Blogs from Cusco, Cusco, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 25


South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco July 9th 2010

pics from our first few days in Cusco and our first day in Aguas Calientes... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco July 8th 2010

The flight to Cuzco is only 1.5 hours so we never reached a very high altitude and you could always see the beautiful clouds, mountains, and valleys down below. It was a truly breathtaking flight. We arrived by 8 a.m. and got conned by a taxi driver at the airport to not only pay him way too much to get into town, but also to stay at his hotel for $20/night. Looking back, I would’ve walked outside the airport parking lot and hailed my own taxi and gone to whatever hostel I wanted to. Tips for other travelers. So, we checked into his hotel and immediately got to work trying to schedule things for a trip to Machu Picchu. The lady at our hotel, also the owner’s wife, wanted to book everything for us (city tour ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco July 3rd 2010

my kids are the most draining little things ever. im so exhausted by them but i´m there and i play and i teach and i read to them and they are cute but loud and chaotic and i can only understand like every 5th word they say cuz they speak some mix of quechua and spanish. AH. but i was teaching a girl how to do some dance moves and she LOVED it which was awesome. i´m also freaked though because one of the other volunteers at the after school program with me told me that the kids have fleas and thats why we have red bumps. SO EFFING GROSS. but the doctor assured me that wasn´t the case. then again he prescribed me 50 mg of steroids. so again there is nothing i can do ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco June 29th 2010

We are in Cuzco, Peru now and it is WAY better than Lima. It is a pretty cool little town that is in a very scenic valley up in the Andes. Unlike Lima, which seemed to be filled with wealthier travellers looking to go shopping, Cuzco is full of young backpackers looking for an adventure. It is a pretty neat little city with steep hills, coblestone roads, old Spanish cathedrals, and scenic views. However, Cuzco doesn't really seem like a place that people come to hang out at as much as it is a hub to plan an andventure. There are literally hundreds of tour guides here in the city offering anything from plush jungle lodge stays to white water rafting adventures. We hung out in the city today, mainly just wandering around and exploring. We ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco June 28th 2010

I MISS SUMMER WEATHER. i´m actually wearing a turtle neck right now. yeah. anyways...¡enjoy! So a few friends and I were going to take the 8 hour overnight bus ride to Arequipa on wednesday in order to spend a few days in the town then hike in the huge and famous canyon there. We are signing up for a trip where you spend a day hiking into the canyon, sleep at the bottom, then hike out the of the canyon the following mornig. Arequipa is supposed to be super cool (the deepest canyon in the world), but i think we are holding off for another week so we can go with a few other friends that are going to machu pichu this weekend. apparently at the bottom of the canyon are little cabins to sleep in ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco June 28th 2010

Monday 28.6.2010 day 257 Cuzco and the Sacred Valley We had a very early flight so we got up at 2:30am and got the taxi to the airport at 3am. When our flight was ready to leave they announced that the flight was delayed due to bad weather. Our flight eventually left 2 and half hours late. We had sent an email for a taxi pick up but they said they did not read it till it was too late. So we got a cab back to our hotel and checked in and had some special high altitude tea. As we were feeling a little excursed after our tip. We talked to the travel agent at the hostel and found out the number that we were given by the travel agent in Lima was missing a ... read more
Photo 34
Photo 24
Photo 25

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco June 27th 2010

We were excited about getting to Cuzco to catch up with Nicole and spend some time chilling out before the big Inca Trek, so we jumped on a bus to Cuzco and settled down for the long journey. When we arrived at our hostel after getting very lost we gave Nicole a big hug, had a shower and headed out to check out Cuzco. After wandering around for a while we decided it was dinner time and time for a famous Pisco Sour which is a traditional Peruvian drink made from sugar, lemon juice, ice, Amargo Angostura, a lot of Pisco (made from grapes) and beaten egg white. Seeing as the first Pisco Sour tasted so good we decided to head to a bar Nicole knew and have another....and another.....and another.....the end result was us all ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco June 26th 2010

Trying desperately to catch up on this blog before my next big adventure (in the jungle!) ... Here we go: 23/06 (continued..) The colectivo from Ollantaytambo dropped us off in Plaza San Fransisco (a bit off of the tourist part of Cuzco and filled with ice cream and other food vendors) and we made our way toward our hostel. Our path was blocked by a parade that would make the thanksgiving day parade look like a funeral procession - it was the day before Inti Raymi, which takes place on June 24th. In case you are a bit rusty on your international pagan festivals, I´ll fill you in. Inti Raymi is officially a reenactment of the Inca ritual worship of the sun god. It takes place on the winter solstice (the Incas put the winter solstice ... read more
Inti Raymi Parade!
Inti Raymi Parade!
Inti Raymi Parade!

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco June 25th 2010

So much has happened that this blog is doomed to be super long so no introduction and I´ll probably skim over the things that happened that have no photos... mostly because I suspect people only look at photos anyway. (I had some trouble uploading the photos so they may not be in the correct order or correspond with the text nearby, sorry). 17/06 Not much to do in Lima, I spent my time waiting to pick up Sara from the airport but luckily, Roxana invited me out to lunch that day. She and her friend Juan and I went to a very fancy seafood restaurant and I ate some things that I can´t quite translate but everything was excellent. Highlights: a purple juice made from purple corn called Chicha (can be alcoholic but this wasnt), Yuka ... read more
Huacachina, revisited
View from the road to St. Maria
View from the road, too

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco June 25th 2010

hola amigos! cuzco is just so damn cool. i walk around and it hits me that this place is unlike any other and i love it for that. yesterday was the really important and huge incan holiday of inti raymi and celebrations started wedensday morning and ended late last night. there have been outrageous, colorful, loud, incredible parades for over 24 hours with different groups and places around the city represented in traditional clothing, playing their specific music, and doing traditional dances. there was even a dance off in the plaza de armas of traditional incan dances. all of the towns and schools prepare their own march and it was saweeet. it was crazy busy and more people packed into one street than i have ever seen in my entire life. on thursday- the offical day ... read more

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