Blogs from San Francisco, California, United States, North America - page 180


d. 19-20/4 Onsdag. d.19/4 I går fandt vi ud af at vores bil havde en defekt for(tåge)lygte, og det må man jo ikke køre rundt med. Jeg forsøgte at ringe til Hertz i lufthavnen på deres gratis nummer "24-7 all year" 3 gange før jeg gav op. En alternativ efterforskning afslørede af Hertz havde et kontor lige på den anden side af gaden! Jeg fortalte dem om situationen, og de foreslog at vi byttede den. Så skulle vi bare finde en tilsvarende. Vi har jo lejet en med GPS, og den første vi kiggede ind havde også. Det var en lidt stor SUV (Chevrolet Uplander), som er et par eller tre pris klasser over vores, men efter vi havde kigget i de 7-8 biler de havde, var det stadig den eneste med GPS, hvilket jo ... read more
Union Squre

Today I am in search of socks! Weird as this may sound, I packed far too many summer clothes and now we've run out of socks. There's a Sports Basement near Golden Gate Bridge and stupidly I shun the Sat Nav in favour of my good sense of direction. This nearly turns into a disaster, we realise too late that we've missed the turning for Crissy Fields and are heading straight for Golden Gate Bridge and Marin County. Luckily Kev manages to squeeze into the right lane and we catch the last turn off before the bridge.This turns out to be a bit of a bonus and we park up and gawp at the Bridge. There are a couple of great viewing platforms so we play the tourist and take lots of photos. Alkatraz is ... read more
Golden Gate Bridge Cables
Downtown San Francisco
Port of San Fransisco

My next trip was to go over the Golden Gate Bridge. I thought my days of mountain biking was over in Bolivia but I was attracted to the idea of crossing the bridge on a mountain bike .I was assured that the route was on the flat and you travel through a beautiful national park, it would take about 2 hours to get the bridge and 2 hours back after crossing it .Alternatively you could go on to Sausalito and get the ferry back .that seemed a better idea. Well off I went, nobody mentioned about the terrific wind that was forecast for the day what with the ambient temperature at 9C and the added chill factor of a 30kph wind making it around the 2C (Felt even colder) mark it was bloody cold and ... read more
long haul uphill
Nearly there
getting ready to cross bridge

Apres moultes peripeties, nous sommes enfin ensemble a San Francisco!!! Tous les vols de United Airlines ont ete annule a cause d'une enorme tempete sur la cote est et Raph n'a pu arrvier que 2 jours apres moi. j'ai (Charlotte) debarqué chez Chai, prononcé Rrai, l'ami de Raphaelle qui ne me connaissait pas du tout mais m'a tres bien accueilli. Des l'arrivée vive l'aventure!! j'ai donc commencé mes petites visites: Je suis allee dans le centre de San Francisco: china town, fisherman's warf, financial district, la marina, l'embarcadero, market street, nob hill, dans le quartier gay: (plus chaud que le marais), avec un enorme drapeau rainbow plante au milieu d'une place picture Aujourd'hui le golden gate avec Raphelle !!! on a quand meme mis une heure pour traverser le pont avec un vent de ... read more
Rainbow flag in Ashbury- Castro
Hot Cookies...
Say no to Bush

Another early start, after a whopping breakfast at the IHoP (International House of Pancakes in case you were wondering), we decide to hit the streets of San Francisco (no sign of Michael Douglas for those of you old enough to remember!). We head for Fishermans Wharf and are greeted by a fantastic veiw of Alkatraz that neither of us was expecting! It's a beautiful day, sunny with a blustery breeze and we walk all of Fishermans Wharf before heading for Chinatown. It's like being back in Bangkok, San Fransisco's Chinatown isn't huge but it's packed with asian shops and restuarants. We wander up and down streets and eventually settle on the Y Ben Dim Sum house for a spot of lunch. The Y Ben isn't flashy and there's no menu for Dim Sum. We're directed ... read more
Fisherman's Wharf
Lombard Street

18-04-2007 Efter vi endelig kom afsted tidligt mandag morgen, og kom igennem check-in og sikkerhedsheds check i Kastrup, faldt der lidt mere ro over os. Vi har glædet os SÅ meget til turen, og traditionen tro, finder jeg lidt at bekymre mig om. Denne gang gik mine fantasier på om vi havde tid nok til at skifte fly i London. Efter planen ville der være 1t 50min. mellem landing og start, og det viste sig da også at det var rigeligt. Faktisk landede vi 35 min. FØR planen i London, pga. at en af passagererne blev så tilpas dårlig at vores fly fik fortrinsret og altså derfor kunne lande tidligt. Vores fly fra London til SF var så yderligere ½ time forsinket, så alt i alt havde vi en time ekstra til at skifte. Turen over ... read more
Udsigt til Bay Bridge

Back to Fisherman’s Wharf Pier 33 which is where you get the ferry for Alcatraz or “The Rock as it was commonly known . Alcatraz started it’s existence as a defence fort built in the late 1800’s and had enormous canons installed for it’s defence of the Bay. It was then converted into a military prison, this was when the reinforced concrete cellblock was built and continued as that until 1934. This was at the time of organized crime and the terrible crime rate. Many of the inmates were hardened criminals and violent. The authorities needed a very secure place to put these people so Alcatraz was converted to a high security State Prison. . The flat bar steel doors were not that secure as one could with a smuggled in hacksaw cut though the ... read more
Model of "Living Hell"
giant Guns on the original fort
Big Balls!!!

Decided to go Downtown and further field and see if I can book a bus tour and try the famous Cable car.On the way discovered a novel way to explore San Francisco 3 wheeled motorized buzz box the tour was an audio computer directed tour .They were for hire at $40 for 1st hour then$28 there after. Put that in the memory bank .Then went down to the cable car terminal to find at least 500 people queuing to get on decided that would be at least an hours wait to pay $5 just to try it out and would give it a miss. The cable cars were first introduced back in the late 1800’s by an Irishman ,He developed the idea after a tragic accident involving a horse and cart.(That at the time was ... read more
The Famous Cable cars
Golden Gate Bridge
just going under

As we got close to San Francisco it was so incredibly exciting because the sun was out there was not a cloud in the sky and after living in the Bay Area the majority of my life, I know better than to take weather like that for granted. After living in Washington State and in South Carolina I have come to realize that the Pacific Ocean along the California Coast is the most spectacular coast that there is. I would tell anyone and everyone who is driving down to California from Oregon or Washington to take the time to cut over to highway 1 and see the view. We were able to spend some time in San Francisco and in Redwood City while we were in California. Since that is where the majority of my ... read more
Ocean View
Chris and Erin
Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

San Francisco until the 1849 Californian gold rush was just a sleepy hamlet of 300 people that changed dramatically after the rush. Once installed in the hotel decided to explore locally as I had arrived in the morning and so to maximize my time headed for Union Square. San Francisco is all hills and like South America all the interesting stuff seems to be at the top, or “it’s only 2/3 blocks away” (what they don’t mention is that each block is at least 200 metres). Eventually found Union Square, a square in the true sense, very much a meeting place and an area for displaying artwork .On each side is some of the top stores in the States, If you have unlimited credit this is the place to shop, Macys, Tiffany, Saks etc are ... read more
Another view
Need Big credit for here
And here

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