Blogs from Lima, Lima, Lima, Peru, South America - page 13


South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima June 22nd 2011

We’d Heard mixed reports about the Peruvian Capital but, like always, we knew that it would be better to make up our own mind so we decided to visit Lima on our way up to northern Peru. Lima is centrally located in the valleys of two rivers, in the center of Peru, on a desert coast overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Founded by Spanish conquistador, Francisco Pizarro in 1535, as la Ciudad de los Reyes, or "the City of Kings”, Lima became the capital and most important city in the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. With a population of close to nine million (about a third of the country!), Lima is the fourth largest city in South America, behind , Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro. Sarah and I hung out for two or three days ... read more
Angling for a shot!
Open Top

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima June 10th 2011

Unfortunately my South American travels have come to an end and I'm back in the states but here's a recap of the last month in Peru which was substantially calmer than the previous weeks in Santiago and Buenos Aires but still filled with some adventure. Sorry, this one is long also... once again feel free to skim. Also, there are multiple pages of photos. Shady Cab Drivers & Posh houses So, arrived in Lima on May 8th to some lovely cloudy cold weather that reminded me of Seattle. However Lima is right on the Pacific Coast so the air was slightly less poluted than Santiago, Chile which was a nice change for my lungs. My cab driver was pretty cool and took me to some electronics store to get a cell phone (1/2 detour which I ... read more
05-10-11 Surfin with Doc & Friends.02
05-10-11 Surfin with Doc & Friends.03
05-10-11 Surfin with Doc & Friends.08

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima May 10th 2011

Aika on hurahtanut Limassa nopeasti. Kävelimme ensin Lanin toimistoon tarkistamaan, että tyttäreni saa paluulennolle kasvisruokaa. Menimme sitten bussilla keskustaan. Kavimme katsomassa tuomiokirkon ja ruokailimme keskusaukiolla. Kavelimme kavelykatua pitkin ja palasimme bussilla Mirafloresiin. Oli aurinkoinen paiva. Paikallisbussit ovat oma lukunsa. Bussissa on rahastaja, joka nousee pysäkillä autosta ja huutelee, minnepäin bussi on menossa. Bussiin voi nousta kyytiin myyjiä, jotka kauppaavat jotain pientä purtavaa. Kerran kyytiin nousi myös mies, joka piti jonkinlaisen uskonnollisen puheen. Tyttareni kuulo tosiaan palautui aamulla ja han oli taas siina kunnossa etta pystyi katsomaan kaupunkia. En oikein luota taysin nettiloiden virusturvaan, ja kun matka lahestyy loppuaan, en enaa viitsi kopioida kuvia kamerasta muistitikulle enka myoskaan siirtaa nakyville nettiin. ... read more
tuomiokirkon kellari
arkkipiispan palatsi

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima April 28th 2011

**Abajo de este texto, se encuentra un pequeno mensaje para todo la gente que he conocido durante mi viaje... ** **At the end of this text, there is a little message for all people I met during this travel...** Depuis San Gil, j'ai voyagé accompagnée d'un Américain vers Bogota, où je séjournai chez un Couchsurfer (natif Américain, mais venu s'installer en Colombie afin de débuter sa propre entreprise). J'y fût très très bien installée. De là, je devais commencer ma descente jusqu'à Lima, Pérou, où j'allais prendre mon avion environ 1 semaine plus tard. Mais entre Bogota et Lima, je désirais faire une dernière pause, soit, 51 heures de bus plus tard, à Guayaquil puis Montanita, en Equateur, sur le bord du Pacifique afin de profiter une dernière fois de la plage, du soleil et de ... read more
Lima (1)
Lima (2)
Lima (3)

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima April 11th 2011

Friday 8 April – Lima Lima is a big city which stretches for kilometres to house the 11 million people (I think my last blog listed it as 8 million people which is incorrect). Lima was founded by Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro on January 18, 1535, as La Ciudad de los Reyes, or "The City of Kings" It became the capital and most important city in the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. Following the Peruvian War of Independence, it became the capital of the Republic of Peru. Today, around one-third of the Peruvian population lives in the metropolitan area.. We stayed at The Place Hotel which was in the Miraflores district which is an up-market area close to the beach. A Hilton Hotel was being built opposite us. There are many casinos in this district also and ... read more
Part of group at Larcomar
San Martin statue
President's Palace

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima April 4th 2011

KF: A wall of warm, humid, fragrant jungle air hit us when we stepped off the plane in Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon. After the Andes, where we stayed at almost 12,000 feet, it was like being under water. We were whisked off by bus to the Delfin II, a boat which holds 28 passengers and our home for five days. We were in the upper region of the largest river in the world (or second largest depending on how you measure it), which flows across the entire South American continent to the Atlantic ocean. Amazingly, we were only 180 meters above sea level -- South America is quite flat East of the Andes -- not tilted like North America. The Delfin II river adventure was fantastic! The only problem with our trip is that I ... read more
Delfin II
View from the bar deck
The upper rear deck of the Delfin II

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima January 14th 2011

Once again, Chuck and I decided and are fortunate enough to skip, at least part of, winter. We arrived to Lima, Peru the night of January 3rd. We spent a few days in Miraflores making travel arrangements for the coming month and visiting the local shops, markets, parks, and restaurants. Friday the 7th of January we went to stay the weekend with our Peruvian family, the Cuba’s, in Villa Maria del Triunfo. We made macaroni and cheese and hotdogs for dinner and handed out presents sent by Angela and Miguel. The next morning I went with Miguel’s mother, niece and neighbor to attend a session of yoga on the beach. Yoga started with walking from one end of the beach to another five times, then doing a series of arm circles and leg lifts, and ending ... read more
FamiliaCuba (11)
hot dogs and mac and cheese
yoga beach (right side)

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima January 11th 2011

We stayed in Sucre for a few days, after we had traveled 2 days to cover the 600 km odd to this place over a rough gravel, winding road through an beautiful, mountainous landscape. We had collected a lot of dust, a punctured tyre and a fair lot of damage to the sub-frame that supports the boxes in their sliders. I was able to buy a heavy piece of angle iron to replace the light weight stuff I had used in SA to construct it and which had proven to be wholly unsatisfactory. Then on to the next place. Potosi, with 140.000 inhabitants and 150 km from Sucre, is the highest city in the world at 4000 m. It is also, presumably, the home town of a very accomplished thief or pick-pocket who was able ... read more
to be selected 022 2
to be selected 026 2
to be selected 046

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima December 16th 2010

After attending Lima's last match of the season, I had the chance to sit down with 24-year-old torero Fernando Roca Rey, who explained the the art in what some would consider a brutal tradition. The band sounded a valiant address calling spectators to their seats for the opening procession of the last bullfight at the Plaza de Acho, the second oldest bullring in the world. The matadors entered the arena, waving their hats saluting the crowd, followed by the back up banderilleros whirling their magenta capes. Picadors galloped in on horseback circling the ring, wielding their decorative lances reminiscent of the streamer wrapped batons I used as a child to attack the pinadas at my birthday parties. Each class of fighters would build up to the final duel between the matador and the toro. The ... read more
Picador circling the ring
saluting the crowd
the dance

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima December 13th 2010

Today is the big tour of Lima. The guide is to arrive at the hotel at 2:00 PM to begin our tour. Glenn and I decided to take the opportunity to do some exploring of the area around the hotel on our own. This was a continuation of the exploration of our first day in the city. This time we were headed to the main square of Miraflores to see what interesting images presented themselves. The street that was chosen to go on proved to be one of many "art factories." Artists would work in ground floor spaces not unlike the loft spaces in New York and other areas. Hundreds of paintings were on display in many different styles and level of quality. Glenn found a group of angels with guns and I found some abstract ... read more
Example of painting style
Another example
More examples

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