Blogs from Australia, Oceania - page 4558


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » South Lake March 9th 2006

hejsa jeg har vist faaet job paa en kvaeggaard i 6 uger, men det er 700 km syd fra perth. glader mig. skriver senere. knus... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island March 9th 2006

Andy was up at 6.30am for a walk along the beach feeling a little ruff for too much goon! We had breakfast around 8am and set off for the day at 9am. This morning we were taking a walk into the rainforest. The amazing thing about this rain forest is that it is all growing in sand! You wouldn't think there is enough nutrients, but there is enough nutrients in the top couple of inches, so they spread their roots along rather than down. We had a few stop offs on the way to the walking track through the forest where Mark told us about various trees, plants and logging on the island. We had a nice steady walk through the Yiddy rainforest and along the Wanggoolba Creek. We saw a few lizards and an eel. ... read more
Wanggoolba Creek
Andy at lake Birrabeen

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island March 9th 2006

Long time no see! Har vaert paa camping i tre dager naa paa Fraiser Island, vi kom tilbake til hostellet i Hervey Bay i gaar ettermiddag. Har egentlig veldig mye aa skrive men kl er elleve paa formiddagen saa det er fryktelig varmt aa sitte her aa skrive, faar se hvor mye det blir.. Mandag morgen, gytidlig moette vi de andre i gruppen. Vaar gruppe, som maa vaere den beste gruppen man kunne vaert i var: vi to fra Norge, Feiko fra Nederland, Sara, Rob, Sal, Iri og Byron fra London. De fire guttene Iri, Sal, Byron og Rob fra London reiste ilag og det viste seg at alle sammen var leger til tross for deres unge alder:D Saa, vi foelte oss ganske safe med dem:) De var ogsaa utrolig morsomme, engelsk humor liksom..hehe.. Vi fikk ... read more
Byron og Sal
Mari & Elisabeth

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island March 9th 2006

Saa hedder det verdens stoerste sandoe - Fraser Island. Svoemme i ferskvandssoe - smukke McKenzie med sit turkusblaa "vand", sand saa hvidt og fint, at man skulle tro det var mel, groenne frodige traer, der omkrandser dette cirkulaere vidunder. 60 km's koersel langs Eastern Beach med smukke sandklitter i alle taenkelige farver, som km tilbagelaegges, til den ene side og hav m. hajer til den anden side. 4W - koersel gn. regnskoven langs smalle ujaevne sand- (ikke grus)stier med groenne grene og store tykke traestammer taet, taet paa. Indkvarteret paa Wilderness Lodge under ganske fine forhold med 40 andre guys. Jeg deler vaerelse med Charlotte (DK), Dianna (UK) og Tina (N0). Ganske hyggeligt. I skrivende stund er vi netop vendt hjem fra ovennaevnte strandkoersel i kilometervis og er smuttet paa besoeg for en kort svoemmetur paa ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney March 9th 2006

I awoke pretty late a felt guilty - but looking round my dorm I saw I was the only person even approaching being up. I showered, then headed down to Circular Quay to catch my sightseeing boat around the harbour for 2 1/2 hours. Touristy as hell, but hey! In actualy fact the tour was pretty quiet and I got a really good seat on the "commentaried" side of the boat. The commentary was good, with lots of interesting snippets of information, and some bloody awful jokes thrown in for good measure. After 2 1/2 hours in the bright sun I was pretty exhausted, so headed back to the hostel to sort out some things - namely washing which was desperately needed, booking accomodation in Cairns, keeping up with my journal - all padded out by ... read more
Sydney City
The mouth of Sydney Harbour

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sawtell March 9th 2006

I had been in touch with a friend of mine from Pitcher&Piano bar in Manchester, whom, when not in England, lives in Sawtell a small beach town 10 minutes south of Coff's Harbour. His name, Scott McDermid, a fresh faced Aussie who arrived in the bar and asked me for a job as a bartender about 2 months prior to my departure to Australia. With plans to go to oz in the back of my mind I got chatting to Scott and found he was a good fella so did everything in my power to help him get the job at P&P. After 2 months of working with Scott he had emailed me a 2 page A4 list of places to go out in Sydney and then at the bottom a paragraph telling me to go ... read more
Simon Federer

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly March 9th 2006

Proving that Min didn't mix well with wine, we woke up to the stench of sick in the room :-p He didn't speak to us for the rest of the day, he seemed rather embarassed by the whole episode :-/ Took a ferry to Manly Island, then a bus to the start of a very long 10km walk along a section of the coastline, starting at The Spit bridge. Saw many red-breasted lizards along the way. Too a detour to see the Lighthouse. Walked along some golden sandy beaches, stopping to chat with a guy from Liverpool who emigrated 35 years ago. Unusually hot day, 28c ! Past many nice houses overlooking the bay, would be nice to live here. Back at Manly town we walked over to Manly Beach where people were kite surfing and ... read more
Spit Bridge
Where we walked

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island March 9th 2006

At Fraser Island you have to pay for hot water. I went to have a shower at 8am, paid for the hot water in one cubicle to find i wasn't the only one in there, a VERY large spider decided it wanted to watch me. I didnt really enjoy that so i paid again to use another! We got moving pretty early, drove along the beach to Eli Creek. Then to Maheno the ship wreck, stopped at the Pinnacles and had lunch, just sandwiches today! After that I had a major trek walking up Indian Head, what a killer! but it was worth it once we were at the top, views were beautiful, tho we saw no sharks. I then swam in the only part of the sea we were allowed to (coz of sharks) called ... read more
The Pinacles
Indian Head
sign for Champagne pools

We have started the 2nd leg of our trip meaning we have seen all our long lost friends and now we are going on 2 adventure tours. We will miss all the people we were able to see and had a great time catching up and visiting, reliving travel memories as only they would understand. Kudos to all our hosts, you showed us a part of Australia we could never see without you! We are constantly overwhelmed with their generosity and hospitality of all our friends these are the things that make traveling precious. We are richer with every new experience. We have seen different stars here. The Southern Cross is only visible in the southern hemisphere and we have had a few good looks. The 1st and most memorable was on the Central Coast. Yesterday ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Uluru March 9th 2006

On arriving at Uluru airport we were hit by humidity and attacked by flies! On the coach ride to the resort we saw the mighty Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) surrounded by desert. It was an impressive sight. Next morning we got up very early to see the Olgas at sunrise. We stopped at a lookout point to watch the sun rise over both the Olgas and Ayers Rock before heading to the Olgas to do a 7km walk. The walk has to be done early in the morning as after midday it is far too hot and the route is closed. We enjoyed the walk, except for being pestered by flies as nobody had told us we would need a fly net. We walked around and through the Olgas just before the ... read more
Uluru near sunset
Lorna at Uluru
The Olgas at sunrise

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