Blogs from Huaraz, Ancash, Peru, South America - page 16


South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 9th 2007

The Santa Cruz circuit is one of the main trekking routes in the Cordillera Blanca and a mighty fine one at that. Along with my trusty sidekick, Lukas, who´d actually beaten me to Huaráz despite me leaving him behind in Cusco, I headed down the valley from Huaráz to Caraz, then on to Cashapampa by colectivo. The night before we´d stocked up on sufficient chocolate, quinua chicken surprise, and in Lukas´s case tuna, enough to feed the japanese army for a week, to get us safely through the 4 day trek. The market in itself was an interesting experience: though i got a photo of the chickens hanging up, I was too chicken to get a photo of the platters of disected guinea pigs, the local delicacy. Caraz seemed a nice place and there we stocked ... read more
Preparations for the hike
Strange parallels between the mountains and Lukas´ enormous rucksack!
First glimpse of some white stuff!

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 8th 2007

Hey guys, got my very own Toching the Void right here, and I´ll start from the very beginning. As I said in the last journal, Martin, Matt and I planned to climb Mount Pisco (5,752masl) without a guide and we were going to do it Monday. We spent a lot of time doing a lot of prep work for it, this is serious business, we were venturing into the realm of mountaineering for the first time and it´s no easy step to take. We spent two days sat in Cafe Andino poring over topographical maps, sketches, route descriptions and humorous stories of a dinner party at the summit. We needed to rent a fair few bits, get some food in and a bigger pot to cook in!!! Friday/ Saturday - We decided we´d do the trip ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 8th 2007

Here are some photos of our icy adventures!!!! The caption competition is open!!!! send me an email and I´ll publish the best in the next blog, I´ve now got to think of a new prize as the whole coca thing is a bit too dicey. I only meant it in jest, however I´d forgotten about the darker side of our high altutude tea leaves.... read more
Me ice climbing close up
Me at morraine camp
Me on Pisco Summit

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 4th 2007

Hiking in this mountainous region was fantastic - exhausting but deeply satisfying. However, Huaraz gave me mixed feelings. This town, arguably the trekkers’ capital in Peru, located in the proximity of perhaps two dozen 6,000 m peaks (including Huascaran the Peruvian highest mountain and Alpamayo, supposedly voted for as the most beautiful mountain in the world) seemed in a disrepair. The major plaza and many streets in the center were under construction, many restaurants marked in my guide were no longer there, and Edward’s Inn, a highly recommended hotel, was totally empty when I got there. However, its citizens were nice enough and once we got used to the mess in the streets we were able to enjoy what the city had to offer - access to premier mountain equipment, mountain guides, agencies, and some ... read more
Huaraz - campsite2
Huaraz - sheep1
Huaraz - Bull

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 3rd 2007

May the 10th eventually had to come round and it was time for us to go our separate ways. Soph was heading home and I was going south firstly to Costa Rica and then down to South America. After an awful goodbye at Vancouver airport I headed to Huston for a three hour stop over. According to all the people I spoke to I did what everyone does in Huston and sat in George Bush airport for a few hours waiting to leave. Eventually my plain came and it was of to CR.... I arrived to blazing heat (compared to Vancouver) and the finl of the playoffs in the football league. The guy driving me to the hostel clearly wasnt happy about missing the game and was caning it through the streets of San Jose! ... read more
Looking petrified before the flight
Why I was petrified!
No tutles but palm trees in Tortuguero

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 2nd 2007

Hi everyone, great news, we´ve finally got our bums in gear and are doing stuff. Yesterday we went ice climbing and it was AMAZING!!!!! Since being here, we knew there was a lot we wanted to do and so have spent a lot of time checking out adventure tour operators for the best deals and services. Eventually we decided on a lovely chap called Walter at QuechuaAndes (for anyone reading for reccomendations this one comes very highly). We opted for the $35 day where we got a private pick up and 3-4 hours on the ice rather than the $20 where we had to find our own way and only get an hour. No brainer really. We checked out the boots and tried them on for size in the office, all the kit was included, we ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 31st 2007

Hi everyone, hope you´re all keeping well etc, just as you like to know what we´re up to it´d be nice to hear what you´re all doing once in a while, i.e via comments. It makes the blogs a little more interesting. Cheers Well, since the Santa Cruz trek we have done a grand total of nothing. Except chilling out and reading a lot. Since our little spell of funkiness in Lima I haven´t been quite right, I know that´s the nature of travelling but it´s slightly demoralising having to spend most of your time within a few feet of a bathroom, wandering round the sights is just out of the question, smelling all that wonderful food when you´ve got to starve yourself for 24 hours, trying not to feed whatever nasties are the source of ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 30th 2007

This blog is a bit detailed, so if you find it boring, just take a look at the pics instead! Having tried our hands at ice climbing, we were eager to do more in the Peruvian Andes around Huaraz. We wanted to do a 4 day hike through the Cordillera Blanca and over the Santa Cruz pass (4900m). Our new friends Matt and Rebecca were set to climb the impressive Mount Pisco (5750m) which happened to be on our route. So we combined the two and set off on a 5 day high altitude adventure. Day 1 We set off early on a local minibus from Huaraz to Yungay. Rebecca, Matt, Wendy and I were joined by our crew for the climb - the brilliant Ruben our guide (who had shepherded us up the ice face ... read more
At 5750m
Made it!
The conquerors

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 29th 2007

Hi guys We returned yesterday from our 4 day trek from Santa Cruz to Vaqueria. I wont give you a blow by blow account as i'm sure reading about trekking is incredibly boring!!! It was a pretty easy going trek, and warmed us up nicely. We spent the first two days ascending slowly, passing lakes and locals, and camping in the most fantastic locations, surrounded by snowcapped peaks on every side. With only 6 hour walking days it gave us plenty of time to admire the scenery and socialise around camp. There were a number of groups doing the trek with donkeys and guides etc, both the way we were going and doing the route backwards, and although the reason we do all this crazy stuff is to get away from everybody, it was nice to ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz May 24th 2007

We had both been looking forward to doing some more trekking for a while. We were also dying to try ice climbing ever since we missed the chance while we were in Patagonia. So we made our way to Huaraz, the mountaineering capital of Peru (some would say of South America). Huaraz is a functional little town in the heart of the Peruvian Andes. It sits at 3091m in the Cordillera Blanca range which contains 50 peaks over 5700m! Huascaran, Peru´s highest mountain at 6768m is just down the road….. The area around Huaraz has a dramatic and heartbreaking history. It was here on May 31st 1970 that the worst natural disaster in Peruvian history took place. A huge earthquake (7.7 on richter scale) devasted central Peru, killing 70,000 people. Huaraz was flattened, with half the ... read more
ice king
It´s steep
Stuart subtly looking for a natural toilet spot

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