Blogs from Vermont, United States, North America - page 17


North America » United States » Vermont » Burlington June 3rd 2009

Notre vol pour Philadelphie de 1h35 a été annulé. On nous a mis sur un autre vol à 3h20 et on a changé notre correspondance pour San-Françisco, nous allons arriver vers 20h30 au lieu de 18h30. No big deal, on est en voyage de noce! Nous avons utilisé les petits chemins pour venir ici et nous avons trouvé que la région du Lac Brome et Knowlton était très belle. C'est le second voyage au cours duquel nous amenons le portable et c'est très pratique, il y a un accès Internet gratuit à l'aéroport de Burlington. J.P. & Claire ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont May 23rd 2009

I think everybody loves the thought of a long weekend in the wilderness. Of being secluded with a group of good friends, surrounded by trees and privacy, yet with the amenities of being at home. Well that's what we did this Memorial Weekend of 2009. Epstein invited many of us up to his family's mountain house at Mount Snow for a weekend of partying and enjoying Vermont's outdoors. Things are exceedingly comfortable here with a large outdoor hot tub, two kitchens, satellite tv, a big pool table, and most importantly a giant trampoline. With so many people up here, we each pick and choose how to spend our day. With many of the boys choosing to go golfing on Friday. Reitman, Hillary, Jacko and I chose to work up a sweat with a pleasant hike. We ... read more
Cool Orange Frog
Pike's Falls
Beautiful VT wilderness

North America » United States » Vermont » Jericho May 20th 2009

I thought some of you might enjoy seeing this: Jaz on the PLF website Jaz has plans well underway to return to Cambodia in September with the intention of teaching English through the spring. We hadn't planned on having an empty nest so soon, but we'll manage - and we'll look forward to visiting while she's there! She's got a busy summer ahead with online CCV and UVM classes and (with any luck) a job. (She's filled out 18 applications and been to four interviews this week.) If anyone knows of interesting job opportunities for the summer (or a wealthy benefactor who would like to help support her work) please let her know. (Her online classes for the fall are Travel Writing and Digital Photography, so I'm hoping she'll take up blogging. I'd rather be there ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont » Burlington April 21st 2009

Preparing for a full 24 hours of travel tomorrow. It's my own fault, really. The true miser that I am, I picked the cheapest flight possible to Madrid which accomplishes two things: a 9 hour layover in London, and a bus ride from Heathrow to Gatwick. I have no idea what my mental state will be like at the end of all this. I plan to document everything. So here's hoping for the flight delays, no customs issues, no visa problems, no one falling asleep on me...It's all going to go smoothly...oh yes.... Coming up next: ESPANA! P.S. "The Craigslist Killer"? Has anyone else been following it? Fuh-reeky.... read more

North America » United States » Vermont March 29th 2009

After leaving Thames, it was not long before we reached the edge of greater Auckland, and from there it was a quick trip along the motorway back to the “big smoke” and our friend Nik's place. We reconnected with Nik, and heard that he had a new love, an 'old' love from a decade ago with whom he is now reunited. So he was very happy, as were we for him. Nik waved his relaxed geek-hands over our new computers and suddenly software appeared. We were very grateful for his assistance with this, and for opening his home to us to stay in. We felt a bit sad that our New Zealand adventure was, for the most part, now over - at least temporarily. Of course it was lovely to see Nik and spend a couple ... read more
Auckland's phallic symbol
A view from the top
America once more...

North America » United States » Vermont » Jericho February 16th 2009

(This post is all about pre-departure details, so if you’re looking for something exciting, please look elsewhere!) One week from now will be our last night at home. Steve will cook us something wonderful for dinner, and Jaz and I will finish last-minute packing and make sure we have adequate reading material and well-charged iPods at our fingertips. We will check the weather forecast for Burlington, Bangkok and Cambodia. I will be trying to wrap my head around the fact that no matter how cold it is here, I will still be wearing sandals (with socks) when I get on that JetBlue flight Monday morning, because if I wore real shoes, I would just have to drag them around Southeast Asia, never to be worn again until the flight home. My desk and my head and ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont January 21st 2009

After working 120 hours a week for far too long, Grace finally finished her work stint at Irasburg and came home to the farm to rest, if packing and sorting things for a new country could actually be called rest... And Paua laid down her brush and paint-pot after completing as much of her latest portrait as could be achieved. It will have a few weeks to dry while she is gone, before the next paint is applied to it, and it will lie undisturbed in the house with only the sound of ticking clocks - if the frequently-visiting cat-feeding friends remember to wind them. Then between cleaning the nest and finding places for four-legged dog friends to go, we managed a few forays out in what were often clear crisp days of breathtaking stillness in ... read more
Just another White House
Coburn Bridge
Coburn Bridge Detail

North America » United States » Vermont » Stowe January 10th 2009

I wanted to take some time to summarize our trip, from the traveler's perspective. Also, attached to this post are some photo highlights from our trip. I highly recommend the village of Stowe, and Mt. Mansfield, for a ski vacation. For anyone who lives in a city, or is overrun with commercialization, advertising, and everything else that accompanies a fast-paced lifestyle, Stowe is a refuge. The village is flavored by plenty of old-style shops (like Stowe Mercantile) and plenty of old-world charm. From its quiet Main Street with Town Hall, Church, and Visitor's Center all in a row, to its precision crafts-men and women, to its comfortable and inviting "everyone's-a-local" atmosphere. I speak for, at the very least, Jess and I when I say that we felt rejuvenated from all the stress and anxiety of city ... read more
Golden Easgle Resort entrannce, Stowe VT
First view of Mt. Mansfield
Gondola Ascending, Stowe VT

North America » United States » Vermont » Stowe January 8th 2009

January 8th, 2009 Today was our last full day in Stowe. It has been snowing like crazy all day and we have really been enjoying the town. We woke up slow to big heavy snowflakes falling outside our little home. Beautiful. We decided to go our to breakfast, but ended up not going far. Our legs were thankful for this. We went to the Colonial Cafe which is run by the Golden Eagle Lodge. Luke had french toast, with 4 ounces of Vermont maple syrup. Apparently your syrup portions are restricted here. I had a bagel and eggs. There were no restrictions. After breakfast we decided to drive into town and walk around for a while. After brushing four inches of snow off the car we headed out. First we went to the Little River ... read more

North America » United States » Vermont » Stowe January 7th 2009

January 7th, 2009 Today was our last day skiing. With my calves nearly non-functional, and Jess' knee partially swollen, we started our day off with two bowls of medicine cabinet salad and decided to take it easy on the mountain today. Both of these "injuries" proved more-or-less harmless, as my calves were rendered unnecessary by the height of the ski boots (as anyone who has skied will agree, you can't really use your calves for skiing), and the swelling around Jess' knee actually helped to hold it in place. (quick note of excited personla accomplishment from Jess: "I got both my boots on all by myself today!) When we arrived at the mountain, we elected to spend the majority of our day on Spruce peak, Mansfield's sister-summit, so to speak. It is smaller, but still ... read more

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