Blogs from Chile, South America - page 663


HOLA!!!! I had made yet another trip to a winery. Have I mentioned how great the wine tastes here??Us girls enjoyed this winery and learned quite a bit about wine and Champagne. We received a tour throughout the winery to learn about how the winery produces its wine and champagne. We learned how the process is made about the bubbles in the champagne and even got to test out the white wine, red wine and champagne. The tour was made in Spanish and was easier to understand than we thought it would be. I purchased the white wine, red wine and champagne that we tested for a low price of 11,000 pesos (approximately 18 US dollars). I have intentions of bringing these home with me, but considering I have a couple more months here....I'm not quite ... read more
Me and my Minnesota/Texas girl
A Vision of Chile

So I had the WORST past two days regarding Airfare!! Yesterday I had gone down to the STA Travel office here in Viña del Mar, Chile to change my flight ticket for an extended stay. I had paid the $30 fee to change the date of the ticket, had my place lined up to live for the extra time, and everything seemed to be going fine and dandy... until the representative went to put the change of date stickers on my return ticket, THAT WASN"T THERE!! The problem was that Delta (DAMN DELTA) had taken my STA travel ticket and changed it into a Delta E-ticket. Therefore, I was no longer an STA Travel client; instead I was a Delta client. She had asked to keep all my information to call the STA office in Santiago ... read more

Sunday night was exciting and a little sad all wrapped up in one. It was a celebration moment when Roberto and I finished the editing part of my now 38 page marketing plan, but was a moment of sadness when we found out that Javier was in the hospital. Ema had said the hours to visit were only between 2:00-3:00 and that only family can visit unless you have a pass and only two passes are allowed per patient. So we didn't know if we were going to be able to visit, or did we know what was wrong for him to be in the hospital over night. Monday came along and I took my examples to go have them binded with rings and a transparent cover front and back. It was defiantly a sigh of ... read more

So I just wrote this travel blog and it was good, but I lost it because the internet disconnected. So I went to yet another place in Chile that seemed to be utterly amazing by its appearance. It was my first time there so I was in complete AWE. I think I will travel to this destination yet another time to have an "Amanda" moment. You know, everyone needs a moment to themselves and what better place to do it than in another country at the end of the world in a beautiful location?? Rest my case, I'm goin' back! Unfortunately we were unable to take pictures from this day due to technical difficulties with Carina's camera (the batteries died). Ariel even bit them and everything to try to make it so we could take some ... read more
What a view
Foot Prints in the Sand

So the first exciting experience this Saturday was meeting Emi's friend Meg. She is from Minnesota who had studied in Argentina but decided to flee off to New Zealand for more "Adventure". Jennie and I were heading to Emi's apartment to go and celebrate Eduardo's birthday when we saw Sam and an unfamiliar girl. I said "HEYYYYY....SAMMY!!" and upon greeting I heard "AMANDA!?!" which was followed by a huge unexpected, but welcomed hug. She said she had heard so much about me that she felt like she and I were already friends, not strangers. Since it was Sam, his little sister Barry, Brian, and Meg's first time in Viña we wanted to make it adventurous for them (and let's not forget the birthday boy). Well let's just say it was.....Interesting. Jennie and I got to Emi's ... read more
Me & Sam
Emi & Meg
Eduardo's Sis, Eduardo, and Dave

OK so here are some more pics that Beth just sent to me!!! Some are of the volcano we climbed, the hot springs in Pucon and a pic at the vineyard in Mendoza. Im heading to Easter Island (Isla de Pascua) this wednesday until the following monday! We are going to be camping on a im totally stoked!!!!! I cant wait to see the statues!! I hope you´re all doing fantastic! Love D ps. Volcano Villarica, the volcano we climbed, is Chile´s most dangerous volcano and has a habit of small eruptions ever so often (I just found out). Also, about 2 weeks after we climbed it, it started errupting causing some of the worst earthquakes that they´ve experienced from this volcano as well as had the town completely evacuated for a bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pss. ... read more
Above the clouds!
Waterfall and the girls!

Well I finally am finishing up my portfolio for my first internship with Propiedades Berdichevsky. Thank goodness that is almost over. I have created a 35-Page marketing plan which is currently being edited since Spanish isn't my first language. In addition to the 35 page marketing plan I have created 3 PowerPoint presentations, and 9 advertisement examples. YEAHHHHH!!! I will begin my new internship on Monday at UPLA working with Emi as well dealing with the marketing for the university. It's going to be a challenge to try to get it in Oscar's mind that miracles don't occur over the course of a few months. I hope I can handle the protests that will occur. I have heard some stories, so maybe it'll be exciting to see it for myself. I hope that all of you ... read more

About the places I have been in Chile: -The greeting is a kiss on the right cheek for the ladies and men, but men and men shake hands. -Michael Jackson, Madonna, Barry White and Techno are apparently pretty popular here. -The milk doesn’t have to be refrigerated until it is opened. (must be a central and south america thing) -Condiments and Spices come in bags. -Rattails and Mullets are still in style here. -It is the second country in the world to consume the most bread per person (right behind Italy) -Pasta is also a dish that is widely consumed. -Avocado comes on anything and everything. -When it rains they eat Sopapillas (but different than I have ever tasted). -Pumpkin is an ingredient used in several of their dishes. -Vina and Valpo should be in the ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago May 7th 2005

The Santiago Adventure: Carina, Emi, Jennie and I made a trip to Santiago to go and stay at Dave's apartment and celebrate Sam's birthday. Upon our arrival at the bus terminal Emi said we needed to go and purchase our 'metro' ticket. A little confused at first as to what it was, I later found out we were going on a subway. Everyone seemed to be shocked when I said it was my first time on a subway. The first time it seemed to go so fast, but I think that was just in my head because it was a new experience. Once arriving to Dave and Brian's apartment we got ready to go out on our first night on the town in Santiago. Uncertain as to where we were going to eat Dave made the ... read more
Emi, Me & Carina
Carina, Me & Jenni
The window view

This is just an note to notify those of you who knew that I had a free website message service for voice messages that I have purposely disconnected it for personal reasons. You may contact me through this travel blog or through email if you wish to contact me in any form or fashion. I hope that everything is going well for each and everyone of you. Love and miss you all. ... read more

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