Blogs from Australia, Oceania - page 4802


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Fremantle March 5th 2005

Fremantle has got to be the cultural centrepoint of the whole of Perth. It has excellent cafes and classic pubs and is still the major port harbour for Perth. Its great just to have a walk around visiting all the excellent markets and seing the old Fremantle prison where all the convicts were housed. The port itself always has a large number of would be fishermen that always seem to have their buckets empty yet you cant help wanting to sit there aswell in hope of catching that elusive red snapper that just never seems to bite. In the end it doesnt even matter because sitting in the sun and having a couple beers in the fresh air is more than enough. Something about seaside towns that give it a kinda nice charm no matter ... read more
Freman tle

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Blue Mountains March 5th 2005

English/German Version Moin Moin, zweiter Eintrag. Ich hoffe, es geht auch allen gut. Ich freue mich riesig ueber Kommentare oder Emails. Ein toller Weg sich wieder mehr zu 'sehen'! Uebrigens klasse, dass Du auch angefangen hast, Klaus! Im Maerz ging es nach Katoomba in die Blue Mountains. Treffen mit Andre, dem Tourguide number one aus Deutschland ;) Wir sind auf eine 4 stuendige Wanderung gegangen: Upper cliff, over cliff, valley of the waters und die Wentworth Wasserfaelle. Das Wetter war herrlich!!!! ENGLISH Hey guys! I sort of started this diary thing for my german friends/family at home but I figured there are lots of you out there that don't speak german, hehe. So I will keep you posted with a special version! Hope to get some cool feedback from you. And if you are travelling or ... read more
Wentworth Falls

Oceania » Australia March 4th 2005

Well, enough of the cappucccinos, the beach by day, freshly grilled barramundi washed down with a decent chablis by night, urbane lifestyle of the Australian eastern coast cities - it was time to see the real Australia - the vast emptyness of the virtually uninhabitable middle. This tortured land, only pioneered by europeans 2 generations ago, is still frontier country, where men are men, and sheep are worried, and a bloke would never be seen dead drinking wine. Firstly, a flight to Alice Springs - the heart of the outback - and the furnace like heat (46 degrees) hit us like a brick when we got off the plane. The red dust all around gave the impression we were on mars, just with a bit of scrubby bushes lying around. The town itself is a huge ... read more
The Olga's - as good as Uluru
Uluru at Dawn
On top of Uluru - very wierd landscape

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach March 4th 2005

Hey all, hope you are all doing well. Its been great to hear from those that have left comments or emailed me back. Our fumbling up the east coast of australia has brought us to the city of Mackey. Lots done so here we go. after leaving summer, sorry, Byron Bay we made our way to surfers paradise. sounds nice you may think. we thought the same. its basically like tenerife moved on mass to Oz. loads of backpackers out to try the surf out, which actually isn't that good anyway. the most surfy we got was to go to a life saving club and get food. Met a nice couple though and we shared travelling tales and witty, amusing anecdotes. How we laughed. Leaving the next day things improved as we headed north. Stopped off ... read more
catalog photo 1 - white englishman on noosa beach
bonza noosa
eli creek on fraser island

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Uluru March 3rd 2005

Welcome to clean toilets (with toilet paper!!!!!), friendly people and hot showers (first one in 4 months!!!). After waiting to leave Indonesia for so long we finally arrived in Australia & immediately loved it. Ayers Rock was amazing, we didn't climb it out of respect: the aboriginal people view it as sacred & request that you don't. We also visited The Olgas, which were equally as awe inspiring, & King's Cannyon.....all were truly magnificent but we were plagued by the thousands of flies! ... read more
The Full Monty
Rear view of rock
The Olgas

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne March 2nd 2005

hi. this is just a little trial so i get to know what to do!!... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide March 2nd 2005

What I see most days of the week...... read more
National Soldiers
Rundle Mall.
Rundle Mall.

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane March 2nd 2005

Just a quick one to say that I am still homeless and jobless! We have applied for a 2 bed appartment, fully furnished as well which is hard to come by here. Hope to hear back on that today. We are going to be living with ex Popstar Andy Orr (of Six fame), and Anto - a guy I played football with in DCU. They arrive in Brisbane on the 14th. Flying down to Melbourne tomorrow for the weekend to catch the Grand Prix. The Aussies we are staying with here are coming down as well (Dave - ex Pioneer colleague), and we will meet up with Blathnaid & Ian, Andy & Anto, Dale (Aussie we met in Vietnam), and a few other Irish.....should be a hectic weekend. So watch out for us on the TV, ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth March 2nd 2005

Well im in perth and considering i lived here for 5 years coming back wasnt really travelling. But i did decide to go north to see the Pinnacles. Initially believing they were very close to Lancelin they were actually about 150 kms north and ended up sleeping in the car overnight but it was definitely worth it! I dunno, a layman would say they are just a bunch of tall limestone rocks in a desert but not many places exist like this and so the unique beauty was definetly there. Another astonishing aspect of this side of the world is the lack of well... anything.. There is just roads and bushes and more roads, the towns are meagre and have a few people in them but really is an extremely isolating experience. Not to say ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney March 2nd 2005

Ok, so I'm not technically travelling yet - but I thought I'd test out some potential blog sites and see which one I like the most. (Yes, I know I'm a nerd - but you all love me anyway...right?) It looks like its going to be kind of cold - Marg kindly emailed this article to me from the SMH this morning: url= freeze: temperatures plummet in Europe Now, I wonder how I go about inserting a photo?... read more

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