Blogs from East, Uruguay, South America - page 11


South America » Uruguay » East » La Paloma January 1st 2009

I always have a hard time writing about weeks spent on beaches. You never really "do" anything, besides lounge around, have some drinks, and simply relax; I love it. As such, I´m hoping that some of the other twelve friends that were there with me could help out... New Years in La Paloma, Uruguay was the only date we had when we set out on our South American adventure. Everything was planned to be squeezed in before it, or left until after we had met this date. I ran out to the airport in Montevideo to pick up my friends Alyssa, who I knew through my time working in Madison, and Katy, who went to college with Alyssa. They had bought their plane tickets a few months ago and more recently, their friend Alex realized how ... read more
La Playa
Walking alone

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo December 25th 2008

Hoi allemaal, Hier het vervolg op onze zon, zee & strand vakantie in Punta-del-Diablo in Uruguay. Naast wandelen en zwemmen (elke ochtend een frisse duik in het zwembad voor het ontbijt) hebben we ook geprobeerd te surfen. We houden het erop dat de golven niet goed waren, want veel brachten we er niet van terecht. Na 2 uur zoutwater happen hielden we het dan ook voor gezien en besloten nog wat van Punta-del-Diablo te verkennen. Dit kleine vissers-hippy plaatsje ligt op een landpunt, waardoor het o.a. een erg goede surfspot is. Het bestaat voornamelijk uit kleine houten huisjes en kleine onverharde straatjes. Asphalt vind je alleen op de weg er naar toe. We waren er net voor het hoog seizoen, dus men was nog volop bezig met het bouwen van barretjes & restaurantjes. Meestal waren 3 ... read more
Meer Strand Punta-del-Diablo
Dorpstraat Punta-del-Diablo
Kleine huisjes

South America » Uruguay » East » La Paloma December 24th 2008

039 - Uruguay - La Paloma 12/24/08 - 01/08/08 Bienvenidos a las Americas Arriving in Argentina after spending over a month in the Middle East is a like relaxing to an ice cold beer in your apartment after a journey across the desert. Your couch and the Corona are familiar enough, but the fact that they come after such toil makes your apartment feel like the Ritz Carlton and the beer taste like liquid gold snowflakes pouring into your mouth! Such was the contrast for us: leisurely strolling the boardwalks of Puerto Madero without getting hassled by taxi drivers, eating fantastic meals at hole-in-the-wall parillas (restaurant grills) without having to haggle for the price of food (when's the last time you had to negotiate the price of a cup of coffee from a restaurant back in ... read more
Tango in San Telmo, Buenos Aires
The largest man made flower in the world in Buenos Aires
Our favorite parilla bar in Uruguay

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo December 22nd 2008

The devil and the deep blue sea, what a connection. That was firmly in our heads when we started the on the bus again, another trip but extremely uneventful. So safely arriving in Diablo only took a few hours and Em had spent most of that dribbling on my shoulder. Diablo was to be the most exotic place that both of us had spent Xmas and we were looking forward to getting some time with our own place, cooker, kitchen and our own toilet - perfect. We encountered our first problem when we stepped off the bus, how were we going to get in touch with the owner of the cabana that we had hired. Again with a level of embarrassment we got in touch with Alfredo and alerted him of our arrival, he told us ... read more
Punta del Diablo 002
Punta del Diablo 003
Punta del Diablo 004

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo December 20th 2008

Hola hola! Na 22uur in de bus van Iguazu - Bueños Aires & 3uur met de boot waren we eindelijk in Uruguay. Uruguay, 1e wereldkampioen voetbal en daarna nog een keer en dus 2x meer als Nederland (en Ierland(maar dat spreekt voor zich;-)). Verder land van heuvels, paarden, wijn en mooie stranden. Uruguay wordt ook wel het Zwitserland van Zuid-Amerika genoemd. Waarschijnlijk van wege de immigranten uit Zwitserland, hoewel de Duitsers, Spanjaarden en Italianen ook niet ontbreken, verder de econimsche welvaart voortvloeiend uit de vlees en wolindustrie. Het is hier allemaal een tikkeltje beter geregeld. Wat het landschap betreft deed het met erg aan Duitsland denken, maar dan aan zee, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel. De 1ste en tevens laatste nacht brachten we door in Colonia. Een heerlijk knus havenstadje aan zee/rivier ( het water ... read more
Skyline Bueños Aires & Joost
Vuurtoren Bueños Aires

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este December 18th 2008

We had to go back on ourselves a bit here, but it was the only way we could incorporate our cheap flight to Montevideo and still get to BA. So we found ourselves back at Colonia, then onto the next COT bus to Montevideo, with a quick pit stop for lunch, and then the next bus to Punta Del Este. Bus travel has become part of our psyche, it involves however a bit of thought and mostly the stubbornness of a mule. I have developed a respect for all of the old folk that travel back home that go on the bus to go everywhere, I will be tuning into their tips when we get back. So with another bus trip completed we arrived in the sunny town of Punta del Este, described by the LP ... read more
Punto Del Este 002
Punto Del Este 003
Punto Del Este 004

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo November 29th 2008

...and then I was off again to Uruguay - hadn´t intended to go but I´d heard there was a cool hostel in a fairly rustic town called Punto del Daiblo. With Gigi´s suggestion of sleeping tablets to make the journey go quicker I was off on an 11 hour trip. Now there was a little confusion owing to a lack of brain and preparation so I bought a ticket to Montevideo thinking one has to go there to get to Punto DD. As it turns out I´d missed a mail from the hostel giving a totally different route. So when I was good and tired I popped my first pill (Gigi suggested using only one) and I was off - until I got to the border crossing where I woke up at 3 and thought in ... read more
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South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo November 28th 2008

Sitter pa en buss fran Colonia de Sacramento destination Montevideo. Utetemperatur + 33, busstemperatur +17 jag fruktar for mitt liv temperaturskillnaden kan inte gor mig nog inte gott men kanner mig anda starkt efter en halvdag pa stranden, tupplur pa farjan, Kings of Leon i lurarna (Kalle hur hade du tankt att jag ska fa tid att lyssna pa annat?) och en solotur, mitt resesallskap overgav mig och for at annat hall, i den idylliska smugglarstaden Colonia. Laga stenhus i gralla farger, grova kullerstensgator, kanoner ja ni forstar stamningen. Det rackte med en dag for mig har hade jag tagit det lugnare ar jag saker pa att tiden hade stannat. Mysigt men omstallningen mellan BA och Colonia blev en for skarp kontrast. Tar istallet nagra dagar vid havet i Montevideo, later tungmetallhalterna i lugorna sakta sankas ... read more
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Photo 4

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este November 17th 2008

time for an emergency blog post, i haven't written anything in about a decade to the increased amount of work/studying/paper writing/reading that has been occurring. but this weekend was one for the books, or in this case the blogs, so let's begin. stayed in buenos aires til friday morning, 6 am. didn't want to skip my uba class because we only have one more was pretty useless but we watched apocalypse now and i got some reading done so woohoo. then at 6 am, legit the crack of down I met molly at the buquebus station to get on our fab ferry to uruguay. the boat is hilarious it's a cross between a cruise ship/airplane if that makes anysense. we arrive in montevideo, ugliest city in the world? then we get on a bus to ... read more

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo November 1st 2008

Hej hej, spet se oglasava, tokrat iz Urugvaja. Ce bi poskusala Urugvaj opisati v nekaj besedah... pokrajina je zelo podobna nasemu podezelju, le da je vecinoma vse ravno. Povsod se pasejo kravice, konji in ovcke, verjetno imajo vec glav zivine kot prebivalcev (teh je cca. 3 mio). Najprej sva se ustavila v majhni vasici Colonia del Sacramento, kjer zivljenje poteka zelo pocasi, vasico prehodis kar pes, povzpela sva se na svetilnik, da sva dobila malo razgleda, po enem dnevu pa ze skoraj nimas kaj poceti tam, zato sva takoj naslednji dan nadaljevala najino pot. Sicer sva imela najprej namen ostati kaksen dan v glavnem mestu Urugvaja, Montevideu, pa se nama je tako mudilo na plazo iskat sonce in morje, da sva se odlocila, da ga spustiva. Prisla sva v ribisko vasico Punta del Diablo, kjer ni ... read more
Urugvajska tipicna pokrajina...
Najin hostel v Punta del Diablo...
Pescene plaze...

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