Blogs from San Francisco, California, United States, North America - page 177


Hello Folks! Hope you are all well back home? Hope so. Can't believe that I've been gone almost 2.5 months already! I'll be making my way home on Friday 15th June... although that's a few days before I'd originally planned and the reason for that is because I'll be flying home from New York rather than San Fran... I leave for New York tomorrow. When I arrived in San Fran and I had almost 3 weeks to go before my return flight to the UK so I thought what the hell I may as well go and visit my two friends I've made in NYC! It's good to have friends in nice places let me tell you!. The first friend Angie I met whilst I was in LA and she is pictured in my LA Limo ... read more
I visited Crooked Street!
The Golden Gate Bridge
Alcatraz in the Distance!

Sorry, I couldn't resist! Obviously we went to Alcatraz to day which was very cool because it's been something I have wanted to do since I was little. I was just as good as I thought but at the same time I wanted so much more!? That probably sounds wierd but I hope I can make it make sense. It was everything I imagined arriving there on the boat, pulling up and seeing the lookout tower and the lighthouse with the fort at the bottom of the hill. We then watched an educational video and strolled towards out "guided" tour (headphones!) It was really cool walking round the prison block and hearing the inmates story's and attempts at escape. I don't believe for a second that the three who got away are dead because they were ... read more

I feel like there's not much to write today, because I've spent most of it in a prison/museum/bird sanctuary. Alcatraz was actually far more interesting that I thought it'd be - though I'm sure when they were telling us some lies about what went on there. That place is way too obscure for it all to be legit and prisoner-friendly! The weather today has actually been okay, sunny and hot at times. This made the boat journey to the island quite pleasant (and has given Aaron a comedy red nose!) and meant that things were actually visable beyond the mist. San Francisco itself looks amazing from certain places on the island, and when we were on the boat. We did the audio tour of the cell block, voiced by actual prisoners and guards for authenticity. ... read more
Aaron in prison

I am currently on the most awkward computer I've ever been on (seating and screen-size wise) so apologies if this lacks proper effort! We arrived in San Francisco yesterday - the airport was much busier than we've seen before because it's Memorial weekend over here (like Poppy day, but they make it last and get time off work). It took us a while to clear security, but the flight itself was only about 2 hours. The hostel we're at is nice - it's handy having free internet (though I'm currently at the worst PC ever!) and the room's fine. Had no sleep last night though because of some guy in our dorm snoring louder than I thought possible. Aaron was of course completely oblivious to it in the morning. Am hoping he'll have moved on ... read more
Sea Lions at Pier 39!

So we spent our last few days in the US in sunny Santa Monica (well, not quite so much at first!) We made an early decision when we booked our Greyhound tickets to take the red-eye from San Francisco to Santa Monica. I wasn't such a fan, we left at 11pm and arrived in Santa Monica at 7.30 am the next day. I can tell you that it is virtually impossible to sleep on one of those things properly, especially when the arse-hole if front has his seat back against your knees and thinks it is a bouncy castle! Anyways, we got here safe if not sound and then had to catch the public busses from down town LA (it really wasn't the best area to put a Greyhound station!) over to Santa Monica on the ... read more
Golden Gate
Sightseeing Scotland?
Pier 39

Well, I am beginning to start the count down to my amazing adventure in South Africa for the summer. I am going to be participating in a volunteer program through the Enkosini Eco-Experience. I leave on June 8th, and arrive in Johanessburg on June 10th. After long lay overs in Miami and Madrid, I will have to hop on a bus for five hours till I arrive at the tiny town, where a small bus will pick me up and take me to the Makalali Game Reserve. Here I will be spending three weeks out in the bush, doing feild studies on lions, night trecks, safari's, and working on elephant and lion contraception programs. I can't wait!! Then I am back to Jo. And hop on a plane to Capetown. Here I will be spending ... read more
Me 2

Landing on the plane and looking out the window I was a little sceptical of San Francisco's reputation for being a hilly city, indeed millions of people must have just been having a winge about a few little hills. It was a day or two before I realised my mistake. It was a big one. After arriving at this really cool little place called the Adelaide Hostel I decided to go for a walk in the remaining light of the day, this inevitably turned into a massive trek as these things inevitably do. I walked along the main street towards the Embarcadero and the Old Pier's where the ferries used to ply their trade before the construction of the city's bridges. It was kind of pretty walking around a new city in the late afternoon sun ... read more
Fences and Bridges

url='/Videos/3375.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3375.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Lombard Streeturl='/Videos/3376.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3376.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'We Don't Know Nuthin'...url='/Videos/3411.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3411.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Shrine Drive-Thru Tree Howdy everyone! I hope this blog finds you well! We’ve been having quite the action packed trip and it seems to only get better! I believe the last update you found Natalie and me wondering through the great Redwoods of Northern California…the scenery certainly has changed since then. After camping in the Redwood Forest, we drove through the Avenue of the Giants, which is the famous ‘old’ Hwy 101 where the road winds through the towering trees. As we exited the large tree area, we found a place whe... read more
Highway 1
Golden Gate Bridge
Biking the Bridge

Hello Friends! I am packing my bags, loading up on sunscreen and bug repellent, and getting ready to hit the road for India. I have only four more days in San Francisco until beginning a long journey to Delhi (via LA via London). While I am excited, I am at the same time quite apprehensive as I know I am entering into the complete unknown. I have tried to read as much as possible about India but have come to the realization that I simply have no idea what I am getting into. I look forward to sharing my experience with all of you and staying in touch through this blog. Please write to me often and if any of you have any tips let me know as I am sure I will be needing ... read more

Well our entry into the United States was as unpleasant as we had envisaged, but for completely different reasons to the ones we were expecting. Our flight was from the Cook Islands, into Los Angeles, with a connecting flight to San Francisco. We had assumed that the security increases at airport immergration, put in place after September 11th, would be our main obstical, but we were greeted by a crazy security officer at LAX who chatted to Joanna about his relaxed approach to security questioning before asking her to smile for the camera and say 'cheese burger' for her photo! No, our main problem was the fact United Airlines decided to cancel two of the four afternoon flights from Los Angeles to San Francisco, one of which was ours. With our bags checked in for ... read more
Golden Gate Bridge
Palace of Fine Arts
Union Square

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