Blogs from Chile, South America - page 666


South America » Chile April 4th 2005

Chile - 6 Days - 29th March-3rd April I crossed the border with Peru and arrived in Arica, where I spent a day on the beach, waiting for a bus. I didn't stay long in Chile as it was quite expensive but I did spend 6 glorious days. From Arica I went to San Pedro de Atacama via Calama and spent 3 days touring the driest desert in the world, according to NASA, National Geographic and many other publications. I loved the Atacama desert area, with it's spectacular scenery and thermal activity. It is a virtually rainless plateau west of the Andes Mountains, composed mostly of salt basins (salares), sand, and lava flows. I left Chile when I crossed the Andes and reached Salta, Argentina. ... read more

South America » Chile » Magallanes April 4th 2005

So for the last couple of days I have been entertaining myself at border crossings! I left El Calafate and the glacier as soon as possible and took the long way round bus back across to the east side of Argentina to get another bus heading back west and a couple of hundred Kms away from El Calafate. This is when you start realising that traveling this far south is not always as straight forward as it would seem looking at maps. There is a lack of roads and bus companies - especially at the end of the season.... I got to a little town called Los Antiguous (the national capital of cherries) on the border. Found the local Hospedaje and four others looking to cross the border. One who needs a special mention is Barbara, ... read more
Over the border
Lake and Andes

Renacca is a neighboring town that is still considered to be Vina. I have gone there several times already and in fact experienced my first strong earthquake on this beach. Something I new that Chile was known for but was not informed about how often it happens. I have to admit I have been crazily excited to feel each earthquake that occurs. Call me crazy, but it was so exciting. I will never forget my first frantic phone call from Sara asking me if we had just had an earthquake. I was so bummed because I missed it because I happened to be out on the street. She is such an awesome girl and a great friend to have here in Chile. She and I have bonded since our first day of class. She's a Jersey ... read more
It's all about the Crema

South America » Chile » Magallanes March 31st 2005

alana typed up a fantastic little thing but it doesn´t seem to be posting. so in the interim I am going to to post a bunch of photos from puerto moreno glacier and parque nacional torres del paine. ... read more
alana in the valley de francis
beautiful lake in the torres

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Puerto Natales March 30th 2005

Hello all, We completed our five days of trekking in Parque Nacional Torres del Paine yesterday and returned to Puerto Natales safe and sound late last night. A few additions to our last email: El Calafate, Argentina is named after the calafate berry. It is a purplish-black berry similar in appearance to a blueberry, but darker. It grows on bushes in Patagonia. The taste is akin to a mix of blueberry and black grapes. Mild, not too sweet, slightly astringent. We had calafate flavored icecream in the town of El Calafate. Also, they make chirimoya (cherimoya) flavoured yogurt and icecream here. Back to our trek: We did a five day trek known commonly as "the W". We rented gear (tent, 2 sleeping bags with mats, stove, pot, backpack) from our guesthouse. Day 1: 7:15 bus to ... read more
Las Torres with Ryan and Ana
Lago Nordenskjold
Ryan in TdelP

Have been taking Salsa classes for a few weeks and have made some good friends from the class. Almost every Monday and Wednesday Jennie and I go to a local bar with the other people that always go to dance salsa to sit around and talk and just hang out at a place called Legolas (pretty sure). I even celebrated my birthday in the same bar with some of the people from the salsa club, as well as Roberto and Barbarita. The most exciting part of my birthday was when they did their traditional birthday celebration called "Manteo". The guys, after everyone knowing it was going to be my birthday at midnight, grabbed me and decided to throw me in the air repetitively while counting for my age. I have to admit, it was rather fun. ... read more
The Guys
The group

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón March 30th 2005

Climbed a volcano, sat in some natural hot springs, went fly fishing and went to the beach...all within the little town of Pucon. I took a 10 hour bus ride "full cama" which means you sit in a chair that reclines almost 180...pretty comfortable for a bus. I arrived in the little town at 6am and it looked a lot like a smaller version of Vail, and had the feel of North Conway, New Hampshire. The main strip was only a few blocks long, with adventure tours and guides everywhere and little restaurants, bars and stores filling in the gaps. I arrived with a girl I had met in Valparaiso and we met up with some of her friends who were already in town. After waking up some people and getting chased by a few dogs, ... read more
Rental car
base of the volcano

South America » Chile » Aisén » Cerro Castillo March 29th 2005

Our consulting team also did 2 days of horse back riding near Lago Alto and Lago Lapparent near Cerro Castillo. It was pretty much my first time on a horse. I loved it! I reckon I´ll have to buy myself a Caballo The Asado kicks ASS... read more
Cerro Castillo
Cerro Castillo
Cerro Castillo

South America » Chile March 28th 2005

From Puerto Natales we went to Puerto Montt. It took about 25 hours to get there, we had to cross the Chile-Argentine boarder twice as the countries are carved up so awkwardly at the end of the continent. Chile got a raw deal, its nearly 5,000km in length but only on average only 180km wide. Its an absurdly shaped country. Puerto Montt (in Manjits words) is the skankiest skank hole in the entire South American continent. Its a real port town, so it takes little to imagine what the town is actually like. Only stayed there for a day (seemed lot longer) and blazed out of town on the next available bus to Temuco. Temuco is a pretty city in central Chile. We went there because it has a really nice indoor market and its the ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 28th 2005

¡Vamos...vamos Chileanos...esta noche tenemos que ganar! So saturday night we went to Santiago to see the Chilean nacional soccer team play against Uruguay--competing for spaces for the World Cup in Germany 2006. I bought a Chilean track jacket for the game and I was ready to get mean! We got to Santiago and of course headed to get some piscola before the game - they dont sell alcohol anywhere that is within 10 blocks around the stadium ( can you imagine a south american team and a game where all the fans were drunk!) So we drank...and quickly before heading to the Stadium. The game started at 10pm but we had to get there at 6 to have seats. I was wondering what we were supposed to do for 4 hrs but believe me there was ... read more

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