Blogs from Victoria, Australia, Oceania - page 18


Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne August 3rd 2019

OK here we are at Ciloms Airport Lodge just hopping into bed for one more sleep before we take off on our big adventure. Anne and Dick Bartley kindly dropped us out here, we had coffee, bruschetta and wedges, and are tucked in. We‘ll be up at 6 and ready to roll. Look out world !... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne July 1st 2019

Although part of my travel blog, this isn’t quite a travel blog blog. It’s closer to just my experience meeting up with various people in a place, that happened to be Melbourne. I didn’t really experience much of the city, but that was more/less the point of this trip. If you’re hoping to get some advice to insights into Melbourne travels, I probably wouldn’t go any further. This is more about a young male popping over to catch up with friends and family, and his social interactions. My decision to visit Melbourne was mostly for a joke that was only really funny to me. A small group of friends have an ongoing messaging group, where we catch up on life, but mostly talk shit. About half the group live in Australia, and I occasionally fake-join into ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria June 20th 2019

We left home at 7:45am as planned, under a blanket of rain cloud with a vividly pretty rainbow behind us. As we made our way along the Calder Fwy the clouds became lighter, the skies brightened and the temperature had made a slow but steady climb from 4oC to 9oC when we stopped at Charlton for a cuppa. Ted always comes along for the drive on these journeys and today he has once again assumed his position on the rear arm rest, looking comfy in his silver grey onsie. The back seat is in itself a conundrum, as it is cloaked in our heavy coats while our sunhats are perched on top – prepared for all weather eventualities, Our very early model iPod wouldn’t be out of place on the Antiques Roadshow, but it provides good ... read more
2006.03 Underbool
2006.04 Underbool

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » Essendon June 19th 2019

We set off on our next great adventure - a lap of the globe. Issy is forever coming up with new ways of making our suitcases stand out while they whiz around the airport carousels with everyone else’s very similar looking baggage. She bought some floral covers for one of our trips but they all got torn. Next were purple lanyards, but they had locks on them and we lost the keys. So for this trip she did what any talented, self respecting artist would do, and painted them, with flowers. Very pretty too. I wonder why no one else has thought to do that. Maybe she’ll start a trend. We are surrounded on our overnight flight to Dubai by members of the Haileybury College Pipes and Drums Band, who are off to Scotland to compete. ... read more
Issy painted our bags to make them easy to recognise

Oceania » Australia » Victoria June 17th 2019

Preamble: It’s time for another Todds Tour and this time we have decided to go west to south Western Australia. Weeks – months – in the planning has seen lots of wikicamps searching, googling and lists ….. boy, have there been some lists! We have a route all mapped out, dates have been sorted then sorted again and again to take into account school holidays that we don’t want to affect us, as well as a pre-booked activity that we are quite looking forward to. So, long story short – we are almost ready; we have spent the last couple of days packing up the caravan so that clothes are in, pantry is stocked, camping necessities are all stowed. Ready - set - let’s go!... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria May 31st 2019

It is not long now until we are home. With a lunchtime booking on Thursday at one of our favourites … the restaurant at the Trentham Estate Winery, Trentham Cliffs, and the forecast for ugly, windy weather, we opted to keep moving in short steps rather than long days in poor conditions. So, one-night stops at Deniliquin, Swanhill, Trentham Cliffs and Renmark before our final destination, the Barossa. This has been a particularly chilly leg of our journey. Trying to head out of Rutherglen over the bridge at Colac we were shattered to find the bridge was closed due to repairs. No detour directions as to the nearest river crossing, so a quick consult with Camps Australia Wide and Google we headed to Deniliquin. Deniliquin Our arrival in Deniliquin was heralded by a phenomenal greeting of ... read more
The corellas are coming
And closer

Oceania » Australia » Victoria May 27th 2019

If there is one place in Victoria that seems to attract us like a magnet it is Rutherglen. Can’t imagine why … it’s freezing this time of year. Even colder than Canberra and that was pretty cold. There are always surprises to be found when travelling. Needing fuel, we detoured into Holbrook just off the Hume Highway. In the middle of town was a real submarine. Yes, you read right … a real submarine. Well the top half of one at least. It’s interesting to see the ingenious ends towns will go to, to stop their town from dying. Finding an historic person of some significance with the same name as the town, this creative community used this tenuous link to build a tourist attraction around it. Clever. Holbrook was the name of the Captain of ... read more
See ladder. Must climb
Wow that’s big!
Hey … where’s the water?

Oceania » Australia » Victoria May 19th 2019

Lakes Entrance is hardly a tough place to do double time. It’s beautiful, there is plenty to do and see and the weather perfect. The fridge saga continued with the flashing and clicking when we plugged it into power. No matter what we did we could not get it to calm. Being less than halfway through our trip we decided to seek help. After a few phone calls Greg located Wizard Appliances in Bairnsdale back 35km the way we had just come. It was late in the day so we arranged to take the van there first thing in the morning. In the meantime, we had to work out what to do with our freezer full of meat and fridge full of supplies. The car fridge was turned into a freezer which we could run on ... read more
Checking out Port Albert before we leave the area
Sign on the closed Fish and Chip Shop
Another view of Port Albert

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Lorne May 17th 2019

I've always heard good things about Lorne. One is that it is perfect for summer thanks to its exquisite beaches. Not only that, though. I heard about the endless cultural attractions that you can visit. Well, I can tell you for free that this is all true. Think magical sunsets, long beach walks and laughing koalas. My husband and I finally planned a trip to Lorne, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The three days that we set aside for the trip allowed us to explore this natural beauty, but I wish we had more time. Here's Lorne through my eyes. First Day - Settling In The resort town of Lorne is about two hours by road from Melbourne. We drove a rental here, but you can take a public coach, especially if you are ... read more
With Koala Bears
At the Yacht Club
Yacht Club

Oceania » Australia » Victoria May 17th 2019

As we travel, we ask the locals or other travellers about the “must see”places. Mallacoota has received high praise and having seen it featured on the ABC Back Roads travel program we felt this is a place not to be missed. And we were not disappointed. Our day started early, getting to Wizard Appliances in Bairnsdale by 8.30am for our fridge repairs. Brad was ready and rearing so we were in and out within an hour. All seems to be working ok now. Brad was off to a funeral in Salisbury, SA this weekend. He had no idea where he was heading. Greg was careful not to tell him it was not the best end of town. We took the Alpine Highway which was more direct to Mallacoota than going back to Lakes Entrance. As the ... read more
Disused road bridge … now only a foot bridge at Genoa.
Is this a Bell Bird?
Beautiful Autumn colours

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