Blogs from Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia, Oceania - page 14


Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine February 18th 2009

We finally reached the small town of Katherine in the afternoon of Matt's birthday. It was quite fun to see all the abo's staggering around in the shopping centre car park and get out of the car to hear the music the large street-speakers play to all of them presumably to entertain them and try to prevent them fighting in their drunken boredem. We were pretty astonished to find that everyone in town seems to know everyone else...the first guy Matt spoke to could tell us exactly where our mate from Asia 'Cat' was working despite the fact all we could tell him was she worked in a bar and was from England. But we located her and arranged to go to hers sometime during the week to catch up and eat dinner. We were pretty ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine » Katherine Gorge November 6th 2008

A Darwin on s'est promene au bord de la mer. Pas question de se baigner, c'est la saison des jelly fish, tres venimeux. Chaleur accablante. Il y avait beaucoup d'aborigenes tout au long de la plage. Le 4 novembre est une grande fete en Australie: la course de chevaux Melbourne Race. Tout le monde s'habille chic, surtout les femmes, en robes assorties a leurs chapeaux, sinon elles ont des plumes colorees dans les cheveux. Robes soiree, decoltees, paillettes, tout le paquet. On avait l'air ignorantes de ne pas connaitre ce grand evenement. Les australiens sont vraiment des fetards. Et des cruiseurs!!! (et des buveurs aussi!). Le 5 nous avons loue une voiture : premiere experience de conduite a droite! Diane V est une vraie pro, s'est comme si elle est nee dedans!!! Nous avons commence a ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine October 22nd 2008

Just before dinner I made my way to the lounge where the Gold Manager Garey was hosting a welcome to the Gahn Champagne party. I soon realised that there were 73 people in one carriage, a bit of a squeeze but a great opportunity to meet everyone in one space, Garey provided us with some statistics about the train:- Carriages - 23 Length - 530 metres Dining Cars - 2 Gold Class Lounge - 2 Gold Class Snack Bar - 1 Red Class First Gahn to Run on the track was on 2nd Feb 2004 and this was 1.4 km long. After the reception we retired for our blue dinner sitting in the next carriage. Salad starter, beef main course and cheese platter for desert all washed down with a lovely bottle of wine called the ... read more
The Gahn

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine » Katherine Gorge October 22nd 2008

When the Gahn arrived in Katherine they had a bush fire, it seems that a BBQ at one of the airbases nearby got our of hand and resulted in causing a bush fire that was heading for the town including us. So when we arrived it was quite bad, we alighted from the train and made our way through the smoke to the waiting transport where we were taken to Katherine Gorge about 20 minutes from the town of Katherine. As we arrived near the Katherine Gorge, my bravado was starting to thin, what had I done well I'd just booked a helicopter tour to see the Gorge from above. With my fellow passengers, I took to the air in this flying dishwasher and after getting over the fear, it was fantastic as it was my ... read more
The Gahn
The Gahn
The Gahn

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine » Katherine Gorge September 30th 2008

An early start to the day as we headed out to Katherine Gorge for a dawn breakfast cruise to gorges 1 and 2 (there are 13 in total of course!). we drove out to Nitmiluk National Park and boarded the boat at 7am. Yummy breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs, tomatoes, mushies, sausages and beans. You could have cereal or bread too and some of the kids had something of everything. Our guide was a big,bearded guy called Taffy and, although he looked Aboriginal, he spoke with an English accent, so who knows where he was from. He knew an awful lot about Katherine Gorge and has been driving boats along there for 13 years (of course!). It's hard to describe the magnificence of Katherine Gorge. God given wonder. The walls of the gorge are so high, ... read more
Joey kicking the footy with other kids at the campsite
morning light on Katherine Gorge
Emma at breakfast

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine September 29th 2008

This is Jacqui, acting as Rob's representative. No, nothing. There was a challenge tonight. Bron and Emma saw 28 geckos. Shocking nights sleep by all last night by all adults and at least 2 children. Emma was still crook with heat stroke/ temperature and tummy ache. And Joe has continued to roll out of his bed and all around the tent, waking all and sundry with his complaints. Anyway, despite this, up and at them this morning and off to the Cutta Cutta Caves. "bomp-bomb" sound effect from 'Family Fued'. They are still having technical problems out there which, apparently means they've had a rock fall. So, 60kms of fuel wasted, second day in a row. We headed back into Katherine and went to the Information centre. From there to the (air conditioned) shopping centre for ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine September 28th 2008

.How come no-one is responding to the blog? Is this a conspiracy? Other drivers have stopped waving back to me. I may have to find a good therapist in Katherine. Day Fifteen saw us leave Bitter Springs at about 9am and we made it to Katherine at 10 after a slow drive in. The Stockers vehicle, with Jacqui at the helm, was dangerously low on fuel. Rohan, pretending he didn't know this, chose to be a passenger in the Martin car. With 40km to go, we only had 35km left in the tank, and none of us were keen to walk the last 5km into town. Not happy Jan. So I slowed down to about 90km p/h and we made it into the first servo we could find. Bron's Dad would be proud of me, wiping ... read more
Mima vs Doc
Joe vs Rob

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine August 11th 2008

This is our 2nd day at Banka Banka station so it was a rest and relax day after some cleaning of the inside of the van and washing the dogs. For the last 4 days there has been a s/e breeze blowing which was cool at times. Around midday they all started to roll in again. Across from us a Rapid came in some we had to have a look and started to talk to what we thought was the owner’s Kingsley and Lyn (nice retired couple) from mid north coast nsw, but as it turned out it wasn’t there van or car. they were just co drivers taking home to the Gold Coast for some one else. What a good job to do driver someone else’s car and van home, so we chatted with them ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine August 11th 2008

Leaving Devil’s Marbles this morning, Marg got up early to take some photo shots ok this is a lie Bailey woke her up to go for a leak so she came back and got the camera. It was cold again this morning. This is for Karen and Rebecca, when we were having dinner last night we had a quiet chuckle to ourselves as the people next door to us in a Jayco camper trailer had 2 little kiddies and the little girl (4yr old) was crying, mum and Dad was telling her “she wasn’t having any marsh mellows heated o the fire if she didn’t eat her dinner” and the reply was ”I don’t want marsh mellows and I don’t want my dinner, not hungry” the response was to go to bed you will have ... read more
calf grazing in caravan park

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Katherine August 11th 2008

Up early to drive to Daly Waters’s pub some 350km’s way. Stopped for fuel at Renner Springs 207.5c/l so only spent $50 not full tank at that price. Cost $9 /head for camp site at the pub, set up camp and were told that we could get mobile phone and TV. None of either happened as Marg wanted to watch the Olympic Games opening but we wouldn’t have stayed if we knew this. There is a show on tonight so I think we will not go as Marg is a crook. Not much here to see if passing a good hour will be enough. The van park is just dirt no grass at all. It is so dry that when Bailey wags his tail it sounds like its cracking due to the static electricity. So ... read more
wood craving shop at Daly river pub

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