Blogs from Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 15


South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi March 23rd 2013

La Paz / Mount Potosi La Paz is so far amazing! We were here 2 days, and hearing about the Huanya Potasi mountain hike - one place we got information on the hike and thought 'nah, no way we can do that' then we stumbled on a place who specialised in hiking had a chat to them and then abot 1 hour later handing over our money. They make it sound so easy 'beginners can do this its fine' etc. Well. I wouldnt say it was 'fine' and i would not suggest it to anyone who hasnt hiked before! They said it was abot medium in toughness. I would also debate this class. The tour cost us $AUD 146.00 each. It included, 2 guides per 4 people, sleeping bags, sleeping in huts, all ice climbing equiptment, ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi March 21st 2013

OK, so why are we in Potosi I hear you ask? Well we were to have two days in Tupiza, but we got there mid afternoon even after our three hour challenge getting out of Argentina and into Bolivia. The Bolivian Aduana, asks for our moto we can only het it for Argentina and Chile, he said we cannot enter Bolivia!!..haven't I heard this before? Like when we enter Peru!!! So after much negotiating, and flashing of a US$50 note, he would consider making and 'exception' this time ( like every other time) so here we are in Potosi. Getting back to the last day in Argentina, as they have paved all the road to the border, we had made good time, so decided to take an alternative route on a Ripio road a lake ... read more
Hi I'm Eric
Scratch and Tiny
Down at the market

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza March 20th 2013

Hi all, here we are in Tupiza, after a harrowing 3 hours to cross from Argentina into Bolivia....but that's another story for another time. Rosco gets Abandoned in Salta.... After a relaxing couple of nights in Salta, including a cultural, Tourist dinner including the succulent goat meat I have ever eaten, I have had my fair share of rough stuff in the past. The boys told the staff that it was my 80th birthday and we were there to cellebrate it, soon after the band struck up 'Happy Bithday Roco', then a cake arrived with a candle and a fire work that fird up and sprayed all over the cake, but every one enjoyed it. Scratch finished up on the stage giving a big Rah, Rah for New Zealand, when they produced our flag. There is ... read more
Pick the Goat??
An old Chev
A really nice church

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi March 17th 2013

17/03 to 20/03/13 - Potosi: The highlight of this stop was to do the Mine Tour at Cerro Rico Mountain. We used the company Big Deal Tours. They used to be miners themselves and are very straightforward. Every company conducting those type of tour sell the fact that they give a pourcentage to the miners but this is not true. Nobody does. We stopped first at a miner shop to buy juice and coca leaves for the miners we will encounter inside the mine, and some dynamite for the end! Our guide Pedro was experienced and funny. We visited a processing room for the minerals and then put some protection clothes, helmet and boots before entering the beast. The walk is around 3 hours going through narrow tunnels, toxic stalactites, up the ladder with a potent ... read more
processing chamber
processing chamber
view Potosi

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni March 13th 2013

Byebye Chile, Hello crazy Bolivia! Mit dä Travel Agency « Estrella del Sur « ischs losgange, en flotte Herr hät mich öpe drüviertelstund zspaat am abgmachte Ort in San Pedro de Atacama abgholt und denn ischs richtig Norde gange. Ade bolivianische Gränze hani dänn mini Jeep-Gspöndli für die negste zwei Täg Wüestetripp känneglernt. 5 Powerfraue vo Südafrika! Si händ mi ganz herzlich i ihres Grüppli ufgnoo und sind schauuurig froh gsi um mich, will ich di einzig gsi bi wo änglisch UND spanisch hät chöne, drum hanich de Co-Pilot-Sitz im Jeep übercho. Oise Guide und Fahrer, de Gilmar, hät nämmli keis Wort englisch chöne. S hätmer eigentli no rächt Spass gmacht, au weni natürli nöd alles verstande ha und ich am Gilmar sini Gschichte immer vo öpe 10 Sätz uf 1 kürzt ha =) Eimal häter ... read more
Laguna Blanca
Geiser Sol de Mañana
Laguna Chearkhota

12/03 to 18/03/13 - Tupiza - Salar de Uyuni We started our tour for Salar de Uyuni: 4 days trip / 3 nights with Alessandro Adventure Travel. We paid a bit more than through other agencies but the difference was in the fact that we weren't following other fellow travelers or at the same place than other jeeps. The places we went to were incredible and the landscape was always changing. 1st day: We started a 8.00am. We were 2 couples in the Jeep, our guide and driver Zolando and our great cook Noemie. We pass through the Valley El Sillar with natural red rock formation, San Antonio Ruins which is a nice place made of stone and used to be a miners villages, we saw the Morejon lake at 4850m about see level and spend ... read more
Park Avaroa
Park Avaroa
Park Avaroa

This is a reproduction of a blog entry I deleted by mistake. The next morning we were picked up from the hostels for our pre arranged tour. The vehicle was a Toyota Luxus 4x4. After doing a rond of Uyuni we headed of to the cemetery of trains. This appears to be one of the standard destinations of the tour. There were a lot of train engines, most of them corroding away, not surprising that slat flats were not far away. If you are interested in trains it will be an interesting place to visit but for me it was an indication of the state of railways in Bolivia. As in most of South and Central America the age of trains seems to have passed. Most routes have been taken over by buses or more recently ... read more
Salar de Uyuni1
Salar de Uy uni2
Salar de Uyuni3

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Tupiza March 4th 2013

Tupiza was a small village of no onsequence. Now mainly due to back pacKers things are improving, the roads are getting better, there are good places to eat and a few ATMs and reasonable places to stay. The costs are half of what is in Argentina across the boarder. The town is surrounded by hills of a particular nature. They are almost bare and compltely made of red stone (something like the laterite stone, but dry). It is something unique to this area. The hills are with sharp sides. Erosion has made interesting statuets and figures on these rocky formations. There are 4 wheel drive conducted excursions to the hills.After our pleasant "Ride with the Gouchos" experience in Salta myself and Laticia opted for a horse riding trip to the hills rather than a jeep excursion. ... read more
Riding Again
They also need a break
Road to Uyuni

Highs: Sunset over the valley of the moon. Perfectly mirrored lakes. Moonset over the Salar de Uyuni Lows: Our tour group changing plans in Spanish and not telling us (despite speaking perfect English). Mild altitude sickness. Having to spend 2 nights in Uyuni. Food: 2x steak, chips, salad and rice with 2L of coke for less than 4 quid. EMPANADA WATCH: Probably the best empanadas of the trip so far were from San Pedro, with rich cheese, fresh tomato and Basil - num! Blog: Our journey to San Pedro de Atacama was perhaps our most epic. The first bus to Santiago, crossing the Chilean border was a mere 6 hours. Probably the most scenic bus journey we slept through! We managed to then get an onward bus from Santiago to San Pedro that same day, a ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi February 20th 2013

Gerai išsimiegoję keiaujam į autobusų stotį, autobusas pagal Bolivijos standartus visai neblogas. 5 valandų kelionė neprailgs, nes kaip visada už lango gražūs vaizdai. Atvažiavę į Potosi keliaujam iki hostelio. Hostelyje yra viskas ko reikia: virtuvė, internetas, karštas dušas. Čia sutinkas ir kelis draugus su kuriais gyvenom Orure, tik jie jau šiandien išvažiuoja, tad ilgai kartu nepabūnam. Pasidedam daigtus ir einam pasivaikščioti po miestą. Hostelis pačiame miesto centre tad toli eiti nereikia. Susirandam ryt dienai ekskursiją į šachtas. Eidami atgal į hostelį užsukam į turgų, nusiperkam produktų vakarienei. Pasigaminam vakarienę ir likusią dienos dalį praleidžiu prie kompiuterio. Beveik savaitę laiko nerašiau dienoraščio, tiesiog nebuvo kada. Hostelyje į kainą (maždaug 20 Lt. parai) įskaičiuoti pusryčiai. Tad pavalgę visai neblogus pusryčius išsiruošiam į ekskursiją po šachtas.... read more

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