Blogs from Peru, South America - page 1137


South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu February 5th 2006

I can't believe I spent over 2 months in Columbia, and every day was worth it but my initial flight date came and went on February 2nd. I was able to extend the flight to the maximum 180 days but I wish now I could stay longer, as there is so much to see and do, and at the rate that I move I know I will miss a lot of things that I want to see. Realising that I have just over 2 months left I made a tough decision and decided cut out Ecuador and booked a flight to Lima Peru on the 29th from Bogota. After one last memorable weekend with some friends in the small city of Yopal 6 hours outside of Bogota I headed back to the capital to catch ... read more

South America » Peru » Piura February 3rd 2006

I made my way from Costa Rica to Lima, Peru on wednesday. The flight was quick, like three hours. When I got to Peru I was picked up by a woman in her sixties. She took me to her house, gave me food, and let me take a nap. She was the aunt of one of my mom´s friends. We then took a car and drove around Lima. Its a huge place with lots of things going on. We went to a lookout point where you can see the entire city, the ocean, and the desolate desert that surrounds it. When we got back to her house we drank beer together. That was the first time I had ever gotten my fade on with a sixty year old woman in the southern hemisphere... boyee. Later that ... read more

South America » Peru » Ayacucho February 2nd 2006

Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 9:51 PM Subject: Ok - update - water balloons The water balloon fiasco; Operation: as Carnaval approaches, little kids (and big kids) get more and more into the preparations. Starting with water balloons and moving finally to paint and cactus fruit by carnaval. Preferred Target: Anyone who stands out in a crowd. i,e, Gringos. Every time we went back to our apartment (Ayacucho) the gang of a dozen or so boys and girls would eye us, water balloons in hand, ready for the slighest sign of fear. We would stare back and communicate unsaid death threats to them. So for the meantime we were un-touched. Then one day Izzy was up at Quinua and I was taking the day for errands and I ended up walking down the street with the ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Huacachina February 2nd 2006

After Lima we were suitably refreshed and ready for some more extreme activites. What better than a desert oasis, surrounded on all sides by huge sand dunes, and from which you could both sandboard (gulp!) and go for rides in ridiculous 320 horsepower sand buggies? We decided to stay in Huacachina rather than Ica itself, the latter being a bit mucky and city-like, the former a collection of hostals and restaurants around a lake-sized oasis in the desert. The areas both north and south of Ica are pretty much uninhabited and it's not hard to see why as you drive through them. Neither Em nor I ever imagined that Peru contained so much desert. I imagined rainforests and mountains, which there are, but there's also A LOT of desert. Perfect for sandboarding, then... Basically the way ... read more
Pro sandboarders
The beast!!
Deformed skull

South America » Peru » Lima February 1st 2006

GALAPAGOS BACK TO ECUADOR After our visit to Galapagos, we were to meet the Crystal Serenity at Lima in Peru, the next country south of Ecuador. But first we had to detour back through Ecuador to get there. This was a long trip, beginning with the obligatory boat and plane trips from Galapagos to the Ecuador mainland. The scoop among our group was that Ecuador is willing to donate the Galapagos Islands for research and conservation, but any air travel to and from the Galapagos Islands must first pass through the airport at Guayaquil on the Ecuador mainland, where many tourist dollars are collected from Galapagos-bound tourists. From Guayaquil we were finally permitted to take another flight to Lima on the Peruvian coast, where our ship awaited us at the port of Callao, 45 minutes away ... read more
Municipal Builiding
French Influence
Cathedral in Downtown Lima

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco January 30th 2006

Where to start? Well after 3 weeks of spanish classes I started to dream in spanish. now I don´t even know what I am dreaming about didn¨t undersatnd a word of it. maybe my brain is ahead of my tongue for the first time. This weekend three of us decided to rent motorcyles and take a tour of the Sacred Valley. It was abit of a challenge for me to get back onto a bike after the last ride ended under a ford ranger in Victoria. anyone who rides can say that riding becomes a part of you that you can not give up, it gets into your viens. I have been craving a ride for a long time now. noe was the time, the other drivers here well that will be something to tell you ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island January 29th 2006

Up early ( as always on this trip! ), and goodbyes to our families, we set off by boat again, another painfully slow 3 hour journey to our next destination, the floating Islands of Uros. A bewildering sight, these man made Islands, made completely of reeds growing out of the Lake, and home to families. Everything is built by reed, the homes, even reed boats. They even eat the reeds, which has no taste whatsoever!!! After a briefing once we got there on how they live, we were given a short ride on an amazing reed boat, which me and made mate helped row across the Lake. I have now officially also rowed across the worlds highest Lake! The Islands are actually anchored by wooden stakes, and they can be moved by boat if the locals ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima January 28th 2006

According to conventional backpacker wisdom, Lima is a dirty, smelly, polluted city, choked with smoke belching traffic and generally not a nice place to stay. I can't remember how many people had told both Em and I that Lima was best avoided, but being the stubborn pair that we are, we decided to go there nonetheless. There were a number of reasons for this other than outright bloodymindedness; it sounded interesting, we needed to go there to see Oscar (a Peruvian friend we'd made in Mancora some weeks before) and the Footprint guide said we could get some top Chinese food there. I have to admit, the last point was pretty much all my doing, but I was suffering from serious quality-Asian-food-withdrawal symptoms! We decided at first to stay in the area of Miraflores, more upmarket ... read more
The Hotel Boulevard
Our lounge
Em posing in Oscar's hat

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Taquile Island January 28th 2006

Picked up from the hotel at 7am, we were cycled to the harbour by the local bike taxis ( great fun! ). There we stopped at the market, to buy presents for the families we would be staying with that night. Presents consisted of basics, Rice, Pasta, Candles, even Suncream and Toothpaste. We then set off by boat, across Lake Titicaca, 3,800 meters above sea level. Its so high, the clouds and the sky constantly feel just above your head, as if you really are at the top of the world. Our destination is the Island of Taquile, a 3 hour journey on our boat. Half way on the journey, our captain decided to leave deck to do some boat housekeeping, leaving the steering completely unattended for its 16 passengers! So, in to the captains chair ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu January 27th 2006

Ok from the last installement I left it at going Chivay. Chivay is a town located in the Colca Canyon. To get to Chivay from Arequipa we had to take a road which passed at 5000m which then dropped into the colca valley. Altitude seems to do some strange things to people, like give you a womans bladder needing a piss stop every 1/2 hour. Once we reached Chivay we went to visit the Colca Canyon and stopped at the Condor cross. It was amazing to see the scenery. We were also lucky enough to see 22 condors which flew right over or heads. Youll all be pleased to know its absolutely freezing in Chivay and felt even worse after to spending so much time at beach resorts. Then the next day was spent on the ... read more
Colca Canyon

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