Blogs from San Francisco, California, United States, North America - page 176


Day 12, Tuesday 5 June 2007 - San Fransisco! Today we managed to see most of the major sights of San Fran on a two hour converted cable car tour of the city. We took in the Golden Gate Bridge and even managed to drive over it, even with the really strong winds that felt as though they were freezing us and could have blown us off the cable car! We also managed to see the following: Lombard St (from a distance), Presidio and the military area, including the cemetary and old houses and buildlings, Chinatown, Union Square (where all the nice shops are, including a Tiffany & co!) and much more. The tour was heaps of fun and it was really good to drive around San Fran and just take in all the sights ... read more
Coit Tower
Gang at Golden Gate
Golden Gate

Day 36 – Monday – San Francisco, California Well today we got out first real taste of San Francisco and we lurrrved it! We sussed out the local busses (world renowned for having some of the rudest drivers ever!!!) and made our way down to the Pier Area. We had a really nice wander around Pier 39 - its is a GREAT area (Perth people...think Hillaries/Sorrento type area). San Fran is pretty cool weather wise at the moment (16 today, 13 tomorrow max) but the sun was shining so it was a great morning. We checked out a bunch of shops around the Pier, had some lunch (seafood of course!) and met some of the locals (a sea lion colony that moved into the bay after the 1989 earthquake!). Then we headed over to Alcatraz ... read more
Pier 39
Pier 39
Pier 39

Day 35 – Sunday – San Francisco, California We've now said a fond fairwell to the National Parks, and HELLO to some other exciting stuff we have planned! We left Mariposa to head to San Francisco (where we are now) with a pit stop at my request at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Luckily it was enjoyed by all!!! (Ok yes I have to admit a big part of the reason I wanted to see the boardwalk was that The Lost Boys one of my favorite movies was filmed down there, but I am also a sucker for a good amusement park!). The boardwalk is like an outdoor amusement park - free to get in, with a bunch of rides and food places all along the beach/pier. Was nice to see the beach again, and ... read more
Mini Golf
Mini Golf
The Beach

UntitledWoo hoo! I'm finally here, back in the mother land ;) I'm just sitting back in Emily's place while she's at work, and I'm watching the Hewitt v Nadal French Open game on ESPN High Definition - it is so cool - seriously, I don't know how I'm going to go back to normal tv again. It's soooo clear and as Emily says, it's like you can see the pores on their faces it's that clear. Chris you would soo love it - every single ESPN channel and i think game 1 of the NBA finals is on thursday so can't wait for that (hehe - jealous?). Plus it's a nice big plasma screen, which just makes it all that much better. Ah i love it here... Anyway going back a step to how i ended ... read more

Another excuse as I begin this entry - the keyboard on this computer is a nightmare, so despite possible typos making me seem drunk it is only 5pm-ish, so I'm blaming my tools! Today we walked down to Golden Gate Park. It's a really long walk from the hostel - took us about an hour and a half to get too, but it was nice to see all the different districts on the way. We took a picnic and ate it in the Botanical Gardens. The park is huge, there was no way we could walk around the whole thing, but we say some nice flowers amd trees. And lots of cheeky squirrels (I'll put a pic up at some point). We wanted to rent a pedalo on the pond we went to next, but due ... read more
AT&T Stadium.

So last full day in San Francisco today. Apart from Phoenix, its the longest we've been anywhere and it still feels a bit like we have spent no time here! I have thoroughly enjoyed it though and its been different (again!) I think its a major plus that every city/place we have stopped in here has been so different to the rest. I think it has helped stave off boredom (not that I could really get bored on a rtw trip). I still can't get over how hilly it is here though. You really don't get used to it, I still hate them! Although they are much more fun at 9.5mph on one of the famous cable cars (we got to ride one on thursday!) They are exactly as you see them on tv, completely open ... read more

It's been a tiring few days here in San Francisco (I know, not like going to work every day etc etc - but this everlasting tourism would surprise you) yesterday we went on a day-long wine tour and today we went on a boat trip around the bay, a bus narrated tour and then cycled over the Golden Gate Bridge and around Sausalito (that's probably spelt wrong). For the wine tour we met at Fisherman's wharf at 8:30, and stood around feeling freezing until we finally left at 9ish. I've noticed here that every time we're in a queue there'll be some woman going on about how freezing she is because she's from Arizona/Texas etc. It's just cold - regardless of where you're from! The bus driver was our tour guide for the journey and ... read more
View from over the bridge

Hola friends and family! This is probably gona be my last blog...I finish school in 3 weeks...Charmaine will be joining me in Santa Barbara during my exam week, then we're off to Mexico City for a good two weeks of culture shock! Just quickly wanted to post some photos of an amazing city I just visited...yes San Francisco....I love this city and would love to be able to call it my home much culture, great vibe, stunning colourful Victorian houses blending into high rises with an industrial feel. Spent 6 hours with my LA family on Friday driving up, spent the weekend there and drove back down on Monday arvo. On Friday night we had Dim Sum in Chinatown, at a crazy overpriced resturant, met the other guys back at the hotel that we ... read more
Green tea shop

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