Blogs from Santa Catarina, Brazil, South America - page 14


The trip slowed down a bit after leaving Argentina. We spent a day in Porto Alegre, which is in southern Brazil, but didn't do much other than go to a samba club and speak English and broken Spanish to a bunch of Brazilians that usually had no idea what we were saying. In Brazil, we have been banking off the fact that the Brazilians know enough Spanish to communicate. We then took a flight to our next stop, Florianopolis. This spot was one I was really looking forward to because its an island off the coast of Brazil with really awesome beaches and good surf, which would be a nice change of pace from all of the big cities we've been traveling through. The only problem is that its winter in Brazil. This wasn't at all ... read more
A view of the lake and Joaquina beach in the distance
The tells the full story: UV index is at 0 on a scale of 1 to 11
Blown out Joaquina beach

Hæ everybody! Of course we had to go to Floripa with Johanna and the boys. Once again to Praia Joaquina. I had a birthday on the Friday, so there were a lot of gifts and a cake :) It was not as hot as the other times when we have been there, so instead of being on the beach the whole time, we went sand boarding. It is basically just like snowboarding, in the sand dunes next to the beach. Andri got the hang of it really quickly, and improved fast. Guðni surprised us a lot with how brave he was, he slided down the hills alone, and didn´t mind falling a few times. The grown-ups were not as impressive, we usually did not make it more than two meters before falling. We also had ... read more
Little skaterboy
Andri on the way down
Me & Andri

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina May 27th 2008

Our final country to visit on the South America leg of our trip was Brazil and we were really looking forward to getting to some nice beaches along Brazils Atlantic Coast and relaxing. We found out when we arrived in Florianapolis on the Southern Coast of Brazil that conditions on the Atlantic coast here are a bit more conducive to sunbathing than on the Irish side of the Atlantic... we have 3 weeks to spend in Brazil so our plan was to travel up the coast in the direction of Rio De Janeiro. I dont want to bore ye with too many details but suffice to see we have spent lots of our time on the beach since we arrived in Brazil. Florianopolis was our first stop in Brazil. We were staying at a place called ... read more
An artist surveys his work in Partay
One of the many beaches on Ihla Grande
Trinidade Beach, Partay Brazil

So I finally finished exams and classes in BA, came out with a B average and my GPA didn´t go down, which I can´t complain about since I was studying abroad. Victoria, another girl from the CofC program decided last minute to travel with me! So now I have company with my grandparents and parents are happy about! We flew out of BA on the same day everyone else in our group flew home, we just left bright and early that morning at 6am and they left that night. We flew all day, changed planes in Porto Alegre, Brazil and finally arrived in Florianopolis around 4pm. We decided to go ahead and take a taxi to the bus station and buy our tickets for the bus to Rio de Janiero to make sure we could stay ... read more
On the Sand Dunes
Trying to look Cool
Sand Board Surfing!

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina May 8th 2008

Hi I have a friend who is a big coffee enthusiast. She has studied coffee making and different kinds of coffee beans like no other. When I bought my first apartment she gave me her old coffee machine so she would not miss out on her coffee since I drink tea. I had heard that Brazil is the land of coffee beans so I decided to invite her over for a cup. She accepted the invitation and hopped over and stayed with me from 28.Mars to 13.April The first week we stayed in my hometown Joinville enjoying ourselves. Our motto became “shop till you drop” and we spent many hours in the mall either in shops or in the cakeshop. But that was not our only occupation, we regained our strenght by sunbathing and at resturants ... read more
The cakes
Sprellað á ströndinni
Blomster i sand

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina » Florianópolis April 14th 2008

Florianopolis, Brasil is a city on the island of Santa Catarina. It is considered on of the best beaches in Brasil and is a popular location for surfing. And it rained the two days we were there. Bad timing. I asked a girl that worked in the hostel what there was to do in Florianopolis when it rained. She replied: read a book. So we hung out in the hostel for a couple days and walked around the town a little. rather than wait around for good weather, we decided to move on to Porto Alegre about seven hours south.... read more
Tucano Hostel
Tucano Hostel

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina April 8th 2008

Hi I finally managed to figure out how to upload videos to the blog. These two videos are from the first trip to Florianópolis, one from the sunny Saturday, and the other from the not-so-sunny Sunday. Jóna Björg, Rosa's friend, is visiting us now, and we went again to Floripa last weekend. I came home on Sunday night, but the girls are still there and will be back on Thursday. This time the sun was shining the whole time, hehe. Hermann Hæ Loksins tókst mér að setja vídjó hérna inn. Þessi vídjó eru frá fyrstu ferðinni til Florianópolis, eitt frá sólríka laugardeginum og hitt frá ekki-svo-sólríka sunnudeginum. Jóna Björg, vinkona Rósu, er í heimsókn núna, og við fórum aftur til Floripa um seinustu helgi. Ég kom heim á sunnudagskvöldinu, en stelpurnar eru ennþá þarna og koma ... read more

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina » Florianópolis March 24th 2008

We had decided to go to Santa Catarina Island for the weekend. It features some fantastic things; the state capital, Florianópolis, a lot of beaches, a really beautiful lagoon plus great nature. In the summertime (winter in Europe) it is full tourists from all over South America, and it is quite popular on other parts of the year too. That specially applies to the north part of the island which is developed a la Mallorca. Still it is a fairly big place, and the east and south parts are not so crowded. Day one, Friday The plan was to go early on Friday morning in order to hit the beach in the afternoon. However, on Thursday evening after I came home from work, we "had a few beers" resulting in some serious health issues on Friday ... read more
Hemmi doing the Rosa paddles
Crossing a river on the way to Florianópolis
From the bus

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina March 21st 2008

Hi (Íslenskur texti fyrir neðan) Well, today I was going to make my first phonecall in Brazil. I was going to call the principal in the language school and check aout the possibilities about learning Portugeese there. I had gotten his business card with a phone number and everything. I take the card and dial his number, but then there just comes some voice talking portugeese and then blibblibb and it hangs up. You cannot simply pick up the phone and call the number you have, but you must insert all kinds of city codes and stuff according to the rules of the trade. So, I grab my new bible, Lonely Planet, and read about how to perform this operation. And then I start trying. First the phone number. An answering macine and it hangs up. ... read more

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina March 20th 2008

Hi I am sitting on the balcony in a lot of heat and sunshine. I bought sunscreen no. 50 and am using it. Yesterday we went on the beach and it was great, besides how much I burned. But it looks a lot better today than yesterday. The beach trip was a whole lot of adventure. We went to Sao Francisco do Sul and on the Praia Enseada beach. Look it up on Google Earth if you want. First we went to the bus station and we took a quite long route to get there (we had not yet discovered the shorter route). But it was good to walk and see more of the town. Then when we came to the bus station we bought a ticket to Sao Francisco do Sul and got into the ... read more
The beach
Brazilian flag
On the beach

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