Blogs from Brazil, South America - page 639


South America » Brazil » Mato Grosso do Sul » Bonito April 13th 2005

April 11th, Day Four Yesterday, after settling into the hotel in Bonito (around 6 PM), I had enough time to think and decide what to do in the 3 or 4 days that I plan to stay here. Bonito has a relatively sophisticated touristic "ecosystem". It seems to be very hard to book a trip to any of the attractions without the support of a local tour agency. Agencies act as client relationship managers and help tourists understand what every attraction has (and has not) and book them for them. Bonito has also a good cohort of Tour Guides. These are trained individuals (accredited with Brazil's tourism agency - I think its called Embratur) that usually meet the tourists at the agency and take them (or join them if the tourists have a car, as ... read more
Boca da Onca, Bonito
Rio da Prata, Bonito
Abismo Anhumas, Bonito

South America » Brazil » São Paulo April 8th 2005

Written in March '06, this is an account of a 8000 km (5 K miles) long trip I did in April'05 through the Brazilian Midwest. It all started in Rio de Janeiro and finished, well, in Rio de Janeiro. I drove all the way from Rio, through Sao Paulo, to the Mato Grosso do Sul state, where I visited a place called Bonito; a few days later I drove north to the Mato Grosso state, where I spent some time in the northern area of Pantanal and in Chapada dos Guimaraes; I then drove East to the Goias state, where I visited Chapada dos Veadeiros and the Terra Ronca national park; finally, I drove south, crossed the Minais Gerais state, visited colonial city Ouro Preto and got back to Rio de Janeiro. I took many pictures ... read more
Castelo Branco Highway in SP state
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul

South America » Brazil April 8th 2005

02.04.05 Tja, auch hier ist nicht immer schoenes Wetter. Es hat ganz schoen geregnet. Wir nutzten diesen Tag, um nach Florianópolis zu fahren, um unsere Weiterreise abzuklaeren. Aber wir warteten noch, bis es wenigstens ein wenig aufgehoert hat zu regnen. Am Terminal trennten sich unsere Wege. Meine Busverbindungen sind eigentlich sehr gut, sodass es diesmal sehr schnell ging. Danach ging ich noch zum Mercado Publico, ein bisschen stoebern. Und als ich gegen 13.00 Uhr shoppen gehen wollte, waren schon alle Laeden geschlossen :-(. Ich lief noch kurz zur Plaza und zur Kirche, dann machte ich mich wieder auf den Heimweg. Rifka und Frithjof waren schon laenger wieder zurueck und waren am Strand. Ich hatte keine Lust, bei diesem Wetter an den Strand zu gehen, deshalb ging ich eine Siesta machen, was auch ganz gut tat. Es ... read more
Rifka und Frithjof
schoene Promenade
eine winzige Bucht

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro April 4th 2005

I took a seat and tried to take it all in. I was in Rio, but it felt like I was on another planet. I looked around me. These were some of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen. The music played and I tried to collect my thoughts. At once I caught a smile from across the room. Our eyes locked. She had dark eyes and long blond hair. But it was something else that caught my attention. The way she moved her hips seemed so natural. This was the way a body was supposed to move. The way that Brazilians seem to know instinctively. One subtle motion from her and I knew what I had to do. I stood up and walked across the bar room floor. I stepped out of my normal life ... read more
The Beach
A stroll in the sunshine

South America » Brazil » São Paulo April 4th 2005

We´ve left Paraty and arrived at Sao Paolo en route for Foz do Iguacu on the 8:45pm bus, due to arrive there about midday Tuesday. Meanwhile we´ve had a stroll around SP - what a dynamic place. I wish we had a few days to spend here but you cant have everything. Loads of detail and photos to follow when we can find somewhere we can plug our pc in.... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty April 2nd 2005

We are spending a few days chilling in Paraty after visitng Ihla Grande. We are not able to upload pictures etc from here so this is just a quick ´We are Ok´. Off to San Paulo on Monday where the technology may allow us to tell and show you more. ... read more

South America » Brazil April 1st 2005

26.03.05 Ich glaube heute habe ich das erste Mal verschlafen und somit ein bisschen Stress mit packen gehabt. Ich trank noch schnell einen Kaffee und dann gings ab zur Hauptstrasse, wo ich sofort einen Bus hatte, der nach Puerto Iguazú fuhr. Er fuhr wieder mal alle kleinen Doerfer an, somit dauerte diese Fahrt wieder etwa fuenf Stunden. In Puerto Iguazú suchte ich mir wie immer ein Hostal und ich war froh, nicht lange suchen zu muessen, anscheinend herrscht ja zurzeit ueberall Hochsaison. Am Nachmittag ging ich in einen Vogelpark. Ich erfuhr erst spaeter, dass es sich dabei um behinderte Voegel handelt und ich habe mich schon gefragt, weshalb alle hinter Gitter sind, dabei werden diese gepflegt. Das naechste Mal sollte ich vielleicht besser lesen :-). Dafuer habe ich superschoene Schmetterlinge, unter anderem auch die riesigen blauen, ... read more
eine Eule in Pflege
hier ist die Grenze von Brasilien, Argentinien und Paraguay - in der Naehe der Iguazú-Wasserfaelle
sogar ein Denkmal gibts fuer die beruehmte Grenze

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Ilha Grande March 28th 2005

28 March 2005 : Rio to Ilha Grande First we have terminal problems with the camera, not the best day for it to happen. Given we are going to a beautiful island we need another camera fast. I had breakfast and went to find one in Botafogo. I tried Casa & Video but they were not yet open. We need cash so I tried Banco de Brasil. It accepted my card and pin, gave me my balance, but could not complete the cash transaction. Tried a different bank but no visa/maestro ATM. Back to C&V, found the cameras locked in a case as in Curry’s etc. I asked an assistant for assistance. She pressed a button on the display and intimated someone would be along shortly. Some time later a young bloke came along whose English ... read more
Leaving Angra
Ilha Grande sun setting
My new hat

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus March 28th 2005

Finally arriving in Manaus we settled in our room, Brian is rooming with me, we had a nap then did some touristy stuffs, and looked for a laundry place. Joel and I immediately looked for a Japanese restaurant, which we didn't find only to be redirected by the locals to a fairly nice one by the main square, we had our fill and that night brought the girls with us for another sushi session! Then we hang out a bit at this bar when suddenly fight ensued, it was a vendor and what looks like a crazy woman, there were some slapping and pan banging on the head, i've never seen a frying pan used as a weapon before. When that got too old, a few decided to look for a disco place, i opted out ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro March 27th 2005

Lovely day, bright and clear, find a bus to Leblon where we hope to have dinner at the ‘Veggie Cooperative Society’ Spent a couple of hours on the beach at the Leblon end. Powerful waves and crashing surf made for a great time for all. After realising we may be getting a bit pink set off to find shade and the VGS. Sadly our map does not include the Rua Conde de something-or-other. I tried asking and was given positive, straight-ahead signs. We carried on as far as the Jardim de Alah which seems to be the boundary between Leblon and Ipanema. I continued alone to save everyone trailing in the noon-day heat. Failing to find it Owen and I returned to a bar we had seen earlier to buy frango assado for the boys and ... read more
Leblon again
Leblon again
and again

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