Blogs from Rurrenabaque, Beni Department, Bolivia, South America - page 18


voilà, je suis vivant et en amazonie ! Temps magnifique ce matin sur La Paz, pas un nuage, 12-15 degres et enfin les montagnes enneigees alentours visibles depuis la ville, spectacle superbe ! Puis en partance pour l'aeroport par les chemins les plus improbables sinon, il faut que le chauffeur paye "l'autopista")... Une pelluche de dinausore, une de grenouille et... probablement la meuf de tourty dans la voiture ! Ceux qui le connaisse apprecierons de savoir qu'il n'est pas seul et peux desormais esperer avoir une descendance... ! Aeroport, enregistrement et embarquement dans un avion... de manege ? Je tenais pas debout dedans, 20 places assises, le cockpit ouvert pour aprecier le paysage par le parebrise ! Quand c'est petit ca bouge un peu plus, alors on regarde le pilote papoter tramquillement avec le co', pointer ... read more
marche aux sorcieres
tourtelle !!!

The Bolivian Amazon The Bolivian Amazon is full of mystery. The Incas tried to conquer the area in the 15th century when they believed it was a powerful civilization living there. The indigenous people, mainly the Moxos tribe, posed so hard resistance that the Incas, instead of fighting them, they allianced and settled among them. The tale of the Incas' experience fired up the imagination of the spanish conquerors a century later, and they too searched the jungle for the rich and powerful civilization. The name of the kingdom was El Dorado (the Golden One) or Paititi (the land of the celestial jaguar). The Spanish spent the whole 16th century trying to find the kingdom, but found nothing but death and diseas. The Bolivian Amazon has some of the richest wildlife habitats on earth, and is ... read more
Imagen 241
Imagen 242
Imagen 247

Take 2.......had just finished the blog for this place & then kicked the off switch by accident & so lost here I go again. So much for automatic saving!! Rurrenabaque is a town in the northern part of Bolivia with jungle & grasslands (known as the pampas) all around. It is also papaya & banana-growing country even if there wasn´t a whole lot to do I was happy out sitting in the market slurping papaya shakes!!! Most travellers come here to do a pampa tour &/or jungle tour. I arranged to do a tour of the pampas & after a night in a grotty hostel I headed off on the dusty bumpy road to the point where our tour began. The 3-day trip involves travelling in a motorised dug-out canoe along a river & ... read more
Crocodile trouble

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque April 29th 2008

When I tried and failed to go swimming with dolphins in New Zealand, I never realised that I would actually get to do it in Bolivia, of all places. I didn't even know there were dolphins anywhere near the country - after all, it is landlocked. But there are pink dolphins in two rivers in Bolivia, one of them being the river Yacuma, where I spent three days in the pampas near Rurrenabaque. Before I could even think about swimming with dolphins, I had to get to Rurrenabaque. The sensible thing to have done was fly there. But, having made it as far as Coroico, I didn't want to backtrack to La Paz so I decided to get the bus. It can't be that bad, surely? Yes it was. It easily rates as the worst - ... read more
Squirrel monkey
Sunset on the first evening

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque April 28th 2008

...Welcome to the jungle, Swimming with Pink Dolphins, Lake Titicaca, and the most dangerous road in the world... Hello So anyway, I was in La Paz last time and I hinted towards a trip up to Rurrenabaque which indeed took place. We had booked ourselves a fifty minute flight to take us up to to this small town north of La Paz. The reason was to take in a little venture around the amazon basin in a similar trip to what we did at the Pantanal, only with a Bolivian twist and one we greatly anticipated. After the flight on the worlds smallest plane had landed on the runway that lacked any tarmac, sweltered under the change in climate and then took a three hour jeep to the river. From here it was another three hours ... read more
Smallest Plane ever
View of the Jungle from my window
River boat trip to lodging in the jungle

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque April 21st 2008

Although it's possible to do trips to the Amazon basin from many of the South American countries, I chose to visit from Bolivia mainly because it's the cheapest place to do it from! To get to Rurrenabaque you either have to take a hellish 20 hour bus ride or grab a quick 45 minute flight from La Paz for 70 pounds return. I chose to splash out on the flights, with the only problem being that the flights are often delayed or cancelled due to bad weather at Rurrenabaque (the runway is made out of dirt so they can't land safely if it is wet). My flight was delayed once, then cancelled and rescheduled for the next day, but I got there in the end! The plane held about 20 passengers and went soooooo close to ... read more
little frog in our camp
snail eggs
Walking through the swampy pampas, looking for anacondas!

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque April 18th 2008

What better way to break away from the crazy city of La Paz than to visit the beggining of the Amazon rainforest. Also known as ´The Pampas´, these wetlands go on for miles and miles in rainy season (which we were lucky enough to be in) and has to be one of the most remote places that we have ever been! img= center No runways - you could tell that we´d landed somewhere remote! After taking a flight from La Paz to Rurrenabaque (we did have the option of a twenty-four hour bus along windy trails similar to the infamous ´death road´ - no thanks!), we were picked up bright and early by our tour agency and set off ... on a 3 hour jeep ride along bumpy - and we mean bumpy - dirt ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque March 25th 2008

Well.....15 days since my last update....where does one start?? And where did the time go??! Everything has been going great since the last time I updated. I am still having a super time and am getting a little more distant with the ol´ computer. Since I am so behind I will have much much less detail in this update. I am going to miss a lot of things too since I haven´t bothered to write anything down. Sigh. But here it goes...... Martin and I ended up leaving Cusco 2 days after the last update. I woke up that next morning feeling a bit under the weather and by day 2 it was evident I had caught a nasty virus. Sigh. Since I could not do much in Cusco with my nasty cold we decided to ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque February 25th 2008

Bolivia is just such a country of contrasts. One day you will be gasping for breath in the high altitude of La Paz, the next down into the tropical, humid air of the jungle. This was how it was when i finally arrived in Rurrenabaque, coming off the 19.5 hour bus journey feeling, well not that fresh really. Rurre is a totally different feeling town to anywhere else i have been in Bolivia. Even more laid back, if thats even possible! I got picked up by motorbike taxi from the bus station. Me and 2 rucksacs on the back of the motorbike, and i didn´t even fall off! The town is a small place in the middle of the jungle,on the edge of a big river. It has a real kind of Apocolypse Now feel to ... read more
The friendly next door neighbour
Squirrel monkey
Turtle Power

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque January 26th 2008

We were met at Rurrenabaque airport by Wilman. He’s a guide with the San Miguel del Bala jungle lodge and an integral part of their community of some 250 people. It was great to arrive to find someone holding a card with your name on it. It makes you feel kind of special!! A couple of hours later we were on a motorised canoe weaving between the logs and fallen branches flowing on the River Beni. The water level was quite high so going upstream was slow going, and it was surprisingly rough in places. 45 minutes later we arrived in darkness at the jungle lodge which was to be our home for the next week. The idea was to do some volunteer work. In all of my correspondence with the lodge I thought we had ... read more
San Miguel del Bala
Rio Beni
The dreaded stairs

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