Blogs from Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 38


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays » South Molle Island March 26th 2007

After a horrific 13 hour nightbus, where I was forced to watch Dr Dolittle 3, we finally arrived in Airlie Beach. We got our free shuttle bus to our hostel (Koala's) and at 9am all we wanted to do was go to bed. However with a late check in time we headed out for some breakfast and a nose around. Airlie beach is a small place with most backpackers using it as a stop over before and/or after a trip around the Whitsundays Islands. In between the beach itself and the main high street there is a gorgeous man-made lagoon, where you can go for a dip anytime. The morning that our boat departed we had a very brief briefing, we headed off to the harbour. With our stinger suits, scuba gear and goon in ... read more
Me and Jenny trying on our masks
Whitehaven Beach
The view from South Molle Island

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays March 13th 2007

Hello again, well, since we are in the tropics, and it therefore gets dark around 6:30p.m, and the sun rises at 5:30 am, we were all up and about on the boat when the call for breakfast came at 7 am. After breakfast, we headed to the most beautiful beach i have ever seen. The Whiteheaven Beach on the Whitsunday Island! Shane took us in small groups to the beach in the dingy, and after getting outfitted with our stingersuits, we were well equipped to not just look at the beautiful water, but also jump into it. However, before we got to the tempting water, we had to go for a bit of a bushwalk up the hill to the lookout from where we had the most amazing view of the beaches, the water and the ... read more
Our beach - view from Lookout
Water ripples
Sun and Surf

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays March 11th 2007

Habibi is the name of the sailboat that I am going to spend my next two days on! Yeah, rough, i know... The is beating down on us as we are meeting at the marina at 1:30 pm to meet the other 24 passengers and the three men crew of the Habibi. Since the travel world around here is so small, i once again actually run into a couple from England, Luke and Leann, who also were on Kiwi , and so together we embark on our journey. Our fellow "sailors' are from England, Germany, Israel, France, Sweden, Switzerland and Canada. As always around these parts, quite a mix of old and young from all over the world. Our skipper Greg is assisted my diving instructor, deckhand, chef, sailor, etc Shane ( jack of all traits) ... read more
endless beaches

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays March 11th 2007

THE WHITSUNDAYS, AUSTRALIA - (March 2007) - (Sunday 11th to Thursday 15th March 2007) - After nearly two years working in Australia for Connell Wagner, I finished work for the final time on Friday 9th March 2007. With still over a week to go until I flew out of Australia, I decided to go for one last Australian holiday. One place where I had not been to on the east coast of Australia was to the Whitsunday Islands. Everyone says that the Whitsundays are so beautiful and that I should go before leaving. I'd considered going plenty of times before, but as the main thing that everyone goes to the Whitsundays for is sailing, and as I get sea sick with the slightest wave, I'd never gone. However, before leaving Australia I wanted to do some ... read more
Airlie Beach
Ready to Dive
Fish Life

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays March 8th 2007

hi everybody! i just wanted to say a quick hello.... we just came back from our 3 day 2 night sailing trip through the whit sundays on our beautiful tall ship, the derwent hunter. we had an awesome group of people that we travelled with and a really great crew. there were 16 of us plus 3 crew. so it was a nice, small group. we got to do a lot of snorkelling and saw some pretty awesome beaches... as well as tons of fish, coral, and turtles! we saw turtles today! i loved being on the boat, it was soo relaxing and soo much fun i didnt want to leave. im still rocking right now too. haha anyway we leave to go south tommorrow, first to a cattle station called kroombit. that should be fun. ... read more
pretty coral!
derwent hunter

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays February 23rd 2007

The scenery changed between Fraser Island/Hervey Bay & Airlie Beach, our next destination. Things suddenly got very tropical. We were here to do some sailing amongst the Whitsunday Islands which we had looked forward to for some time. Apparently there are a lot of booze cruise type trips, which we were keen to avoid, so after much research we opted for a 3 day, 2 night trip out on the Avatar, a 67ft racing Trimaran with a company called Oz Sail. She's the fastest in the fleet so seemed like the natural choice. On first viewing, Avatar looked like a very impressive vessel. Unlike some of our other options she had plenty of room to lounge around on deck whilst we were sailing as well so all looked set for a good trip. However, we unfairly ... read more
Whitehaven Beach
The Hatch
Check us out in our stinger suits!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays February 19th 2007

After getting aboard the 'Dreamcatcher' and being introduced to my bed for the next couple of nights i found it somewhat hard to imagine having any dreams or sleep at all for that matter! Then the big fat Ozzy sleeping in the cabin next to ours started snoring louder than anything I have ever heard and I realised the only thing for it was to venture top side and sleep under the stars which proved to be much more rewarding. The sailing in the daytime was pretty good too. Went snorkelling and saw amazing corals and plenty of colourful parrot fish, bat fish and many more. The weather held for the most part, until we arrived at whitehaven beach and got a little rain which was a real shame. Then as we were coming home the ... read more
All hands on deck!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays February 18th 2007

G'day me matties... Salway Lass the only Pirate ship to sail the whitsundays was our choice for this must do adventure. Just off the east coast are a collection of many little paradise islands. 3 Days and 3 nights on the Salway Lass was our time spent on the deep blue sea surrounded by these islands, but unfortunatly the weather decided we was not to experiance this trip with the beauty you see on the postcards. It was cloudy for the whole time we was out there and rained a fair lot of that time as well. It was still hot and we still went snorkelling but without the sunlight it just makes it difficult to see much below. Our first morning we was dropped off to visit Whitehaven Beach one of the most popular Whitsundays ... read more
Grey Islands

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays February 18th 2007

I caught the Oz bus to Airlie beach, a real tourist town consisting mainly of one road about a mile long populated entirley by travel agencies, souvineer shops and fast food takeaways. It's also 'Party HQ'; i stayed in 'Beaches' hostel which has this huge bar underneath it that closes at 12, it's this fact that i believe is the reason for everybody in the hostel being completely slaughtered by 8 o'clock. Seriously, we got there at about half seven and there was a girl passed out infront of our door, we stood there for a couple of minutes wondering whether we should tell someone before the door across the hall opened and her mate dragged her inside. However i went out that night with Magnus and two canadian girls called Ashley and Erin, and it's ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays February 16th 2007

I'm grouping all these days together as so much as happened! We left Airlie Beach on 16th Feb and went down to the arena to get our boat to sail the whitsundays island. Our boat was called The Whitsunday Magic, it was a huge delux sail boat. Trust me to pick the most expensive boat there is! It was very luxurious, all with our own cabins etc. We set sail with some champagne in hand off into the sun! We watched the sunset and had a fabulous dinner prepared by a the chef who had asked each of us what type of food we liked and didn't like. Day 2 on the boat started beautifully. Breakfast buffet and then quickly rushing out to grab the sunbeds before they all went! some people wanted to help put ... read more
Whitsunday Magic
Whitsunday Magic
Sailing the Whitsundays

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