Blogs from Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil, South America - page 7


We recently moved to Brasilia, Brasil and took our first trip to Iguassu Falls over the Thanksgiving weekend. On Thursday morning, we boarded an economy flight to Curitiba and then on to Foz do Iguaçu. From our downtown hotel that evening, we walked to a choperia (bar) and watched the beginnings of the city’s nightly Christmas festival. The next morning, we took a taxi across the border into Argentina to view the falls. We boarded a jet boat and zipped up the river almost into the falls, getting completely drenched by the end. Dripping dry in the afternoon sun, we followed a series of walkways right up to the edge of the falls. We stopped for lunch, narrowly thwarting quati (anteater/raccoon) raids on our food. Our journey continued on a small train to the Garganta del ... read more
Devil's Throat
Helicopter Ride
Cultural Show

Olá! We´re finally in Brazil and it´s pouring with rain!! Sitting in an internet cafe in Foz do Iguacu soaked through to our skin. But we´re still smiling because we never have to return to Posadas :-). We´ve met a few Argentinians over the last 4 days and every time we tell them we´ve just spent a month in Posadas a look of horror appears on their face before they ask... ´WHY?!?´ I think it´s like telling an Englishman you´ve spent a month of your life in Stoke-on-Trent. Anyway, since its raining we thought we´d take the opportunity to do a final Argentinian update, which thankfully ended on an overwhelming high. However, before we get onto that we have to give credit where credit is due. After 4 days reflection we have decided that Posadas is ... read more
Ituzaingo Sunset
Yacyreta Hydroelectric Dam
Olie v´s Jaguar

We jumped into a taxi from Cuidad del Este, with the intention of heading to the Paraguayan border to cross over to Brazil. However a miscommunication meant our taxi driver took us across the border and we didn’t get stamped out of Paraguay, however we did get stamped into Brazil safely and a short bus ride later we made it to our hostel. We spent the rest of the day chilling out by the pool, and then went for dinner with Adam and Sarah, the couple we had met in Colca Canyon. The next day we got up early with the intention of going to the Iguacu falls on an early-ish bus. We were offered a private transfer and entrance to the nearby bird park for a reasonable price by our hostel, so took up the ... read more

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Foz do Iguaçu November 2nd 2011

This week I fell twice, got extorted once, broke a spoke, drove an entire day trough el Chaco without water, had close encounters with a hundreds of exotic birds, drove four straight days over a dirt-road trough the Andes, went to see the world's biggest dam, drove 595km(record yes) in one day over the Bolivian altiplano, drank some water, ate like a king, drove trough a zillion holes in the road, ate even better than a king, went to see the world's second most impressive waterfalls but undoubtedly the best of all … arrived in Brazil!! Since my last post left me in La Paz and I'm currently at the Costa Verde I guess I should tell you about the journey which took me here... and boy what a journey it was :D So from La ... read more

Wczoraj wieczorem siedzieliśmy na kolacji - Q. wymusza na mnie, żebyśmy jedli jak lokalesi po 21.00 i zastanawialiśmy sie, skąd biorą sie ci wszyscy eleganccy ludzie, których stać na jedzenie w knajpie we wtorkowy wieczór na tej wsi. Jedyne rozsądne wytłumaczenie jest takie, że to argentyńscy turyści, bo miasto Puerto Iguazu absolutnie nie wyglada na siedzibę żadnej burżuazji, choćby najdrobniejszej. Zresztą, podczas takiego wieczoru najlepiej widać, jak bardzo pokutują tu stereotypy - klientela restauracji jest biała, a paciorki sprzedają na ulicy Indianie. I nic nie wskazuje na to, żeby to miało się zmienić. O 8.10 rano byliśmy już gotowi na stacji autobusowej, żeby jechać do Brazylii. To naprawdę dwa kroki stąd, ale przez graniczne formalności droga zabiera ponad godzinę. Lokalni twierdza, że brazylijski odpowiednik Puerto - Foz do Iguazu jest niebezpieczny i żyje tam się gorzej ... read more
Od strony Brazylii.
Prosto z kreskowki.Parkowa maskotka z wscieklizna.
Jego nikt nie chce glaskac.

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Foz do Iguaçu » Iguaçu National Park September 29th 2011

Nous voilà prêts au départ, dans le terminal de Retiro, à Buenos Aires, nos gros sacs impatients d’être casés dans le bus qui nous amènera au nord-est, en presque 17h de trajet. C’est le soir. Nos esprits sont déjà fortement dirigés sur les quelques images que nous avons vu de ce lieu spectaculaire que nous allons découvrir dans quelques heures. Les chutes d’Iguazú, un endroit qui semble déjà bien prometteur, on s’attend à du lourd, on se réjouit déjà. Nous prenons place dans un bus super élaboré, nous avons pris la plus haute des catégories pour ce trajet, nous avons donc droit à un siège inclinable à quasiment 180°, une TV personnelle avec une dizaine de films ou musique ou autre proposés, des petits rideaux pour faire séparation entre les sièges et les repas avec champagne ... read more
Bienvenue dans le bus de luxe, à destination d'Iguazú
De nombreux toucans dans la région d'Iguazú
Río Iguazú, en amont des chutes

After much debate, we decided to opt for the helicopter ride over a boat ride in the falls. So, $180 lighter, we enjoyed spectacular views over the falls for 10 minutes. Holly being a little nervous chose to go in the front seat so had the benefits of a see-through floor. Got some great photos - some are attached to the previous blog entry. In the afternoon, we popped over to Paraguay (as you do) with our hostel friend Tom for a bit of a mooch at the supposedly low cost electronics, but mainly for the stamp in the passport - carried in our pants to avoid pickpocketing. Rather hot, we arrived back at our hostel for a few card games before heading out to a per kilo restaurant, much better for the waistline than all ... read more

It is impossible to write about the wonders of the Iguazu Falls. It was definitely one of the highlights of tour trip in South America. From our first glimpse of the thundering magnificence of the falls we were on a total high! After settling into our hotel in Foz de Iguacu, the closest city to the falls in Brazil, we walked to the bus station and almost immediately caught a bus out to the national park which is 20 klms from the city. Once we arrived at the Visitor’s Centre we wasted no time on catching the transit bus to the ‘Path of the Falls’ bus stop. Our first view of the falls took our breath away. We had seen many photographs but they really don’t give you the full scale of the falls.. And the ... read more
Waterfalls everywhere!
The power of the falls was almost unbelievable
The sky was full of mist and rainbows

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Foz do Iguaçu July 20th 2011

Oi Amigos! After going from Sao Paolo to Curitiba ( which is indeed a lovely, safe city with loads of green places and bars to hang out) I was heading to the boarder of Brasil/Paraguay/Argentina to see the Iguazu falls.. First I went to the argentinian site which was already amazing (although I am a bit frustrated because I didn't do the boat trip which is going very close to the falls) but after being on the brazilian site yesterday I am even more impressed. Need to load up photos as there is nothing much to say but to see. As the weather was quite bad I didn't do the helicopter flight either but there is always a second time ;-) Now I decided to go to Bonito, which was highly recommended by a brazilian friend ... read more

As with Rio, this blog begins with a flight and its conclusion. The scenery changed fantastically after leaving the beaches and the favelas of Rio. I was above pure green forest. As the plane came to land, I caught a glimpse of a huge field of mist rising between a break in the trees. This was my first indication of the sheer size of the falls. Over the past few years I have definitely been far more traveller than anything else, other than perhaps a bum. As a consequence it may seem strange that I virtually never watch any travel programs. It's a simple principle of hoping that I will reach every place that I want one day and wanting to retain the surprises of the places that these places may hold. The falls are one ... read more
Further view on approach

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