Blogs from Vermont, United States, North America - page 14


North America » United States » Vermont » Newport June 1st 2010

Hello there! Just going to write quick because i don't have much time on the library computer. We're in Newport, taking another day for a break! We went into Quebec the last couple of days, definitely a highlight of our trip but i'll have to give details later. Back in Vermont today and woke up to sprinkling and then full on rain. We tried to paddle across to an actual campsite (didn't stay there last night because it's 25$ a night and didn't want to pay to only be there a few hours). Anyways started paddling and it seemed a bit choppy to paddle safely so i suggested portaging...i suppose either way we would be soaking wet. And we are. We tried getting a ride but all the people in big trucks just flew on by. ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont May 28th 2010

Alrighty! Have a few minutes at a local library in Enosburgh Falls Vermont! Vermont has been pretty country, lots of green of course, but not foresty like new york. Lots and lots of farms! And ya know that wonderful whiff of cows every here and there! Well we left Plattsburgh couple of nights ago i guess three or four days ago now. (losing track of time here...) We had to go into town that morning and pick stuff up and got a late start. Paddled to the ferry that took us across Lake Champlain. Had we have known that it was going to be a perfect day that day we might have gotten up early and just paddled it. But since it was the afternoon there were too many boats out making big wakes so it ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont » Barre April 22nd 2010

14 hours until takeoff at the most! Bailey, Sue, John, and I, are getting ready to go. We have pack are all are clothes along with the snacks and foods that we are taking on the way to munch on. Bailey and I are also staying over at John and Sues house for the night and are leaving early the next morning. Are first stop is Walmart to try to find a computer cable for the camera that hooks into the computer so that we can download lots of pictures of the trip and them talk about them. Just a little bit more to wait! Then were of to the excitement!... read more

North America » United States » Vermont » Bellows Falls April 9th 2010

Museum terrine-made scotch including all the grain elevators. Columbus Day: Saturday by grilled Hetty Green furnishes 16 sills, all poplar, scalping reels seems a mystery. Up to the crest, a little room stumbled across the Gomshall Mill, loyal enough cuisine(s): Modern hydraulic. ... read more
Bellows Falls river
The Museum

North America » United States » Vermont April 4th 2010

Vermont, NorthEast Kingdom Sunday, April 4th 2010 We (Noreen, Mark, Maggie, Thumper) hike this morning; 2 ½ hours logged onto the not-yet-broken-in-boots: there’s a small irritated red spot on my foot & I add “mole skin” to the Himalayan-prep shopping list. Today we walk down hill to the logging road, cross over Bean Brooke & start the hike up Sugar Hill. As we approach the summit we’re greeted by a cacophony of sound: the unmistakable chorus of mating wood frogs. The first time I heard this, 15 years ago after a very late Friday night arrival, caused me to ask Mark “Who could be running a chain saw at this hour?” No man made sound - this is the loud & aggressive call which stops abruptly as we approach. Today we hike to a vernal pool, ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont » Killington April 3rd 2010

I have skied so so much here it has been awesome! Luckily I blagged some great skis and some ok boots so that was a welcome change to standard rental gear! (However...I will most definatly invest in my own gear soon...) The weather has been interesting...snow, sun, rain, ice storms, fog, -10 and +34...absolutely crazy weather! The snow did hold though so there was plenty of skiing to be had, just limited terrain at the end of the second week. Killingotn is a great mountains as such, just big hills! Apparently it has the biggest vertical drop in terms of top to the bottom of the resort which I could definalty realise as we raced all the way down and my ears were popping by the end of it! Speaking of racing down...I kind of ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont » Barre March 31st 2010

We made a list of what we each need to pack. We circled on a map each of the places we want to go. We talked to teachers about their suggestions that they think would be interesting to see on the trip. We bought books filled with activities for Natasha and Bailey. We told the people we would be visiting that we are coming. We told our friends and family that we would have a blog for them to watch our progress.... read more

North America » United States » Vermont » Woodstock March 28th 2010

So I know I said there were to be no more entires unitl I had left the mountains but with one more free day before skiing started, my Dad and I decided to take a trip out of Rutland and head east to Wookstock (not the place made famous by the big music festival, but the quiet, Vermont alternative) and it proved to be a very blog worthy decision! After sorting out our things for the week ahead we had the rest of Saturday afternoon to fill so we took a ride out to Woodstock. On the way we stopped off at a suger mill where I eventually saw and learn't how maple syrup is made and we also got some cool photos along the way over the river. I have also seen so many different ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont » Jeffersonville December 28th 2009

Recently there have been fierce winter storms in some areas of the United States. In the aftermath of the storms a bunch of people in Washington DC organised a snowball fight on Twitter, so the locals could venture out after being cooped up in their houses during the storm. The snow was flying around good style when one cop suddenly took exception to how he was faring, who knows, maybe the snowballs were too tightly packed! Anyways he pulled a gun on his snow flinging tormentors, as you do I guess, only problem being that several people filmed at the moment he lost it. Oops, I don't think that kind of behaviour is entering into the Christmas spirit... Well anyways, dear reader, I ain’t packin’, except for my bags when moving between towns! But I’m glad ... read more
Jeffersonville in winter
Portland, Maine
Let's play Tenekar

North America » United States » Vermont December 24th 2009

Tonight I am preoccupied by thoughts about my upcoming trip. I leave in 11 days and there is still so much to do. As I often do when I should be doing a million other things, I pulled out the memory box I keep under my bed and read through old newspaper clippings and birthday cards. A productive use of my time, I know. I found a drawing I did when I was fourteen-years-old. It features Charlie Brown, arms spread, nose in the air, with his mouth open so wide his tonsils are showing. I had written the following caption: "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Good Grief! I'm starting high school in two days...." I love this drawing. Clearly my fourteen-year-old self was perplexed by the prospect of entering high school. It stands to reason that my twenty-year-old self would ... read more

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