebung wirkt steinig, immer wieder hat es kahle Baobabs... Zuerst fahren wir die Krater Aussenwand hinauf zum Gate, welches sich auf ca. 2000m befindet. Die kuehlere Luft ist nun spuerbar. Aber die vergisst man schnell, den jetzt haben wir von einem Aussichtspunkt die Sicht auf den ganzen Krater bis runter auf zur ebenen Flaeche. Es ist schon klar, wieso diese Umgebung zum Welt-Kulturerbe erklaert wurde und auch "achtes Weltwunder" genannt wird. Diese vulkanische Szenerie ist atemberaubend. Eine 40 minuetige Fahrt fuehrt uns (diesmal bin ich mit vier Hollaender unterwegs) die Krater Innenseite hinunter, ... read more
Massai Hirt

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area October 14th 2008

Early rise today to get to the crater gates when the park opens, we then spent an hour waiting for something that none of us knew what we were waiting for.. We entered the park and we couldn't see a thing it was really misty. Once we descended into the crater (which is actually a Caldara) it was clear and we could see all around. The call came over the radio that a Cheetah had been spotted so we raced to the site but it was too far from the road for us to see clearly. We drove around and saw loads of antelope and Zebras. We got another call to say a black Rhino had been spotted and we got there just in time to catch a glimpse. Next up was a male lion who ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area October 13th 2008

After visiting the Masai yesterday we headed out for a few hours drive to another campsite as tomorrow we are going on our first safari into the Ngorongoro Crater. We are away for a few days in a land rover so we packed light, meaning no extra clothes other than a change of underwear,and 'wet wipe' showers as there would not be an actual shower seen for a few days. When we arrived at our new campsite after a fairly uneventful 2 1/2 hour drive over, our tents had already been set up for us by our guides and tea and coffee were ready to be poured. I could get used to this!! Whilst drinking our tea we heard rumbles of thunder approaching us, the sky turned incredibly dark and a double rainbow appeared. Before we ... read more
Me in front of the view on the way there
The other jeeps in front of us in the Ngorongoro Crater
Wildebeast in the Ngorongoro Crater

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area October 13th 2008

Lazy morning, spent and hour or two in town for supplies, booked a balloon flight for the Serengeti. Back to camp for a spot of lunch and then picked up by our Safari guides in Land Cruisers for the start of our 3 day trip (already end of day one!!!). Arrived at our camp just outside the park before sunset. ... read more

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