Blogs from Airlie Beach, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 56


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 30th 2007

I dont want to become a product of my environment, I want my environment to become a product of me ...Jack Nicholson in the opening line as Boston's head Irish Mob Boss, in Martin Scorsese's, The Departed. The next stop on the over commercialized and beaten track of Australia's East Coast was Airlie Beach. This time, think Sauble beach I guess...I dont know, or really care at this point, they're starting to all look the same. Each little place consists of hostels, bars, a lagoon, beaches (that you cant swim in as it is currently "stinger season"), bars and annoying travel planning shops that are all trying to lure you in to sell you a package. Essentially, the East Coast is the most beaten travel track that I can possibly imagine. Everyone is going to all ... read more
For Tilden
Pretty but Annoying

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 29th 2007

Hi everyone - sorry it's been a while since the last update - but I've been moving along at quite a pace and not much time to sit in front of a PC! Hope the new year has got off to a good start for you all. Alls well with me. The last time I updated I was heading off to Cambodia. I took the overnight bus from Ho Chi Minh to Phnom, which was nothing like I'd expected. Cambodia is a beautiful country and contrary to what I'd been told I felt completely safe there. Visiting the killing fields and torture centre in Phnom Phen was an extremely moving experience and Angkor Wat, the ancient religous site in Siem Reap was amazing. It's spread over a huge area with amazing temples and other religious ritual ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 29th 2007

Caught the greyhound bus from Airlie beach at 9:05 and arrived in Cairns at 20:30 so another long journey then walked to the Cairns Central YHA.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 28th 2007

Hello All! Well it seems like a lot has happened since i last wrote. I just finished my Contiki tour this morning which was absolutely awesome. I met some really cool people and had sooo much fun. I can't believe it went by so fast. So last I wrote I was in Brisbane on the way to this farmstay in Adora Downs. The farm was fun...very rustic. There were all of these wild kangaroos around that you could actually pet because they were so used to people. The stars in the outback were amazing. After the farm stay we headed back north to Fraser Island that was absolutly gorgeous. It is the largest sand island in the world. We went 4-wheel drvin on these sand roads up to this rainforrest and then to this fresh lake ... read more
Wish you were here
view from the sail boat
sunset from the sail boat

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 27th 2007

Woke up at 6am and placed the luggage into storage at the hostel and then the bus picked me up for the sailing trip in the Whitsundays. Arrived at the port and bearing in mind the boat can take 26 passengers, we were all relived to hear that they only had 11 passengers on board and 8 crew so more room for us We motored out of the marina at 9am and due to there being no wind motored to about 12 where we were then taken onto a beach by the little tender and we could go for a swim or snorkel, I put the stinger suit on and went snorkelling which was an experience and managed to see a various amount of sea marine and the coral. At about 4pm we motored off to ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 26th 2007

Looked around Airlie beach for the sailing trips to Whitsundays to see if any thing I fancied had been put on standby, the one that I wanted was a 1 night 2 day trip on the Tall Ship Defender, I could not find this on standby, so booked it at full price with the hostel as they gave 1 nights free accommodation and free storage.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 25th 2007

The coach turned up an hour late and there was only me waiting for the bus in Bumdaberg, finally got on it then managed to sleep through the night woke up when we stopped for the breakfast break was only 1/2 hr behind, set off then got stuck in traffic due to a overturned lorry blocking the straight road. Finally got to Airlie beach at 11.25 only 2 hours late not bad had to walk to the hostel only 10 mins nooked in then went to see what deals I could get for sailing in the Whitsundays islands and the Great Barrier Reef. Found a tall ship offer for $279 for 2 days and one night departing on saturday. Booked this through the hostel as they give a free night accomodation and storage. Best deal I ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 18th 2007

Hi All, Since we last wrote we have been to Surfers Paradise and Noosa but only spent a couple of days in each place, but we have just returned from camping on Fraser Island which the majority of the photos we will upload will be from there! Surfers Paradise was a bit too commercial for our liking and a bit of a shock after the relaxing atmosphere of Byron Bay so we only spent one night there and then caught the greyhound up to Noosa and stayed in a lovely little Backpackers right on the river for a couple of days. We departed for Hervey Bay - a gateway to Fraser on Sunday and had a meeting at the hostel, formed a group of 11 between ourselves and then set off at 7 the next morning! ... read more
Our alcohol supply for 3 days...
Basin Lake
'The Group' in Basin Lake

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 16th 2007

We got up bright and breezy at around 7.30am, had our brekkie and headed out of rather unimpressive Townsville and back on the road to Airlie Beach. Just at the right time too, as it was peeing it down! The rain continued to pour for most of the first couple of hours of our journey which made visibility virtually zero - especially when big double articulated lorries went hurtling past still with their feet to the boards, not letting up for the weather at all. Every passing truck was like being caught in a mini tornado! Thankfully Stu had slowed down to compensate for the conditions otherwise it might have turned very nasty very quickly. The rain eventually let up and we managed to make good time again. The distance to our stop off point called ... read more
Whitehaven Beach
Whitehaven Beach

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach January 12th 2007

Just returned from a three-day, three-night sailing adventure on a boat called Spank Me. It was just that much fun :) We went from Airlie Beach, which is this tiny little beach town whose only purpose in life is to book everyone in the city on sailing trips for as much money as they can get. Very cute and not a whole hell of a lot to do except sit by the lagoon (which is a giant manmade pool, since you can't swim in the water due to "stingers," the deadly irukanji jellyfish). So basically if you can't handle sitting by the lagoon anymore, you go sit on a boat. There's a lot of sitting around involved in Airlie Beach holidays. Anyways we had such an awesome time. We met the loveliest two girls, Terri and ... read more
Terri, Me, Katherine, & Kate - Boat Buddies Forever!
Airlie Beach
Spank Me - Our Beautiful 25M Maxi

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