Blogs from Tangier-Tétouan, Morocco, Africa - page 11


Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier October 30th 2012

An diesem Tag bin ich mit der Bahn von Cordoba nach Algeciras gefahren und habe dort die Fähre nach Tanger Med, dem Fährhafen von Tanger außerhalb der Stadt, genommen. Dort angekommen habe ich Geld getauscht (was man vielleicht vorher machen sollte) und bin in den Bus ins Stadtzentrum gestiegen. Leider war es schon dunkel und es hat von Marokkanern gewimmelt, die Touristen als ihre Einkommensquelle sehen (ich nenne diese "Blutsauger"). In Tanger habe ich problemlos ein Taxi zum Hotel bekommen, wenn man mal ignoriert, dass marokkanische Taxis mit deutschen nicht vergleichbar sind. Im Hotel habe ich dafür ein gutes Abendessen bekommen.... read more
Hafen von Algeciras.
Hafen von Algeciras.
Abendessen im Hotel.

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen October 8th 2012

Well trip went without a hitch to Marrakech travel wise. Started off nice and early, which was good because the flies were starting to become more than a nuissance the warmer it got. So with 180 plus miles to Marrakech we took the toll road to ensure we made good time. Unfortunately Dave woke with a very bad stomach, but managed to make it all the way to the campsite before being sick. Later that evening after phoning home I also felt bad all of a sudden, so went and got it out of my system, after which I was totally fine. This was luckly as I think that if I had slept on it I too would have been out for the count all the next day. So it turns out that Pesto doesn't keep ... read more
Morocco 001
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Morocco 012

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Asilah October 4th 2012

So I wrote a whole blog yesterday, but for some reason it decided to delete itself, probably to punish me for not updating for so long. Anyhow, the past two weeks have been pretty crazy. I have started my new classes, ranging from French Literature to Modern Standard Arabic, and all last about 2 or 3 hours twice a week. Class is long and tiring but really beneficial. I have gotten pretty good at drawing camels as my stay-awake tactic in class. As far as last weekend goes, my friends and I went on a trip to Tangiers and Asilah. Tangiers is a city right on the coast and is very close to Spain, in fact you can see Spain when you are standing on the beach. It was a really fun city and the medina ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen September 25th 2012

This morning we sent mark and Alan in to Tetouen to experience the culture or more precisely the taxi ride. They came back amused and with car insurance by lunch time, so we set off for the the next site. On route we stopped for fuel, where i had to serve myself, but Dave had his filled for him, plus have his windows cleaned, he obviously looks like he's more loaded than i do :) . I lead us all to the next place using my Uncles Sat Nav, which did the job, even though half a mile from the campsite it sent us up a dirt track which looked like it was nothing more than a construction route, with a damn nigh verticle, 5 metre acsent to reach the tarmac again. Once settled in we ... read more
Morocco 012
Morocco 011
Morocco 003a

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Martil September 24th 2012

Last night we went out for dinner to try the local food. Not really sure about which one to choose, we went for the most popular, which was Cafe Nord. The seating is out on the grass facing the beach, and service is very relaxed. Dave and I put this down to us being too used to fast food places like Pizza hut, where if they take more than 35 minutes we start huffing. But the food was great and of course cheap, i think the bill for four drinks, two chips and two big pizzas came to less than £20 total. After that we wandered a bit further down the street, then crossed over and walked next to the beach back to the campsite. Unfortunately the campsite is out of season, as the swimming pool ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Martil September 23rd 2012

Well at last dave and me are finally in Morocco. Unfortunately Mark and his father in law have had a hell of a trip, and are still not with us. Just after leaving Marquenterre Wednesday morning, his rear axle lost all of its oil, due to the filler plug going missing, so he had to be recovered while we carried on. But after several hours, and being dragged to two useless garages, Mark was taken home, where the next day he took it to his local garage to get it fixed. He made it back in to france the same day and drove through the night in an effort to catch us up, but while driving through spain his land rover snapped its fan belt and so, he was once again sitting on the back of ... read more
Morocco 2

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan August 1st 2012

Day 30 - 38km. Ksar-es-seghir- Tanger In the morning i cycled through Tanger, bought a ticket to Tarifa (S). I found a campsite just outside Tanger. I took taxi to the caves of Hercules. Well, nothing special. There are 2 caves and they charge you twice. It was very cheap but still... I took taxi back to my campsite. The driver coulden't find it. We drove around for more than an houre. Finally we found it. I still got time to visit Tangier but i was so sick of the heat and all that dirt that i stayed at the campsite. In the evening i went to the restaurant, i ordered chips with steak with alpine spices and moroccan salad. Steak was just some kind of kebab with no spices. It was tasty and enough to ... read more
caves of Hercules
caves of Hercules

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier June 12th 2012

Day 4: Lagos to Tarifa to Morocco After a very early breakie we stopped at a service stop for 2nd breakie of bacon and eggs (I am realising now as I am writing this some time later why I put on so much weight in Spain). Another quick toilet stop usual called a 'pee and flee' where our other guide managed to flood the toilet in the girls bathroom and we had to use the mens. Eww. Turned it into a literal "flee". This was our longest day of bus riding and we finally stopped for a late lunch in Tarifa, which is on the bottom end of Spain. It is a cute but quiet town full of tourists that enjoy surfing/kite surfin and any sport involving good winds. We had an hour to explore the ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Asilah May 30th 2012

Given we had ridden so many amazing routes during our tenure in Morocco we could hardly be disappointed that today’s ride wasn’t one of them. We had elected to head for Larache, which sounded a pleasant enough Atlantic coast resort and allegedly had a top end boutique hotel, the Hotel Riad which would offer a welcome change from the sub-backpacker standard of our smelly Meknes Riad. Studying the map we felt it would be far more interesting to cut through the countryside rather than sit on a dull motorway via Rabat but we needn’t have bothered. If Morocco is some kind of world centre for sh*t driving then the epicentre of sh*tness had to be Tangier. As you drew closer to Tangier so it seemed the worse the standards of driving became. We had ridden through ... read more
Asilah Ramparts
Me at Asilah
Asilah Medina Arch

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen May 22nd 2012

We set off for Tarifa, both now on F800GS, via the superb A-355(?) which swooped around the foothills of Marbella, winding slowly through its descent of the hills. As we approached the coast you were rewarded with pristine vistas of the med, dropping away far to your left in an azure blue sky and you could clearly see Gibraltar sat up proud and arrogant. Once we hit the coast motorway there was less interest until it again climbed near to Tarifa and at last you could see Africa looming as close as the Isle of Wight. Surely even Vince’s stomach would hold for that? Err no. We messed up the ferry times so had a 2 hour wait at the dock, but finally the catamaran got underway. Once Vince’s yawn rate exceed more than 2 a ... read more
Telephoto lens necessary
North African light...
Bruce trying his hand at driving the medina

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