Blogs from Ashanti, Ghana, Africa - page 13


Africa » Ghana » Ashanti December 1st 2008

A hick-up in the system. I was just checking thru the blog and noticed that these two entries somehow did not get "published" on the web. Sorry to fill your box and now take extra time to read all of this. While I'm here with you I may as well add in that I visited Kojo at the hospital this evening. They have taken tests and he has begun his medications for Buruli Ulcer. He doesn't have much of an apetite now. That's a bit concerning as he's already so thin. I pray his system will soon adjust. This next week is the final week for Alesha and Akos to be with us. I haven't specifically mentioned it to the students yet. I figure there's no need to add more days of sorrow to their calendars. ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti November 28th 2008

Rabina and I have done very well in Ghana with developing friendships with our fellow teachers and locals in the community. We go out to eat and drink at restaurants, have meals in each others homes, attend church and community events together, and sometime just plain hang out. It has been a great way to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. However, understandably, the friendships still remain much more at a superficial level than they could be at this point. In part this is due to the fact that we have only been here for just under three months. (However, I have developed stronger connections with individuals in less that time.) But I think for the most part it is due to the cultural differences between us. As much as you would like to forget ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti November 25th 2008

Hey all, This morning, the volunteers took all the toddlers that could walk to Kumasi Zoo! They all loved it and walked round running to all the cages to see what was in it, only Emanuel was terrified after one of the chimpanzees put water in it's mouth then sprayed it all over us! After that he didn't think much to the zoo. I wasn't keen either as the animals were all in small cages with nothing to entertain them and no shelter, so it was a bit depressing seeing that. However, the real sad story is that Elizabeth, who was the baby that when i arrived was only 2 weeks old, passed away at the weekend. Last week she was really ill so she was taken to the hospital and they said they couldn't do ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti November 24th 2008

A Hero’s Welcome Saturday evening, Kojo and his wife received a Hero’s Welcome. They were welcomed with shouts of joy as they arrived home to the village of Apebouso. For the past two months Kojo Konni has been seeking treatment for his infected foot. Now they sat under their own shade tree, surrounded by their children, family and friends. They talked, laughed, thanked God, shared current event stories and ate home cooked food! The welcome crowd (consisting of everyone present in the village at that moment) finally diminished after a few hours. I wanted to tell them (the crowd), “It’s not over yet. This is merely a rest bit.” But really there’s no need. They already see the blood oozing from the heavily bandaged foot. They already know it’s not over yet … let them all ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti November 21st 2008

After my experience last week, I now fully understand the meaning of suffering for ones looks. The saying “no pain, no gain” has an entirely different meaning to me. Back home in Canada, I would consider myself a pretty low maintenance girl when it comes to my appearance. I have never really liked overly done look on others or myself either. I will wear a little make up, make sure my hair is presentable - even will straighten it occasionally. But I don’t tend to spend hours on my appearance. It would go against what I like to call the “au naturel” look. However, here in Ghana the majority of women will spend hours at the salon getting their hair washed, chemically straightened, put in a weave, or braided (with a variety of different styles of ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti November 19th 2008

Hei alle! Saa er vi desvaerre naaet til min sidste tid paa babyhjemmet! I morgen har jeg min sidste dag, og jeg frygter at det bliver den mest triste dag i mit liv overhovedet! Allerede i dag kan jeg maerke at jeg er ved at graede bare jeg taenker paa det.. toer overhovedet ikke taenke paa i morgen! Jeg ELSKER de boern saa overdrevent meget, og jeg vil helt sikkert spare penge sammen og komme tilbage om 1 eller 2 aar! jeg har snakket med nogen her om at komme tilbage i foraaret 2010! Saa jeg skal bare spare penge sammen! De her boern har givet mig den mest betydningsfulde oplevelse i mit liv! Hvis jeg bare kunne forklare nogen hvor meget de betyder for mig og hvor meget jeg kommer til at savne dem! Det ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti » Kumasi November 19th 2008

hey all! I went travelling all last week to visit the north of Ghana, which was far hotter than where I am now! I visited Mole National Park where we went on safari and we were lucky enough to see three elephants along with some wart hogs, antelopes, monkeys and baboons so that was quite exciting! Also the scenery was spectacular! I didn't like the journey though, it was in a very old bus along a very dirty and bumby road! A clapped out death trap we called it! unfortunately i chose to wear a white t-shirt that day, it was brown by the time i came off the bus and i don't think it will ever be white again! After mole we went up to Bolatanga which was a very nice city. We stayed in ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti November 16th 2008

It’s been quite a week. Too much happened to give a report on all so I’ll give you the two most intense stories. The week began with our regular trip to Apebouso (village where the school is located) Sunday evening. Along the way I picked up a man who then informed me that Praises Mother and Grandmother (and several others from Oseakrom and Kwami Tanokrom) had been in an accident on Saturday. It had been a serious accident and the two along with others were now admitted to the hospital in the near by town of Obuasi. Needless to say Monday morning Kirk, I and Praise set off to search the hospitals. After some time of searching we did in fact find them. Praise’s little friend Godlove (7yrs) and his mother were also in the accident. ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti » Kumasi November 15th 2008

Hei Alle! Saa er vi ved at naerme mig den sidste tid i Mampong... Det er underligt at taenke paa at det her er den sidste weekend... Den sidste loerdag! Lige nu har jeg bare lyst til at bruge alt min tid sammen med babyerne... KAroline, Sunniva og jeg har brugt de sidste mange weekender paa babyhjemmet, og vi var der igen i dag..! Det bliver virkelig haardt at skulle forlade dem..! Vi har alle sammen faaet nogen virkelig gode forhold til dem, men paa den anden side vil jeg hellere forlade Ghana mens jeg elsker at vaere her, end at blvie kastet ud i en ny familie som jeg maaske ikke kan lig og starte helt forfra!! Der er KUN 10 dage til jeg lander i Kastrup hvis alt loeber efter planen! Lige for tiden ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Ashanti November 15th 2008

Over the past two weeks, I would say a significant part of my free time has been devoted to funerals - both in attendance and preparation. More specifically, I attended the funeral of the mother of one of our teachers and also the state funeral of the finance minister (who was from Agogo) who died in September. As you will soon learn, these funeral experiences have little to nothing in common with funerals that I have experienced in Canada - besides maybe wearing the dark clothing. Appropriate attire is very important during a mourning period. And since Rabina and I had a very long mourning period to take part in, we had to get dresses made to have enough clothing to wear to these events. Mourning cloth is either black, dark brown or red and is ... read more

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