Blogs from Cusco, Cusco, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 72


South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 20th 2008

After a 22 hour bus journey from Lima, we eventually arrived in Cusco (the worst part of the trip was having to watch a Jennifer Lopez movie)! After checking into a nice hostal in the middle of the city, we set out to explore the ultimate "gringo hangout". The central square (Plaza de Armas), has a much more interesting name in Quechuan; The Place of Tears (interesting, since the name pre-dates the arrival on the Spanish). Despite its name, the square was a great place to have lunch and watch the world go by. img= center ´Place of Tears´- looks quite happy to me. Cusco was the former capital of the Inca Empire (it literally means “navel” in Quechuan) and everywhere you walk you can see Inca stonework used as foundations for modern day buildings. ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 20th 2008

Just a quick post to say that I'm alive and well and I've arrived safely in Cusco, Peru early this morning. I spent an exciting (read: uneventful) night at the airport in Lima as I had a 5 hour layover between arriving in Lima around midnight and flying to Cusco at 5am. There wasn't any point going anywhere else as I'd have to turn 'round and come right back so I thought I'd just hang-out near the gate for my flight. I wasn't the only one with this idea as there were at least 20 others stretched out on benches (at my gate alone) let alone strewn about the rest of the airport. Apparently, a lof of international flights arrive really late at night, and with domestic departures are usually really early in the morning, it's ... read more
Sunrise above the clouds
me (but this is me in Peru)
Sunrise above the clouds

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 18th 2008

Rachel and I have just finished hiking the Inca Trail for 4 days to reach Machu Picchu. It was an incredible experience, and we are exhausted. We will update on our fabulous adventures when we have more energy. Here is a public link to our photos on my facebook: Love you! Becky ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 18th 2008

Day 11 - The next chapter. Lesmahagow to the Sacred Valley. It was an early start this morning, as we headed off to Cusco. The weather was wet in the mountains and as a result no flights were allowed in or out, so we had a bit of a delay at Lima airport. On arrival at Cusco - with our first views of the Andes - someone poetically commented on how the mountains reminded her of the slag hills back home, but with greenery! New one for the guidebooks, methinks. After an hour or so lying down to get used to the altitude, it was onto the bus for our guided tour of the town and the Inca sites around Cusco. It was fantastic. However, I think the altitude was affecting me slightly, as everything was ... read more
Inca Ruins
LLamas Abroad

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 18th 2008

It's all part of the experience Where do I even start? The past few days have been a whirlwind of great, terrible, amazing, and eye-opening experiences. We'll start with the bad news...Unfortunately, the night before leaving for Sacred Valley, I got very, very sick. It was one of the worst feelings I have ever experienced in my life, but fortunately it passed very quickly. The doctor arrived to the house soon after everyone left for the Sacred Valley and did some tests. Turns out I had fallen victim to several severities of Salmonella and I had a parasite...lovely eh? I was very fortunate to get better rather than worse, so I didn't have to go to the hospital, but there have been two other team members who have had to endured the hospital here. Everyone ... read more
Traffic in Pumamarca
Conejito de Pasqua
Salsa with Selvy

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 17th 2008

We survived the Inca Trail! WOW WOW WOW! What an amazing experience it was tough going for Tiare not so for Nick but totally worth it. Tiare just needed to get that off her chest straight away! But hello again to all of you. What a week it has been! After leaving Quito we arrived in Lima Peru at about midnight. once again it was lovely to have a pre arranged transfer waiting to take us to the hotel. And the hotel was very fancy.... it even had a lift!!!! We spent Sunday in Lima in miraflores (where our hotel was). Miraflores is supposed to be a kind of yuppie beachside suburb and we found it to be really quite nice. But not really a lot to report just a lazy day wandering around looking at ... read more
Nick & Llama
Inca Trail

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 16th 2008

Another night in our Puno hotel, all was quiet except for our security whistlers outside. We felt so pathetic about not taking anything to the kids that we decided to go back to the tour operator and see whether they could somehow get some books and stuff to the kids for us. Easier said than done. Observing siesta time means that they were shut from 1 until 3:30, which is when we were due to get a bus to Cusco. We bought some stuff and only realised this after going there the third time to be met with a bolted door. The shop across the way was open so after explaining our situation and writing a swift note to the tour operator, we left the stuff in good faith that the computer shop people would pass ... read more
Cusco Church

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 16th 2008

Well I arrived in Cusco on the 5th of March. I'm staying in a lodge with 15 other Australians and one Canadian. Cusco is a beautiful place, particularly the centre. Old European looking buildings with Mountains out in the background. Though, it is very touristy and everyone wants to give you a massage. Not such a bad thing, considering it's not at all expensive. I am working up at the school, teaching several classes, in music, drama and english. I am also helping finish a new school building. The kids are very cute, though, as in Australia, they are hard work, particularly with my limited Spanish. ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 15th 2008

Een tijd sinds mijn laatste update, maar ik had niet zo veel zin om aan het thuisfront te moeten berichten dat ik ziek was. 1e week, volgens mijn dokter salmonella, maar tenminste geen parasiet (wat de gouden combi is waar iedereen hier aan lijd). Braaf mijn pilletjes geslikt en het een weekje rustig aangedaan. 2e week, oeps! Toch geen salmonella, maar een bacterie en toch parasieten (dat krijg je nou als je meteen braaf naar de dokter gaat. Dan gokken ze maar wat, omdat het op de tests nog niet zo goed te zien is). Deze keer werd ik van mijn medicijnen flink ziek, wat dus inhield dat ik na drie daagjes weer aan het werk al weer kon stoppen. 3e week, de hele nacht overgegeven. Oh de bacteries reageert niet op de antibiotica. Blijf maar ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 14th 2008

Friday 14th An early flight today, so no breakfast before we go. Can see Mount Misty really clearly today, but we need to get inside the airport, checked in, pay oyr S/10 airport fee, and before too long we're on the plane. Journey includes 2 take-offs and landings as we stop mid-way. No food this time, so most people are starving by the time we get to Cusco around 11ish. I'd bought something from the bakery so was OK, but so missed out on going to Jacq's for breakfast (it's famous for it in the Lonely Planet, etc) - but still, we have 4 nights here after the Inca Trail. Cusco is notorious for its narrow cobbled streets and our minibus driver has to do some good steering. We make it to our hotel. I'm sharing ... read more
Lots of change
Cusco from the air
Mastercard for Machu Picchu

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