Blogs from South America - page 5464


South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley November 26th 2005

November 24, 2005 (Cuzco, Peru) Sean: From Pisco we hopped in another Royal Class bus to head to Nazca to see the world famous Nazca Lines. These are mysterious figures etched into the brown desert by unknown ancient peoples for an unknown purpose. Curiously the only way to view them is from a high altitude so theories abound about their purpose - from deity worship to astronomical calculations to extra terrestrial communication. The town offers plenty of plane rides and all manner of ways to get you to see them (the touts were unrelenting again). We chose the more mundane route and took a bus to a lookout tower where you can get a view of a couple of the images from a height of about 100ft off the ground. They’re spread out over 500 square ... read more
The Hummingbird
The Candelabra
Desert Around Nazca

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco November 26th 2005

I had been anticipating my arrival in Latin America for a number of years now. Always being intrigued, as a young scholar, by the rise and fall of the mighty Inka culture, among others. And the constant political and social unrest that has bickered the whole continent over the past century. With it's recent past being littered with so much fighting and guerilla warfare. I think we all know the latino's are very passionate people. It's that passion in it's varying forms I was also looking forward to seeing. The mad football fanatics, the salsa and tango enthusiasts. The colourful and vibrant architecture. Would 3 to 4 months, on the quickly noticeable gringo trail, with fairly poor spanish; be sufficient time to delve into the psyche, personalities and cultural diversities that are uniquely Latin American. Knowing ... read more
Commencing Camino De Inka
Mountain Of A Man

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios » Puerto Maldonado November 26th 2005

we had a 2 day excursion into the heart of the amazon jungle.... read more
jungle 2
jungle 3
monkey island

South America » Ecuador » North » Otavalo November 26th 2005

After booking our trip to the Galapagos Islands (more on that in my next entry) we decided to spend some of the intervening days somewhere other than Quito. There's nothing wrong with Quito in my opinion, although the pollution, hustle and the potential for petty crime can wear you down after a while. We had after all been there for almost two weeks. With all of this in mind we decided to spend a few days in the market town of Otavalo, in the north of Ecuador. Most people go to Otavalo for the market. Emma and I went there to see what it was like, the market being a secondary attraction as neither of us are natural shoppers by any stretch of the imagination. The weekend market (said to be the biggest in South America) ... read more
More bananas than you could shake a stick at
These guys begged us to take their photo
A local Quechua Indian man

South America » Brazil » Mato Grosso do Sul » Bonito November 26th 2005

Day 13, 14 & 15 After Ascuncion, we spent the whole day and half the night travelling on a horrible bumpy sweaty bus back into Brazil (it´s not all glamour you know!!) However once we arrived in Bonito we were happy as we were staying in a really nice lodge. We chilled out on the first day and went to a beautiful natural swimming pool with a couple of little waterfalls and a zip slide. it was really peaceful and relaxing. However the highlight was that we got to feed some wild monkeys pieces of banana! They came down from the trees and grabbed it and then ran off and ate it! How cool! In the evening we sampled the local dish - ALIGATOR!! It was nasty! Chewy and fatty and made everyone have weird dreams ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza November 26th 2005

Had an excellent morning white (well mud brown actually) water rafting! It was Lou´s first time on the water so she was a tad nervous...but it was such a laugh, by the end of the trip she was volunteering to sit at the front again! The water was freezing, but luckily the sun was blazing, so we didn´t stay cold for long. We obviously weren´t able to take our cameras on the raft, so we had to buy the CD of photo´s taken by the tour company.... We´re off biking to the wineries tomorrow.... hope your all having fun in the cold! Lou & Steve xx... read more
Oxford and Cambridge are quaking

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Baños November 26th 2005

Hola amigos! First things first. I´m still alive mum! As the title suggests i´ve made it to the jungle. I´ve just finished the first two weeks teaching the kids in the jungle. However its not quite the proper jungle as you can get to places by car and bus. But all being well and if we can get enough people we´ll be off to the deep jungle in the middle of December. To bring you guys up to date. I finished spanish school a couple of weeks ago. Came straight to Baños after to meet up with Marcelo aka Jesus, the guy whos running the fundation in the jungle. He is a cool guy and showed me on the first day a waterfall. After that day it was straight to work. The grounds are amazing wth ... read more
Jungle man
Journey to school

South America » Peru » Ayacucho November 26th 2005

Hello all, Hope you´re managing to keep warm over there. Been checking out the UK weather reports and very glad to be where I am!! Vicki, Wendy and I decided to go for a wander around some of the parts of Ayacucho that we hadn´t seen yet. We decided to miss lunch at the house so we weren´t restricted for time. I went equipped with a bottle of water, a bottle of Inka Cola, two packets of Dorritos and some Peruvian chocolate to make sure I maintained my energy levels (my excuse and I´m sticking to it!!). We took a taxi to the Mirador in up in the hills. This is a tourist area with a large white cross. Some of the earlier photos of Ayacucho included in the blog were taken there. We headed down ... read more
Church at Carmen Alto
Typical house
Guinea Pig

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Chiloé Island November 26th 2005

Woke up this morning feeling completely unmotivated. Spent the first 30 minutes just lying in bed thinking of ways to convince Chrisitie to pack her bags and head back to Tasmania. When I broached the idea at breakfast however, she would have none of it though, so after procrastinating for an hour or so more looking up ferry timetables and airline schedules for a quicker, easier way down south, I eventually resigned myself to the inevitable and got on the bike. 9.30am ... not a good time to be starting a 100km+ day. Today was just a day for getting to Chiloe. It turned out to be just under 80kms on a long, flat highway from Puerto Varas down to Pargua which is the jumping off point for ferries to Chiloe. It was fast, easy riding, ... read more
Today's dog shot

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires November 26th 2005

Also do emol e paar erschti Idrück vo BA. Ich han es mittlers Hotel z mitzt im Zentrum gfunde - sehr bequem zum z fuess e bitz go d stadt erkunde - uf dr andere Site halt au bitz lut - aber das bin ich jo vom Mässplatz z Basel gwohnt. Vo dr Stadt bin ich sehr positiv überrascht. Si verbindet dr Charme vo Paris mit de alte schöne Hüserfasade und de vielne Platane-Allee, mit em Klima vo Miami und em Läbensstil vo de Cubaner. Alles in allem e sehr vibrierendi Mischig. Ha mi au nie unsicher gfühlt in däne paar Täg (OK, bi au nid mit em Fotiapparat und dr Golduhr in d Vorstädt go luege) - aber wenn s z Nacht am 10i imene Stadtpark no kleini Kinder elai uf em Spielplatz am spiele ... read more
Einfach so ein Park
Die Business Area

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