Blogs from Iguaçu Falls, Paraná, Brazil, South America - page 4


South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls December 19th 2012

Šiandien ilgai laukta diena, pagaliau pamatysiu Iguasu krioklius. Juos pamatyti galima iš Argentinos ir iš Brazilijoj pusės, bet esu girdėjęs, kad iš Argentinos pusės įdomiau. Nuvažiuoju iki centrinės stoties, ten persėdu į autobusą kuris važiuoja į Argentinos pusėje esantį Porto Iguasu miestą. Iš ten iki krioklių apie 20 km. Autobusas privažiuoja pasienio postą, vairuotojas paklausia kam reikia antspaudų pase (manau, kad vietiniams nebūtina). Išlipu aš ir du vokiečiai, vairuotojas duoda po lapelį ir liepia palaukti kito autobuso. Gaunam antspaudus, kad išvažiavom iš Brazilijos. Sulaukę autobuso važiuojam iki Argentinos posto. Čia jau visi turi gautu antspaudus, tad autobusas laukia. Aš greitai dar nubėgu pasikeisti pinigų, kadangi nežinau ar Argentinoje galima atsiskaitinėti kita valiuta ar kortele. Keitimas užtrunka ilgiau nei tikėjausi ir autobusas išvažiuoja be manęs. Galvoju laukdam... read more
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South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls December 18th 2012

Autobusas atvyko į Foz do Iguacu apie 8 ryto. Kaip po tokios kelionės, jaučiuosi visai neblogai. Čia turėčiau apsistoti pas vaikiną vardu Michel kuris gyvena kartu su tėvais. Michelis atvažiuoja maždaug valanda vėliau nei buvom sutarę, užtruko darbe, nes naktį dirbo. Sėdam į autobusą ir važiuojam į jo namus. Miestas palyginus su tais kuriuose gyvenau pastarasias kelias savaites visai nedidelis, bent jau pagal gyventojų skaičių, r tiesą pasakius neatrodo labai tvarkingas, dauguma žmonių čia gyvena nuosavuose namuose, nemažai jų atrodo vargingai. Atvažiuojam į Michelio namus, tolokai nuo centro. Namas paprastas, palyginus su kaikuriais aksčiau matytais, visai tvarkingas, kieme auga mango medis. Michelis užleidžia man savo kambarį, o pats pereina į kitą kambarį, o gal gyvens ir pas kaimynystėje gyvenančią puseserę. Namie susirinkę nemažai žmonių, nors ir nevisi čia gyvena. Mama, patėvis ku... read more

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls October 31st 2012

Of course we were excited. We always are when we reach any world famous site. Iguacu Falls being one of the examples. We said that before – we don’t like touristy places but they are famous for a reason. Their beauty usually exceeds the negative impact of being part of a crowd. We came in a low season, rainy weather being a norm at this time of a year. We waited few more days in Curitiba before coming to Foz to be able to take advantage of better weather. When we checked in to our hostel (Favela Chic Hostel – really great place, recommended) we were told that weather had been bad for a week or so. We crossed our fingers and hoped for the best;-) Actually within last 13 months we were pretty lucky with ... read more
so gorgeous
aah the rainbow...

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls October 3rd 2012

Day 4 we got up at 4 and travelled to Iguassu. Bit of an early start but it meant we packed a lot in. We decided at last minute to take a helicopter flight and it was amazing, Steve liked the bit where we banked over I couldn't believe Iguassu was so huge. Travelling to the falls through the forest was beautiful but the falls are breathtaking. Widest falls in the world and the sun did shine and words can't describe, neither can pictures, you have to be here. Great crowd we are travelling with and as our Aussie friends would say it was awesome. On our return to the hotel we visited a bird park where we sat in the cage with the parrots and parakeets the birds flew around us as if we were ... read more
Wildlife Park
Helicopter view of Iguassu

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls August 26th 2012

On landing in Iguazu, the plane load of passengers applauded! We were not sure if we had missed something during the flight or it was an omen of things to come, of course, it was neither. Our last three days have been spent viewing the spectacular Iguazu Fallls from both the Brazilian and Argentinian sides, as the border between these two countries lies somewhere in the middle of the falls. A helicopter ride, Sue's first, gave us a sense of the immensity of the falls. The Igauzu River, 1000km long with 62 tribuataries, flows unusually from high lands the near the sea on the eastern side of Brazil, west, and not from the Andes Mountains. Arriving here at Iguazu, an enormous volume of water casacades (a far too gentle word when you see the volume and ... read more
Friendly Toucan
Devil´s Throat

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls June 30th 2012

Monday 21st May - Chuy, Uruguay to Chui, Brazil Chuy as it's known in Uruguay, is a dump! It's best avoided if possible and is most likely unless you happen to bump into a Uruguayan doctor in the middle of the salt flats of Uyuni, Bolivia, who then takes it upon himself to graciously act as the pseudo Uruguayan tourist board and invite you back to his pad in Rocha, a place not often visited by the intrepid european backpacker. Chui as it's known in Brazil, is in fact probably more commonly visited by the locals looking to snap up a bargain due to its' duty free status and in our case, the 1st of a few new pair of havaianas for Stacie. Having wandered across the main street and asked a local for directions to ... read more
Rainy Brazil
Sunny Brazil
Stacie on the Beach

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls June 18th 2012

Today was the last day in Brazil for Betty and Judy. We were welcomed awake with nonstop rain. It had rained almost all night and all day. We did have one last excursion planned before our 3PM flight. Lillian and our driver picked us up around 10AM to go see the world’s largest dam, Itaipu Dam. It was about 30 min away. We started with a short video on the construction of the dam and history of the area. They did tend to leave out the information on how they misplaced the natives when they created the lake and how a waterfall bigger and greater than Iguazu is no longer there, but still informative. We then got on an open-air double decker bus to go see the actual dam. When it is sunny and not raining ... read more
Pretending it was a sunny day
The Itaipu Dam
Trying to stay dry

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls April 3rd 2012

Y – ees mean “water” or “reever” yes ? Guazu – ees mean “beeg” yes ? Iguazu Falls – ees mean “beeg water falls”. Comprendez? So, we fly into Iguazu (or is it Iguasu) airport and are met by our guide and driver. The luggage is loaded into the back of a car, and we drive off down the road. About 200m. The car pulls on to the grass and another car pulls up alongside. We get out of car 1 and load the luggage into car 2, and we set off again, this time in car 2. It turns out that, due to local rules, only Argentinian cars are allowed to pick up from the airport. Our guide is Brazilian, with a Brazilian car, so he wasn’t allowed to pick us up. Car 1 was ... read more
More Bloody Coatimundis

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls March 10th 2012

We´ve planned a few times to make this trip... and finnaly here we are! Iguassu Falls with grandma, aunt, mom n daddy: good fun :)... read more
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