Blogs from Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, Oceania - page 15


Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin » City of Darwin April 26th 2013

Landing in Darwin it was hard to believe I was in the same country. It was midnight, but still 27 degrees, and steamy with it. Of course more sensible people than I would have looked at a map before getting on the plane. It turns out that Sydney is over 3,000 kms away. I might as well have landed in Indonesia. Day one was a trip to Litchfield National Park, only around 130kms from Darwin. I seemed to have inadvertently booked myself on a day trip targeted to backpackers. The owner of the company picked me up from the hotel and drove me down to the meet the bus. He told me he came up from Melbourne 20 years ago and he couldn't believe his luck when he arrived to be a tour guide. "I was ... read more
Good reasons to fear crocs
No, I don't want to hold him myself, but he would make a lovely handbag...
Life size killer croc - more than 8 metres long.  HUGE!

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin » City of Darwin April 13th 2013

We had set up at Hidden Valley, a caravan park outside of Darwin, with nice grounds and a nice pool, and decided to give it 5 days before lowering the price on the car. Since we were (very) low on money and had no idea of a) when we would sell the car or b) how much we could get for it, our days consisted of devising ways of evading the extremely sticky heat while spending as little money as possible. This included eating through our reserves of canned food, spending time at the library (free though sloooooow wifi, and amazing aircon), visiting the Northern Territory Museum, which was like a glorious refrigerator and is home to the best natural history exhibit outside of New York and a really extensive Aboriginal art & culture exhibit as ... read more
On the safe side
Waterfront wharf
Here's looking at you...

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin December 17th 2012

We left Darwin yesterday after seeing Melissa, James and Thomas arrive at the airport from London. So I have now met all my great nephews and niece. Thomas is another very happy and content baby. He is just beautiful. We travelled to Mataranka and arrived at about 11.00 pm. We decide to stay in a motel and got going very early this morning. We travelled about 1050 km to get to Alice Springs. As the weather looked a bit threatening we decided to stay in a motel. We got a good deal at the Crown Plaza hotel which includes breakfast. We will get going early again tomorrow. I received some bad news this evening from Josh to say that they had their house broken into tonight. I hope that they are all ok and that there ... read more
Last cuddles with Ruby
Last cuddles with Leo
First cuddles with Thomas

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin December 15th 2012

Today we went to the Parap markets. We then went back to the Siva's and caught up with Noel who had flown in early this morning. We had a Laksa from the market (Peter had Red Rooster). We had a relaxing afternoon and then Peter and Noel went to play golf, Polat went to the gym and Amanda and I fed the babies and watched a movie. Polat's parents and sister came over for a BBQ dinner. We have seen a bit of lightening and had some rain tonight.... read more
Parap Post Office
Gardens at Fannie Bay
Great form

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin December 14th 2012

We had another great day in Darwin. We started off by going to the Howard Springs park which is near by our caravan park. It was very impressive there. We must tell Amanda and Polat to take the kids there in about 4 years time. They will have a ball. We did a bit of shopping. We also went and had a look at Parliament House. There is quite a bit of history there about the 1942 bombings which was very interesting. We paid a quick visit to the Siva's and then headed home.... read more
Howard Springs
Where's Wally?
Tortoise at Howard Springs

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin December 13th 2012

Leo and Ruby had a big day today receiving their first immunisations. Aunty Lou went with Amanda and saw for herself the logistics operation of getting 2 babies into a clinic for their immunisation. They were both really good but were a bit grizzly most of the day afterwards. Peter and I went to Stokes Wharf for dinner and watched an amazing sunset.... read more
In the pram ready for the trip
Sunset at Stokes Wharf

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin December 12th 2012

We had a bit of a sleep in this morning which set the scene for a relatively lazy day. We went for a walk down to the local shops and captured the Howard Springs Post Office photo. We headed into town for a massage, which we found out later from Amanda was one of the places that got raided for being an illegal brothel. I can tell you that Peter and I only had a massage and nothing else and were none the wiser. We had a bit of a look around the city and then went to Amanda and Polat's for a lovely meal. Polat's parents also came over and I think between Peter and myself we pretty much chewed their ears off telling them all about our adventures around the country. The babies were ... read more
Feeding time with mum and dad
Feeding time for Great Aunty

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin December 11th 2012

Let me tell you first about the killer frogs. We stayed at Mataranka last night and as usual I had to get up for my nightly wee. I took the torch and as I came around the corner of the ladies toilet, there they were, about 20 cane toads in a semi circle standing around the door sunning themselves on the outside light. I can't stand them and as I had a very pressing engagement I was in a bit of a dilema. I checked further on and found a second entry where the light was not on and came across a friendly green frog (one I can tolerate) sitting on the top step. I swiftly stepped over him and was able to complete what I had set out to do. I have now met my ... read more
Pine Creek Post Office
Mayses Cafe - Pine Creek
Adelaide River War Cemetary

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin November 17th 2012

17th November, 2012. Had a nice sleep in as it was a cool morning. As the temperature rose, we jumped into the pool. After lunch, we went to Leanyer Recreation Park, which is a free public pool with big slides. We had a great time and as the day got cooler, we did some more sight-seeing before venturing back to the campsite to refresh. For dinner, we decided to treat ourselves to a nice seafood restaurant at Cullens Bay, which was appropriately named Seafood on Cullens. It was an all you can eat seafood buffet and it was delicious. Naturally, we ate as much as we could. Highly recommended.... read more
Leanyer Recreation Park
Leanyer Recreation Park

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin November 16th 2012

16th November 2012, Woke up and had a morning swim which was refreshing. Got dressed and went into Darwin town centre. Enjoyed some retail therapy with the girls whilst poor Daniel wished he didn't have 3 girls in his life. Had scrumptious Indonesion food for lunch. Darwin is very multicultural and interesting, has a very good vibe about the place. Returned to the caravan and relaxed by the pool (again!!!). I am loving the lifestyle.... read more
Darwin Memorial

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