Blogs from Lima, Lima, Lima, Peru, South America - page 12


South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima January 30th 2012

Someone blocked the toilet - no naming names! Also the toilet seemed to leak during the night. Fortunately, the two incidents were unconnected........ May update the situation tomorrow. Took a taxi in the rush hour to the Cathedral. Every 7th car apparently is a taxi and each one wants to charge a different price. One refused to take us, just shook his head in disgust as he said it was the rush hour and would take him too long.. Had a wander round the Cathedral - a mishmash of styles and ages and restored so many times down through the years due to earthquakes. We have discovered that unlike Spain, very few people speak English. Fortunately, Ed's Spanish lessons have stood him in good stead and he relies on Jo to translate for him despite Jo ... read more
Central Lima

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima January 18th 2012

BeachWalk Most of today started with the plan , that we were going to take the tourist bus, or Turibus to see Lima, so we made our descent towards Larco mar, where the bus tour picks us up.We went along the sidewalk area of Larco mar , to find a way to go down to the beach area, because a) i wanted to put my feet into the Pacific, i was already mildly burned so sunbathing was out of the question and b) Joanna wanted to try Cebiche or Ceviche a local dish with raw sole with chilli and lemon. We walked along the coastline which worsened my burn , but i did what i planned to do, pretty scary to be honest- beach layout not the best. Normally there is sand and then the water, ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima November 28th 2011

After our Machu Picchu adventure we spent another 1,5 days in Cusco before boarding a bus to Lima. This was our longest busride so far: 21 hours. If you look at a map, Cusco and Lima are not that far apart from each other but they are divided by mountains, so most of the trip was just up- and downhill zigzaging through the mountains. Pretty boring. We strongly recommend the Norwegian approach to overcome mountains: bridge, tunnel, bridge, tunnel, etc. For the long travel, we booked a very nice "cama suit" bus with comfy seats, blankets, pillows, dinner, breakfast and onboard entertainment. It felt like being on a business class flight or what we imagine a business class flight feels like. The movies that they showed however ranged from mediocre to really really bad and scored ... read more
Inside the cathedral

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima October 1st 2011

Ok, so I will add some of the photos I took at Parque de la Reserva to this post. I actually really loved this place! I took way too many photos and narrowed it down to these 66 photos. There are only 13 fountains, so clearly the photos will be repetitive. Sorry. I have trouble narrowing it down. Also, during the laser show, in the dark of the evening... everyone was standing around, as was I, watching the show. Early on in the 20 minute show, I was groped on my behind. I believe it was a woman who, I'm guessing, ran her thumb and index finger along my posterior, so that if she felt a wallet, she could grab it quick and make a getaway without any trouble. But I'm not using a wallet. All ... read more
Flower Vendors
Fuente de las Tradiciones
Fuente de la Vida

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima October 1st 2011

On Thursday, I went into the central part of Lima and had a look at la Plaza de Armas, Catedral de Lima, Palacio de Gobierno, the San Francisco Catacombs (no picture-taking allowed inside), and more. On Friday, I went to Parque de la Reserva, where they have 13 different fountains. I really enjoyed this park and stayed all afternoon, watched the laser light and fountain show at 7:15pm and then left. (Photos in next post) Today, I flew from Lima to Iquitos, which is on the Amazon river. Tomorrow I will head to a jungle retreat for about a week! ... read more
La Plaza de Armas
La Plaza de Armas
La Plaza de Armas

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima September 30th 2011

Buenos Dias! Well, Amelia missed the plane and I thought that she wouldn´t be able to come at all, which although I would have been gutted, but hopefully she is waiting for me at Lima airport which I´m about to head to after breakfast for my connecting flight to Cuzco. Flight was good, sat next to a lovely Peruvian lady who didn´t speak a word of English but we managed to somehow communicate, still not sure what she was doing in Europe. Still not a very exciting blog I´m afraid, but want to get into the habit of updating this, more exciting things to come - and photos! xxx... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 11th 2011

We've been in Peru for almost a week now, we crossed the border from Ecuador to meet our new guide and were taken to our first stop which was a fishing village called Zorritos. We stayed in a gorgeous beach resort which consisted of rustic huts right on the beach. We had traditional Peruvian cuisine cooked for us and hung out on the beach for a day and a half. We were happy to have a break from transit as the trip has been pretty hectic so far. After only the one night there we boarded yet another bus and headed to Chiclayo for one night and then down to Trujullo, a town in the middle of the desert which is famous for it's ruins of the Sipan people. The ruins were a bit crap but ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 8th 2011

So I have arrived! The journey in total was only about 25h, which whilst similar in length to hockey tour was far less savage. Mainly because the plane´s taken were dry. I did nearly get travel sick on one plane though - I looked over and a fat woman was wearing a bra too tight for her, and this had led to her having two distinct rolls of back fat. Not what you want to see when you wake up from a quick nap on the plane! I arrived at 4 35 am local time (we are 6h behind), and it was still dark, so I decided to sleep for a bit in the airport until the sun came up. The sun never really appeared, although it is light now, but as fortune would have it ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 3rd 2011

Today we explored Miraflores - the Lima suburb we are staying in. Miraflores is on the coast and the coastline is unlike any I have ever seen...Black cliffs of dirt, rocks and corral turned to stone. It appears they Peruvians have filled in the area between the cliffs and the ocean to create a coastline appropriate for human use. The coast is rock and a highway runs along it. In typical Sam and Liz style, we slept in our first full day. Then we headed over to La Mar - a cebicheria we had read a lot about. It is a sister restaurant to the infamous Astrid y Gaston. We may have slept late, but we were there first people at the restaurant - literally. The doors hadn't even opened. When they did open, we were ... read more
Ceviche at La Mar
Cliffs at Miraflores
Coastal Highway Miraflores

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima July 3rd 2011

Today was all about being in the right place at the right time. This morning we headed back to Parque Kennedy area to find some breakfast. On our way, the catholic church was just letting out and gathering outside to start a procession. We hung out and observed as the priest hopped on a truck covered in flowers that drove the streets around the park with a ton of people walking around it. We heard someone say that it doesn't happen very often, so we were happy to catch a glimpse of it. After breakfast, we grabbed a taxi to Central Lima. The city center was different than Miraflores and was jam packed with people. The Plaza de Armas was beautiful surrounded by many old buildings including the Government Palace, Lima Cathedral, and the Archbishop's Palace. ... read more
Photo 5
Random tangoers

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