Blogs from East, Uruguay, South America - page 12


South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este October 19th 2008

Punte Ballena (near Punta Del Este) What a top spot. The view is absolutely spectacular. With good eyes, you would have a uninterrupted view to Antarctica. A long way, I know, but the water here is almost as cold. The days have been warm enough for a swim, and it’s nice in the heated pool, but I wanted to go in the ocean. Dipped my feet in and nearly had to crack the icicles off. Played in the shallow end for a bit, then slipped and fell in up to my neck. Brrrr! Jumped out gasping for air. Not even Callum would swim in there, that’s how cold it was! The hotel is, well, how you describe it? Different. No room numbers, just pictures above your room and that’s your room name. In fact, in the ... read more
hotel at Punte Ballena
view from water of 'hotel casapueblo'
find 'el sol'

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este August 5th 2008

Second day in Uruguay - today we visited famous Punta del Este at the ocean shore. A 2:30 hour bus ride took us to Uruguays most famous beach resort. Fortunately the weather was close to perfect, as there were no clouds at all we were able to spend a beautiul sunny day at the sea. Unlike during the south american winter - Punta was not very busy. Despite the nice weather, we pretty much had the whole town for us. We did walk all around the peninsula and saw the pretty houses in the old part of the village at the tip of the island. The harbour was not too busy either, but we did see some very nice yachts. In the late afternoon we took the bus back to Montevideo and arrived in the capital ... read more

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo June 11th 2008

Just so nobody complains, I am warning you right now that this is a LONG entry…pero sí que vale la pena leerlo. Planning ahead, we bought our Buquebus tickets the day before our trip. The blessing in disguise of the day was the fact that the earlier boat was booked and we were forced to choose the 11:30 Buque Rápido. Kelly and I made it to the Buquebus Dock/Port/Terminal with barely enough time to check in and go through immigrations before boarding the boat to Colonia, Uruguay. Argentina gives every tourist a 90-day traveling visa, which is automatically renewed every time you leave the country. I had arrived back in Argentina after my Torres del Paine trip in Chile on February 19th and was traveling to Uruguay on May 22nd (yes, more than 90 days). I ... read more

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este May 31st 2008

Hola todoas, Here I am in San Carlos, the birth place of my mother. Diego and I were here for 4 days. It was great seeing your average Uruguayan town. I saw lots of family, I mean lots, I never knew I had so many cousins haha. We arrived to once again my favorite meal, milanesas, cause my tia celeste knows and makes the best. It was so delicious, I was happy. WE spent the next day seeing all 3 sights of Sna Carlos, the church, a museum, and i forget the other haha. The church was cool, behind it there is a old old cementary. The inscription on some of them were so funny, look at the photos to see. Lets see we walked around all day and than picked up my prima from school ... read more
prime rabbit
la tia
the old ruins

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este May 25th 2008

We don´t know how the idea of a road trip got in our head, but after checking out the cost of hiring a car in Uruguay ($57 a day - but you get th 22% VAT back!) we decided to spend a few days driving along the Uruguayan coast. img= center It's all very well renting a car - but which way are we going? By complete luck (although Adam claims that it was his planning), we had a bit of a heat wave whilst we were on our drive. Score. Driving along palm-tree lined roads next to white sandy beaches is not as much fun in the rain. img= center Open road - this is the way to see Uraguay We thought that we´d be able to find a campsite or two to ... read more

South America » Uruguay » East » Treinta y Tres April 28th 2008

An encouraging little Asterix story: I spent the weekend in a little town (or pueblo?) called Treinta y Tres (well, I can explain the name, but as that is a long story, I will add it at another time!) at the Fiesta de la Semilla criolla (Local/Regional seed festival). It is an Asterix story because here, as anywhere else in the world, transnational seed companies are doing all they can to monopolize the seed markets, trying to homogenize, patent, and ultimately eliminate local diversity of seeds. But, just like Asterix, Obelix and their Gaul village resisted roman occupation, the little enclave of Treinta y Tres is trying to resist the take-over by profit-seeking transnational companies, by establishing a local seed bank. The seed bank collects and stores the local seed diversity, protecting biodiversity. Some of you ... read more

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este April 2nd 2008

Greetings faithful readers! I am full of cocktails paid for by Daddy and therefore thought it a fabulous idea to blog! We are currently in Punta del Este in Uruguay, it is a fairly standard beach town, we´re here in Autumn so the town is practically dead, I keep expecting to see zombies there are so few people! However the hotel we are staying at is far from standard, it´s gorgeous. It has a spa center and one of those pools where the water goes right up to the edge. It´s right on the beach and is gorgeous. Shame the wind is blowing so hard it´s freezing. Not that I´m complaining really as it makes a lovely change to be able to wear a jumper and not melt into a little puddle. Today we just wandered ... read more

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este March 29th 2008

After a month in a lended apartment in this "two month" beach, we know that the season ended after February. In fact, the high season is from December 26 to January 31; a middle season is the three first weeks in February; later you can say you are in low season until end of March or perhaps April. Nevertheless, we found that if you want good weather (a little cols for the sea) and nice promenades, then you coul like Punta del Este in March or even in April. Another problem: it is more expensive with time due to the falling dollar; and more and more you have to be very carefully with the lack of honesty of merchants and all kind of dealers. Specially with change of 1000 uruguayan bills!... read more
Fishing for Sea Pejerreyes
Biguas in front of Lobos Island
Shadows and a coffe

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este March 15th 2008

Uruguay… I made a quick stop in Colonia and Punta del Este, Uruguay but the weather was not cooperating! Colonia is a quaint little town. It was beautifully situated on the coast. After the agent called 7 places he found me a place to sleep at a little bed and breakfast type place called "Posada de Angel". There were angels everywhere; figurines, paintings, etc. I don't think this was a coincidence but that's just my opinion!!! Punta del Este is a beautiful vacation area, so I'm told. I didn't see any of it because it was cold and rainy but I hear it is the place to be in Jan and Feb. As my friend Virginia do you say when the stream goes this way and you are going this way...always against the grain, that's ... read more
Posada del Angel....
View from my 2nd hotel...
Boat to Colonia...

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este March 11th 2008

Hi, beach life is seriously draining I can tell you! Sleeping lots and finding it far too difficult to motivate myself to keep the blog up.... Anyway quickly, had great time in Ecuador, then took overnight bus back to Lima - this turned into the worse journey yet in South America.... 30 hours on a warm bus with dodgy air conditioning, three sreaming infants, a family of about 20 from hell swapping seats the entire time and screaming at each other down the bus, crap seats, terrible food..... arghhhhh! Anyway survived somehow although at the time we thought we would afraid to get on a bus ever again! Stayed in a different hostel in Lima than last time which was a mistake as new one was a bit weird. Only for one night so no worries. ... read more

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