Blogs from Tangier-Tétouan, Morocco, Africa - page 10


Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier May 1st 2013

Geo: 35.7728, -5.8235Salut tout le monde.Nous avons couché chez le proprio de l'hotel finalement. Un vieux monsieur très gentil. Il m'a offert d'acheter un de ses hotels en rigolant. On s'est promenés dans la médina toute la matinée. Il avait une grande manifestation des ouvriers. C'était la journée du travail et ils avaient des revandications pour le travail. Donc on a pas trop trainé dans ce coin la. On a trouver un bon moyen pour débouter l'armée Marocaine, demander leur une photo avec eux. Ils se sont sauvé comme des mouches.Nous avons mangé du fromage et du beurre de moutons pour déjeuner. C'est excellent.Nous avons rouler vers Ceuta. Une ville appartenant a Espagne au Nord du Maroc. Nous avons traversé les douanes à pied. Plus facile qu'en ... read more
En route vers Tanger - 2
Détoit et Rock de Gibraltar
Plage de Tanger

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Asilah April 30th 2013

April 2013. This blog entry is a summary of the month of April, so a bit lengthy. Due to hectic circumstances and bad internet, we have not been able to keep our stories flowing regularly and for that, we apologize. We hope this summary provides an idea of this crazy month in Morocco. As for April in the US, Happy Birthday, Adam! The most important thing we want to communicate right now: Ksar el Kebir is, simply, the most alive town we have ever seen, and we have been to A LOT of towns and cities over the years! To compare its business with the streets of Paris is, unbelievably, an understatement. People are everywhere, all of the time after 10 a.m. (except Friday (the holy day) and the daily lunch time when everyone goes home ... read more
Beautiful appetizer in Larache.
Clay's handiwork as an adept photographer.
We have now seen it all... A donkey cart wheelie!!!!

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Asilah March 30th 2013

3/30/2013 TITLE: Ksar El Kebir begins In less than 24 hours in Ksar, we have a new host home, we have walked around town, met many people, set a meeting with an association and come to terms with our new environment. It was exciting to wake up and think about what might happen on the first full day, but not exciting to think about our toilet or shower situation. “It is what is” is a mantra we seem to start many days with. However, this morning, we ignored those aforementioned unfortunate issues and went down for breakfast at 9:30 a.m., the time we were told breakfast was regularly served. It was the typical and yummy bread, laughing cow cheese, olive oil, olives and hard-boiled eggs breakfast. Ann was so happy to see the coffee and hot ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Asilah March 28th 2013

First and foremost... THANKS FOR HANGING IN THERE AND WAITING FOR US!!! Due to circumstances beyond our control (and our belief!!!), we have been delayed in writing! We are back and shall resume normal posts. We will try to compress the month of April for the sake of your eyes and patience! 3/28/2013 TITLE: Hitting “pay dirt” in some ways, but not in others….. Looking out the window as we arrived in Ksar by train, provided a glimpse of a city much larger than our former town of Ain Cheggag. The train stopped and we threw off our bulky luggage onto the concrete platform. To our immensely happy surprise, after the very trying mishaps in Rabat, there was a porter with a cart. The porter nicely handled our bags and also found us a taxi!!! It ... read more
Our wardrobe... Trust me, Narnia is NOT in there!!!
Our ONE AND ONLY bathroom in the house!  You may show your envy...
On my bed, pretending that there is internet!

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Asilah March 26th 2013

When you spend a lot of time with people, even the altruistic people deciding to be volunteers for the Peace Corps, you realize that people are just people. There are the go-getters, the geeks, the talkers, and shy people. There are cliques and loners. There are people so passionate about various causes that you can ruffle their feathers without even meaning to – but each means well in his or her own fashion. There is a never ending stream of opinions, but obvious respect for most. That being said as simply an observation, we have made some really good friends here, the kind you hang on to forever. But, as is the Peace Corps way, we have now said our farewells to them as we all disperse to our various locations. The apron strings have been ... read more
Jake and Adele going away party A.C.
Gotta love her!!!  Miss you Khadija!
Notice I dodged a bullet and "had" to take pictures!  LOL!

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier March 21st 2013

This morning we left the blue town to spend the day in the seaside town of Tangier. We caught the local bus which was an interesting experience as there was some fascinating characters on board. I unfortunately got stuck sitting next to a woman who appeared to be having motion sickness and was throwing up into a plastic bag. When others vomit it, usually triggers a reaction in me that causes me to vomit as well. Thankfully, her friend in a nearby seat agreed to switch seats with me and I didn't have to hear any more vomiting. We arrived in Tangier at lunch time and I was a little impressed at all the modern looking residential buildings. I was beginning to wonder why Tangier had such a bad repuation for seediness and danger. We all ... read more
Inside the American Legation
Inside the American Legation
Inside the American Legation

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen March 20th 2013

After almost a week of pretty much going non-stop, we finally had a day where we can take it easy and nothing was really planned. The rain from the night before had given way to beautiful sunny skies with lingering cumulus clouds. I had gotten used to waking up early on this trip and today was no exception. At 8:00, I went down to see if anybody was having breakfast but nobody from the group was there. Apparently, everybody took advantage of the free day to sleep in! I went back to my room to relax for a bit and found the resident house cat relaxing on my door mat. I went back down for breakfast at 9:30 and found a few members of the group there. We were all discussing what to do with our ... read more
Hotel Dar Echchaouen
Hotel Dar Echchaouen
Hotel Dar Echchaouen

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen March 19th 2013

We left Fez aboard a public bus heading to the town of Chefchaouen. Called Chaoen for short, Chefchaouen is arguably Morocco's most beautiful city. It is set in the heart of Morocco's Rif Mountains and is well known for it's blue colored homes in it's medina. Abdul also gave us a little surprising heads up in regards to the availability of marijuana in Chefchaouen. He told us not to be surprised if we were offered some marijuana as the surrounding hills are known to be a hotbed for marijuana production. The bus ride was just a few hours as we drove through some very beautiful and verdant countryside. The weather took a turn for the worse upon arrival into Chefchaouen. What had been a slight drizzle throughout much of the bus ride had now turned into ... read more
Moroccan Countryside
Moroccan Countryside
Driving Into Chefchaouen

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen February 15th 2013

We hope this finds you all well. Happy valentines day! The dizzy heights of day 8, and a very short message to announce that we have made it to northern morocco and the car is running well. We have been stopped twice by the police: the first for no particular reason, but they decided to search the car and confiscated our hand axe- until Jo smiled sweetly and with a " c'est pour le feu" it was returned.. The rif mountains grow 75% of the world's marajuana (ish) and luckily, most of it has been offered to me ( david) by hilarious seedy youths......I must look like the type..... I have also been mistaken for American, so have ditched the baseball cap.... Love to all David and Jo Medical fact for the week: Keeping two tortoises ... read more
Triana Bridge, Seville with Katie and Oliver
Rhubs in Zahara, Andalusia.

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier November 12th 2012

An diesem Tag bin ich von Rabat nach Tanger gefahren. Dort war ich im Hotel und hatte eigentlich keine Lust mehr, mir die Medina anzusehen.... read more
Blick auf Tanger.
Kaffeepause am Bahnhof von Marokko.

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